Home > Stuck With Me(20)

Stuck With Me(20)
Author: Melissa Brown

“I just like board games…and I figured with all of us here for four days there would be some time when everyone was bored.”

I sat on the couch and studied the boxes in front of me. “Cards Against Humanity…”

“Naturally,” he said with a boyish grin.

“I know it’s your favorite, but with two people? How would anyone win?”

“That’s what this is for,” he said, grabbing a bottle of Tito’s from behind the boxes. “After a few shots, who cares!”


“Boring? Are you crazy, woman? You’re just not playing right.”

I offered a condescending smile as I replied. “How do you play it wrong, exactly?”

“Easy. Let me ask you something.”

“I’m riveted.”

“Shush,” he said, waving me off. “When you play, do you put $500 in the pot and give it to the person who lands on Free Parking?”


He leaned forward, looking even more serious and determined. “Okay, but let me ask you this. Do you put everything in the pot—all the fines, all the chance card bullshit, all of it? Does it go in the pot?”


“Exactly. You’re playing wrong. Play it my way, baby girl, and you’ll be hooked.”

My eyes widened, shocked that anyone over the age of thirteen could be this intense about Monopoly. No one could ever accuse Dev of being monotone or boring. No matter what he talked about, he was animated and passionate…and I was starting to appreciate that quality in him.

“Wow, okay,” I conceded, “let’s see what else you brought.”

“You’re missing out, I’m telling you. It all goes in the pot!”

“Oh, I’m sure I am,” I said, rolling my eyes and trying not to laugh at him. “What is this?”

I grabbed the box, in shock that Dev would own such a thing.

“Oh yeah, that game is badass.”

“Unstable Unicorns?”

“Haven’t you ever played Exploding Kittens?”

“Um, no… Exploding what?”

“Kittens. Anyway, this is similar to that, only it’s way better, more intense. Let’s play!”

I studied the box and removed a sample card from the deck. “There’s nothing but cards in here.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Stabby the Unicorn? Majestic Flying Unicorn? What the hell?”

“It’s badass, trust me.”

It was impossible to not to be disarmed by his satisfied smile, so instead, I pointed at the Tito’s. “Pass me the vodka.”

Dev threw his head back in laughter and handed me the full bottle. “There’s a twelve-pack of seltzer in the fridge.”

“Good,” I said, rising to my feet, “we’re gonna need it.”

An hour later, we were sitting on the floor, his injured foot extended under the coffee table, and I was finally grasping the concept of the surprisingly complicated unicorn game. Dev was right—it was addictive and really fun. We’d had a couple of seltzers spiked with vodka and, despite all of our trash talk, were actually getting along better than we ever had.

Thank you, Tito’s and silly yet complicated unicorn game.

When I won my third game in a row, Dev looked at me in disbelief. “I’ve been playing this game for months…literally months.”

“With Peter and Scott?”

He shook his head, waving me off. “No, my brother.”

“I didn’t know you had a brother. What’s his name?”

“Ganesh. He lives in my building. Across the hall, actually.”

“Why don’t you just live together?”

“He’s a slob. I don’t do messy.”

Peter and Maren had joked about Dev being a neat freak, but I still had to laugh. “And he loves board games as much as you do?”

“Yes, but don’t distract me from making my point.”

“Oh, sorry.” I poured a little more vodka into each of our glasses. “I’ll be quiet.”

“I’ve been playing for months with my brother, and we keep this tally, right? We’ve both won about the same number of games, give or take. And this is over months of play. And you’re beating me. Badly. And it’s the first time you’ve ever played. It’s like you’re some kind of conqueror. Are you sure you’ve never played before?”

“You’ve been watching too much Game of Thrones,” I said, downing another gulp of seltzer, enjoying the familiar burn of the vodka at the back of my throat. My fingers were tingling and my head felt lighter. I was enjoying a nice buzz…and if I was honest with myself, I was enjoying the company. “And no, I’d never even heard of this game before. Trust me, Dev, I’m not hustling you at Exploding Unicorns.”

“Unstable Unicorns, Exploding Kittens.”


“Okay, Khaleesi, I see you.”

“What on Earth did you just call me?”

Dev almost spit out his spiked seltzer, covering his mouth with his hand. He swallowed dramatically before speaking. “Daenerys…c’mon, you don’t even know who she is?”


“Okay, she’s like this amazing badass conqueror, right? She’s got dragons for babies and she survives this huge fire that would burn anyone else to a crisp…and did!”

“And you’re comparing me to that?” I let out an accidental burp. “Oops.”

“Well, not now I’m not.” He pretended to sneer. “But in this game, hell yeah. You’ve got this natural gift for strategic games.”

“Or it’s just beginner’s luck.”

“Whatever, Khaleesi.”

“I thought you said her name was Daferris or something.”

“Daenerys.” He rolled his eyes. “And yes, that’s her name, but her title—or one of them anyway, is Khaleesi. She marries Khal Drogo and he dies, but…it’s just…it’s her title, okay?”

“That show sounds intense. And really complicated.”

“You should watch it. I’d bet money you’d be thirsty for my boy Jon Snow.”

“Why?” I asked, intrigued. I’d seen plenty of magazine covers to at least know who that was, but I wondered why Dev was so confident I’d be into him.

“He’s, like, the ultimate hero. A bastard son who’s raised to think he’s nothing, but really he’s the rightful heir to the throne. Isn’t that the kinda story you like? The underdog? Like Mr. Darcy and all those other Jane Austen heroes?”

“I thought you didn’t read Austen.”

“I mean, I saw Bridget Jones.”

“You’re right. I probably would like him…just like you would love Jane the Virgin if you gave it a chance. In fact, you remind me of a character too.”

Dev took another swig, draining his glass. I slid another can of seltzer toward him. He nodded and mixed it with Tito’s. For two people who’d never gotten along, our movements had synced up.

“Oh yeah? Who’s that?”

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