Home > An Unexpected Temptation(23)

An Unexpected Temptation(23)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“There you are, Charles. Go home and let me deal with this.”

“You’re sure you can manage?”


With another hesitant glance at Robert’s slumbering form, Charles gave a reluctant nod and departed with the physician. Athena took a fortifying breath and crossed to the table where the maid had left the tray. Picking up the bowl of broth, she returned to the bed, perched herself on the edge of it, and prepared to wake Robert just long enough for him to eat.

With careful movements, she spooned broth into his mouth. He thanked her and begged for cold water to drink, which she gave him.

“Athena, dearest. Is there anything I can do to help?” her mother asked when she came to bring a change of clothes later that evening. She wasn’t alone but had brought Robert’s mother with her. “You look a wreck.”

“I’m fine, Mama,” Athena lied because truthfully, she’d never been more afraid in her life. She gave Lady Darlington a hesitant look. “I’m sorry I didn’t come to inform you of Robert’s illness myself, but I was reluctant to leave his side.”

“You made the right decision,” Lady Darlington assured her.

“We thought we might stay here with you,” Mama said.

Athena shook her head. “Charles already offered to do the same. I sent him away.”

“Well, you’re not getting rid of me,” Mama informed her.

“Nor me,” Lady Darlington added.

“I see no reason for either of you to risk your health,” Athena countered. “I do not want you getting sick too. You ought to go home.”

Her mother crossed her arms and held her position. “It isn’t proper for you to be here by yourself with an unmarried man.”

“As far as I am concerned,” Athena exploded, her fear causing her to abandon all reason, “we are husband and wife. I’ll not let a vicar or a signature stand in the way of my caring for him. I’ll not leave his side.”

A sob wracked her body and she helplessly buried her face in her hands, ashamed of the weakened state she’d been reduced to. This wasn’t her. She was the strong one, the one who barged through life with the constant conviction that things would turn out as they should. Except right now, she wasn’t sure of anything anymore, and she very much feared Robert wouldn’t survive this. He was a strong man, and yet he was so incredibly weak at the moment – could barely speak, never mind eat or drink.

Her mother’s arms came around her and for the first time in years, she allowed herself to accept the support being offered. “I understand, Athena. Lord help me, I understand you better than you can imagine.”

“I know, Mama.” Her mother had lost a child once to smallpox. Claire had been Sarah’s twin.

“You are doing what you can,” Lady Darlington added.

“I want to do more.”

“Right now,” Mama said, “he needs rest, something to eat and drink when he’s able, and for you to keep his temperature down. There’s nothing more to be done besides waiting to see how he fares.”

Athena gulped a breath and nodded. It was what Dr. Donovan had told her, but somehow her mother’s soothing voice made it sound much more reasonable. “All right.”

“We’ll take shifts.” Lady Darlington’s voice brooked no argument, and as Athena reminded herself, she had every right to stay and help look after her son. “This could last a week so you will need rest as well.”

“We promise to wake you if he asks for you or if his condition changes,” Mama said. “Agreed?”

“Yes.” Athena stepped back and reached for her mother’s hand. She held on tight. “Thank you. Both of you”

In spite of the two women’s subsequent protest, Athena watched Robert that night while her mother and Lady Darlington slept on the sofas in the next room. When she checked Robert’s compress later, it was warm.

“This is what Hell must feel like,” he groaned during one of his more wakeful moments that night. “My eyes are on fire.”

Locating additional handkerchiefs, Athena wet them all and hung them by the partially open window in the hope that the added winter air would make them cooler. It seemed to work, but when Robert’s fever continued to rise the following evening, even they heated up mere seconds after being placed on his skin.

Unsure what else to do, Athena sat and held his hand while he tossed and turned. She wiped his brow, changed the compresses, and made sure he drank plenty of water.

“It’s time for you to sleep,” Lady Darlington informed her when dawn brought a dim light into the room. “Your mother and I will watch over him until you wake.”

“I really don’t want to leave him.”

“I know, but you’ll be of more use to him if you’re well-rested instead of bleary-eyed and exhausted. Trust me, Athena, I know what I’m doing.”

Accepting her Lady Darlington’s advice, Athena bent to press a soft kiss against Robert’s brow before going to find the vacant sofa. She collapsed with a sigh and slept one second later. It was a process that continued until she lost track of the days. Everything had become one big blur of endless time, stretching in both directions. With the help of some maids, Athena and the two other ladies managed to change Robert’s bed sheets a couple of times after they were soaked through with sweat.

Athena’s heart ached as she sat in the chair next to his bed, ready to keep vigil again. Another fresh bowl of broth had been delivered along with some tea and honey. Deciding to change his compress before attempting to feed him again, she collected the handkerchief pressed to his brow and brushed her fingertips gently across his skin.

A bright spark of hope darted through her. She sucked in a breath and placed her palm over his forehead. The heat she’d felt there before had retreated, thank God.

Allowing a smile for the first time in days, she forced back the tears of joy creeping into her eyes and returned to her seat. Best let him sleep. With the fever gone, she was certain he’d wake on his own when he was ready to eat.


The low, rough sound of her name and a gentle pull on her hand roused her from her slumber. She started and scrambled upright in her chair with a gasp. Her gaze darted about the room until she realized it was Robert who’d spoken. He was watching her with a steady gaze that sent instant relief crashing through her.

“You’re awake,” she whispered and checked his forehead again to be sure the fever was indeed gone.

“I’m sorry to disturb you,” he said, “but I’m so incredibly thirsty. And hungry.”

A grin caught her lips as she leapt from her chair. “Yes. Of course. You’ve barely had anything to eat or drink in days.”

She filled a glass with water and helped Robert into a sitting position, this time with greater ease than before now that he was able to help get himself upright. He took the glass from her and downed the liquid while she called for a maid to bring up a proper bowl of soup and some bread. As soon as the meal arrived, he ate with gusto until no drop remained.

A yawn followed. “I think I’ll sleep a bit more now if that’s all right.”

“Of course,” Athena assured him. She tucked the blankets around his shoulders and kissed the top of his head. “I’m so incredibly glad to see you looking better.”

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