Home > Stuck With Me(27)

Stuck With Me(27)
Author: Melissa Brown

Scott wiggled his nerdy eyebrows. The only married one among us, we considered him the settled old man of the group, which was stupid because Peter and Maren lived together, and we all knew they were headed down the aisle.

“What about Trupti?” Peter asked before draining his beer.

“I’m ending it.”

“For Lyra?”

“No,” I said, letting go of my straw and slashing the air with my hand. “Trupti and I…we never should’ve gotten back together in the first place. I realize that now.”

“You had to try, right? If not, you would have always asked ‘what if.’ I mean, you were really happy when you two first started hooking up again,” Scott said.

“True, but that was just the sex. We’d always been just fine at that. Our time has passed.”

“So what about Lyra?”

“I don’t know. Every time I’m around that girl, my head spins. One minute I’m hot for her…like crazy hot for her, like I’d slay a dragon for her or some shit. But then she opens her goddamn mouth and I want to kill her.”

Peter laughed. “And I think that feeling is mutual.”

“Yeah, she made that abundantly clear today. Said I was the person she despised most in the world.”


“Yeah.” I drained my Tito’s and started on my next one. “Don’t I know it.”

“Sorry, man. But you know Lyra. She’s a hothead just like you. She’ll calm down. You guys just need to sit down and have a rational conversation.”

“Or they just need to sleep together and get it over with,” Scott said. I stared at him in disbelief.

“Did you seriously just say that? I’m kind of impressed right now.”

“Well, yeah,” Peter said with a chuckle, “normally that’s something you’d say.”

“Exactly,” I said with a wink.

“Seriously, though, you two have always had this weird chemistry. This love-hate thing, like those romance novels Maren loves to read,” Peter said.

I rolled my eyes. “Lyra reads them too. And I’m paying the price because I’m not some perfect English gentleman who’s going to ride up and take her away from all of this.”

“Lyra doesn’t want that, man. She’s not some damsel in distress. She’s a really independent person if you took the time to get to know her,” Peter said, shaking his head and leaning one elbow on the table.

“Wow, did I touch a nerve?” I asked, taken aback at Peter’s reaction.

“Listen, you know I’ll always have your back, but I think you’re being too hard on her. She’s a stubborn girl, yes, but she’s a good person. The whole Trupti thing is probably just messing with her head. She gets defensive like that when she doesn’t know where she stands with someone.”

I recoiled. “And how do you know that? Do you two stay up late braiding each other’s hair while you watch Gossip Girl?”

“Shut up, man. She’s Maren’s best friend—I’ve gotten to know her. When it comes to men, she wants total transparency. Secrets, lies, she has no patience for any of that shit.”

“Neither do I!”

“Right, but did you tell her you’re ending things with Trupti?” Peter pressed.


“Why not?”

“Because Trupti should know first. She deserves that much.”

Peter shook his head. “You need to follow your gut, but don’t wait too long. I’ve watched Lyra flip that switch. It comes fast, and she doesn’t flip back easily, if ever.”

“I’m not going to change who I am to keep that from happening. Sorry.”

“And that’s fine. I’m just telling you what I know. She’s not the easiest person, I realize that. But she’s pretty awesome.”

“I barely know her,” Scott said with a shrug. “But I’d much rather see you with her than Trupti. Just being honest.”

“Wow, you know, guys, this may be a little too much honesty for me. I just wanted to eat some apps and watch the game with my boys. And now I feel like I’m getting grilled by Dr. Motherfucking Phil.”

“I’m never going to shoot rainbows and unicorns up your ass, dude,” Peter said with a laugh. “Lyra’s a good one. Don’t let her slip through your fingers. I’m telling you right now: That’s one thing you’ll look back on and regret.”

I threw a jalapeño popper at him. “Shut up, dude. I can’t take any more of you acting all wise and shit. Just watch the game.”

Peter shook his head and shifted his body to focus on the television. “Whatever, man. You’ll be begging for my wise ass when she tells you to pound sand.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. Now, piss off, I’m watching the game,” Peter said with a sly smile. I grabbed another popper, sat back, and did as Peter said.

I watched the game with my boys, but Lyra and Peter’s warning lingered in my head.

Don’t let her slip through your fingers, Dev.

Yeah, yeah. One woman at a time. I had a relationship to end. And as soon as I got back to Seattle tomorrow morning, that was exactly what I planned to do.



Chapter 12






Most people hate going back to work after the holidays.

Not me.

Every day I get to surround myself with books; the musty smells, the weathered leather bindings, I love it all. Working at the biggest community college in the state, I’m able to assist students with their research, offer liaison services to several departments at the school, and even teach one session per day of library science instruction.

There’s never a dull moment, and l love it all.

“You are way too chipper this morning,” said my supervisor, Vern, followed by a large yawn where the wrinkles on his face stretched long and deep. Vern and I had an interesting dynamic. Where I was fresh out of school and eager to go to work every day, Vern was waiting to retire. However, our mutual love of the written word bonded us in a way that others couldn’t understand. In a strange way, we were kindred spirits.

“Ooh, someone needs more coffee,” I said, placing my coat and purse in my locker.

“Two cups already this morning; it’s useless. It’s always like this. Late January is the worst.”

“You need the hard stuff. I’ll hook you up when I go on break,” I said with a laugh, patting him gently on the shoulder.

“You really are an angel, Castillo,” he said with an appreciative smile. “Quick, how many days until spring break?”

“Vern, we just had a break.”

“Is that your answer?”

Before I could picture the school calendar in my mind, Vern blurted it out. “Sixty-two. Sixty-two more days, Lyra.”

“And how many days until retirement?”

“Ugh, too many.”

“You know, I actually think you’ll miss this place when you’re gone. I can already picture you walking through those doors, begging me to hire you back,” I teased, giving him a wink.

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