Home > Stuck With Me(41)

Stuck With Me(41)
Author: Melissa Brown

When we finally pulled away, he brushed a gentle kiss across my forehead. He then smiled, running his fingers down the side of my face. “Well, that was a surprise.”

“I was tired of waiting.”

“I would have done it eventually, you know,” he said, full of pride. “Upstairs just now…it just felt…”

“I know.”

“But this is better, anyway.”


“Because you did it.”

I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

“Are you really gonna make me say it, Castillo?”

“I guess so, because I’m so confused right now.”

“The day we met…what happened?”

“You hit on me. And I was a bitch.”

“Well, I’m not saying the bitch part,” he said with a laugh. “But yeah, I hit on you and you wanted nothing to do with me. I was Rogelio. And you made sure I knew it.”

“Are we back to that Rogelio thing? He’s a very lovable character!”

“But he’s not the one you dream about, is he?”

It felt like the air left my lungs. “No.”


“Listen, you may have been Rogelio then, but not anymore.” I took both of his hands in mine. “You are anything but Rogelio right now.”

“Finally,” he said, placing his finger beneath my chin and pulling me in for another kiss.

Once again, I was overcome with how attracted I was to Dev, especially this Dev. Confident, Sexy, and Straightforward Dev. My heart pounded as I looked into his deep brown eyes as they glowed beneath the streetlight.

“So, you want me to dream about you, huh?” I teased.

He stood tall. His voice was calm and his gaze steady. “You know I do.”

“Kiss me like that again and I can almost guarantee it.”

And that was exactly what he did.



Chapter 17






I’d been unable to wipe the Cheshire grin from my face since the moment Lyra kissed me. I was now the guy that other guys couldn’t stand to be around. And I was sitting across from my two best friends, trying really hard to act like normal Dev.

But I was failing miserably. And it was only a matter of minutes before one of them called me out. It was Thursday night, and we were at Bennet’s watching basketball and eating apps. I was really tired but figured I just needed some food and time with my friends. It was our thing, and I always felt better after a long day when I could unwind with them.

By the way Scott was eyeing me, I knew I was only seconds away from spilling my guts about Lyra.

“Okay, dude, what’s up?” Scott asked.

With my best innocent look, I raised both eyebrows and looked behind me, acting surprised.

“Who me?” I asked, my smile only growing wider.

“You’re like a totally different Dev than we saw on Monday. What’s up? Something happen at work?”

“I’m just happy. Is that a crime?”

“Not at all,” Pete said, shaking his head, “but fill us in. Come on.”

“Okay, that’s fair,” I said, popping an onion ring into my mouth and washing it down with seltzer. “Lyra and I kissed last night.”

“Lyra?” Scott asked, his eyes like freaking saucers. I never even realized they were blue. “Wait, like Lyra Lyra? Mistress of Evil Lyra?”

“Don’t call her that.”

“Dude, you call her that!” Scott looked bewildered and a little annoyed.

“Not anymore,” I said, licking my lips. Remembering how soft hers were and how badly I wanted to kiss them again.

“I knew it!” Pete said, looking all too proud of himself as he shook his head slowly back and forth, a grin forming on his face. “I knew when Maren said she was helping you with the party that something was up. You two don’t help each other with anything.”

“True,” I said with a nod. “Well, it was true.”

“So you’re into her now?” Scott asked, still looking confused. Apparently he hadn’t caught on to the tension between Lyra and me at the resort.

“Oh yeah, have been for a while.”

“Since the ski trip?” Peter asked.

“Yeah. But, I mean, if I’m honest with myself, I was into her the moment you introduced us, dude. She was the hottest girl I’d ever seen. But she wasn’t feeling it. She made me feel like an idiot, and you know how the rest goes.”

Even talking about that day and how embarrassed I was couldn’t knock the shit-eating grin from my face. If I was my friends, I’d want to punch me right in the face. I was crazy about Lyra and could take anything and everything they threw at me.

Bring it on, guys. I can take it.

“You hated each other,” Scott said, still baffled.

“I wouldn’t say that exactly,” I said with a shrug, knowing he was right. But I felt a little guilty admitting that now.

“Listen, I think it’s awesome, but don’t rewrite history,” Peter said after taking a swig from his beer. “Your friendship, if we can even call it that, was tumultuous at best.”

“It was definitely a love-hate. I wanted her and knew I couldn’t have her. So, you know, I poked at her. It was kinda fun getting her all riled up. Still is, if you know what I mean.” I wiggled my eyebrows.

“Okay, okay,” Pete said with a laugh. “Lyra’s kinda become a sister to me, so I can do without the details, thank you very much.”

“Fine, yeah.” I laughed, shaking my head. “Okay.”

“Wow,” Scott said. “I like Lyra and all, but I didn’t think you did.”

“I do.” I shrugged. “I like the girl…a lot. A hell of a lot.”

“Is that why you broke up with Trupti?”

“No. That needed to end, Lyra or no Lyra,” I said, feeling a small ache starting above my eyes. “Did I tell you she showed up at my place?”

“No,” they said in unison, both of them with raised eyebrows and inquisitive looks.

“She wanted to get back together.”

“Wait, was this before or after you kissed Lyra?”


“So you obviously turned her down.”

“Yep, I can’t go back, man. It’s done. I don’t feel that way about her anymore.” The heavy pulses in my head were getting stronger, though. I shifted in my seat, trying to get more comfortable. “And with Lyra, everything changed on the ski trip. Everything.”

“When I was there, you two barely said two words to each other,” Scott said. I knew he was just being honest. And quite frankly, I should’ve expected it. Scott wasn’t nearly as perceptive as Pete was when it came to Lyra and me. He couldn’t see the tension between us below the surface.

“Yeah, because I was pissed. It’s a long story, but it was different before you guys got there. She took care of me when I hurt my foot. We were alone; stuff happened. We bonded, for lack of a better word. But then you guys showed up and she changed and it pissed me off and that’s why you saw what you saw. ”

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