Home > His Big Package (Mistletoe Montana #4)(14)

His Big Package (Mistletoe Montana #4)(14)
Author: Jenika Snow

Then reality crashed back into me. I had no car. I’d have to call an Uber, and I prayed he didn’t wake up before the car came. The last thing I wanted was a conversation on why I was sneaking out like a coward.









I thought about giving her some time, some space, but I was about to tear out of my fucking skin. She left—snuck out this morning—so she was obviously conflicted about what we’d done last night.

But hell, staying away from Blythe seemed wrong at my very core.

I stood by the sliding glass doors that led out to the rear of the property. I could see the pond across the way, the trees surrounding it, the weather cold enough to freeze your balls off. There was a layer of ice over the water, and as much as I tried to clear my mind and tell myself going all caveman on her might have the opposite effect than I wanted, I couldn’t help but let her consume my mind.

I tried to think of how I could make Blythe see she belonged with me.

I stared out the window at the snow, the brightness of the freshly fallen powder almost blinding in its intensity.

I finished off my coffee and took the mug to the sink, rinsing it out before putting it on the strainer. And then I curled my hands around the sink, tightening my fingers around the edge, hanging my head, and closing my eyes.

I breathed in and out slowly, every instinct in my body telling me to go to Blythe. She could run. But there was no way she’d be able to get away from me, not now, and certainly not after what we shared last night.

I knew her name. I knew where she worked. We’d gone over everything last night at dinner. I asked her every conceivable question I could think about, wanting to know every minute detail that made up her life.

And that’s what I was going to do today. I was going to find out where she was, and I was going to make her see she didn’t have to be afraid of what was happening between us. And I assumed that’s why she ran. I knew that was the reason.

She’d bared herself, given herself to me completely last night. I felt it. She’d felt it. And it terrified her.

How could it not? Things had gone from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye. But when it felt right, when it felt like we were made for each other, how could either one of us deny it?









As soon as I’d gotten home—which had been several hours ago—I’d done nothing but lie on the couch with a throw blanket wrapped around my body, a hot mug of tea wedged between my hands, and my thoughts cemented on Logan.

I replayed last night over and over again, this broken record that had done nothing to clear my thoughts and everything to keep my body perpetually hot and bothered. And then I backtracked to the first time I’d seen him and how I felt an instant pull, a sudden attraction that went deeper than physically.

Of course there had been arousal—the kind that made you dizzy and crazy and weak-kneed—but it had been so much more. There had been this recognition as I looked into his green eyes, this feeling that I’d known this man my entire life despite never having seen him before. I felt as if my body had been made for him, as his was made for mine. And that scared the shit out of me.

But I’d gone with it, let my feelings and emotions and arousal take control and forced the reality of the situation to take a backseat. I didn’t regret anything we’d done. Never. In fact, I wanted more.

I set my cup on the coffee table and exhaled, resting my head back on the cushion and closing my eyes. I felt stiff, not just from the “workout” from last night—which had me blushing severely—but because my muscles were tight from stress. I shouldn’t have left him like that. I should have at least said goodbye, that I needed time to think.

I should have told him that I wanted to see where this went.

“You’re such a damn fool,” I whispered to myself, the words moving through the air and hanging as if they refused to give any kind of peace. They were this heavy reminder that I was a grown-ass woman yet was acting like a child. “Just call him, tell him why you left, why you’re afraid.”

I scrubbed my hands over my face and sat up straighter, staring at the wall ahead of me, knowing that’s what I had to do. He’d understand. He would. I knew it. The things he told me as he’d been inside me, the way he touched me, held me… told me that he’d been on the edge of the emotional cliff right along with me.

Although I didn’t have his personal phone number, which made me snort, because after what we’d done last night, we hadn’t done so much as exchange cell numbers. But I knew where he worked—Marsh Printing—which was right in town. I didn’t know if he’d be there this morning, but surely whoever was there would be able to direct me on how I could get a hold of him.

So as I came to the resolution that’s what I was going to do, and after I stood and went to grab my purse and keys, I froze at the sound of three hard knocks on my front door. I didn’t know who would be here. It wasn’t like I had friends who just dropped by, and I doubted it was Wellsie, as she never came unannounced, and was likely busy with the clean-up from the Santa event.

But my mind was churning with all the things I needed to do with Logan, so I paid it no more attention as I walked over and opened the door. A cold blast of winter air slammed into my face as the wind picked up, but that wasn’t what had my entire body freezing, chills racing up and down my arms, or my breath catching.

Logan stood on the other side, his big, imposing body this dark silhouette against the white backdrop of winter. I didn’t know what to say, my throat so dry, my tongue so thick as I stared into his face. It was as if we’d been on the same wavelength, of the same mind. He’d come to me just as I was going to him.

He had this harshness to his expression as he stared at me. After everything we’d done last night, how I should be good and sated for the rest of my natural life, I still couldn’t help how my body reacted to the sight of him. Wetness pooling from my still ultra-sensitive pussy. Nipples hardened even though they still ached from the erotic abuse he gave them with his mouth, teeth, and the scruff covering his cheeks.

I did hold in my moan, so there was that at least.

And as I stood there, I wasn’t even ashamed of the fact that I was checking him out. Dark boots encased his feet. Worn denim jeans wrapping around his massively masculine thighs. He wore a white T-shirt underneath a blue-and-green flannel. His jacket was dark, big enough to fit a frame such as his, and still I could see how muscular he was despite all those layers covering him.

And although he wore that unreadable expression, I could see the way his eyes softened as he looked at me.

I licked my lips and took a step back, saying nothing as I allowed him entrance. He’d clearly come here looking for answers. I knew that’s where I’d just been headed. And although I didn’t know if I could give him what he was after, those elusive answers that even I couldn’t find, I didn’t want to be away from him.

Fate. Destiny. Whatever this was between us, it was very clear that he and I were meant to cross paths again.






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