Home > Handful of Mate (Maple Grove #26)(4)

Handful of Mate (Maple Grove #26)(4)
Author: Lynn Hagen

“So, you basically want a live-in maid.”

Pyke cocked his head. “I guess that’s what I’m getting at. Yeah, that sounds about right. Like I said, the job pays.”

He looked out the window when the rain tapped harder against the glass. Why did he have an ominous feeling in his gut? What was it about Nester that sent up all of Pyke’s red flags?

Nester finished his fries and glanced at Pyke, staring at him from under the fall of his thick blond lashes. His mate looked out the window, too, and Pyke saw the guy really didn’t want to go out there.

“Okay,” Nester said with a nod. He turned back to Pyke. “You have yourself a deal.”


* * * *


Nester couldn’t believe he’d just agreed to go home with a guy who had killed someone in an alley and then treated him to dinner. This was completely insane, yet the prospect of spending the night in the cold rain held no appeal to him.

If Scott hadn’t lured him to the Bates Motel, Nester would have a job, food, and a roof over his head.

Nester had had it with being lured places. He’d barely made it out of the last situation alive. If Pyke tried anything, Nester would…run like hell and never look back. It wasn’t as if he could beat Pyke. The guy was freaking huge, with muscles on top of muscles. He could probably snap Nester’s neck with one hand stuffed in his front pocket.

Pyke sat back and rubbed his toned abdomen. “Now that hit the spot.”

Nester had to agree. The Diner Train had some amazing food. “Do you live far from here?”

“About five minutes away.” Pyke dug out his wallet when Moose arrived with the check.

This was Nester’s first time in Maple Grove, but it seemed being huge, good-looking, and muscular was some sort of requirement to live here.

“Everything okay?” Moose asked.

Pyke chuckled, softening the hardness of his features. “Do you ever have to ask that?”

Both men had heart-stopping smiles, but Nester was ready to go. The less he was in the public eye, the better. At least with this job he would be able to stay inside and hidden from the law.

“You ready to blow this joint?” Pyke left some cash on the table for a tip before pushing from the booth.

Nester got up, stretched, feeling much better now that he had a full stomach. Unfortunately, that also made him sleepy. Nester covered his mouth as he yawned.

“Don’t worry.” Pyke headed for the door. “A hot shower and a soft bed will do you wonders.”

That sounded like a dream to Nester. It also reminded him of his apartment, which he hadn’t been to in over a week. Thank goodness he didn’t have any pets to take care of. Still, he missed his home, his old life, and wished to god he’d never met Scott.

The exact sentiment his mother had voiced on many, many occasions, to the point that Nester had started to dread going over to her house.

They were almost to the door when Pyke came to an abrupt stop, making Nester nearly run into the man’s backside. Nester sidestepped, wondering what the holdup was, when he spotted a cute little redhead, with plump lips and gorgeous green eyes, staring right at Pyke.

“Hmm,” the stranger said as he gave Nester a scathing glance. “I see you’ve tried unsuccessfully to replace me.”

Nester had no idea who this guy was, but he was instantly insulted.

“Payton,” Pyke said through gritted teeth. “Don’t you have a life to destroy?”

Payton pressed a hand to his hip, waving around the other one. “I tried, but first you’d have to possess a heart for me to stab you in it.”

Were they ex-lovers? Nester had no idea what was going on, but there was definite tension in the air. He became uncomfortable and wanted to get out of there. That last thing Nester needed was a scene. That would be counterproductive to keeping a low profile.

“Excuse me.” Nester stepped around the scowling stranger and walked out, breathing in the fresh, cold air. When he looked back, he saw Pyke and Payton arguing by the counter.

Why in the blue blazes did he feel jealous? That was weird as hell considering he’d just met Pyke and he’d also seen the guy killing someone in cold blood.

Nester shook his head, blaming his lack of sleep on his strange emotions. He shoved his hands into his jacket pockets, wishing Pyke would hurry up, when he spotted a guy in a law enforcement uniform.

Shit. Nester stiffened, trying his best not to look suspicious. He glanced at his watch and then started across the street, hoping he looked as though he was running late for something.

Too bad he hadn’t been watching where he was going and nearly got hit by a car. The driver laid on his horn, the sound blaring and drawing unwanted attention.

Nester didn’t dare look back to see if the cop was looking his way. He kept going, keeping his head lowered as he hurried down the street. He had no clue where Pyke lived, so if Pyke left without him, the job offer would blow away in the cold wind.

Taking a deep breath, and a huge chance, Nester crossed back to the other side of the street, taking his time as he drew closer to the diner.

Crap and double crap. It was just his luck that Pyke now stood outside the diner and he was talking with the cop.

Screw it. Nester would just have to give up the job he hadn’t even started yet. It wasn’t worth the risk of being caught and sent to prison.

He spun on his heel and moved as swiftly as he could down the street and around the corner while his heart threatened to beat right out of his chest.

It seemed he was going to spend the night outdoors whether he wanted to or not. God, he couldn’t seem to catch a break. Ever since he’d met Scott, his life had turned to crap.

By the time he made it a block away, Nester was soaked from the rain. Now he was wet, cold, and tired. At least he was no longer hungry.

Nester’s steps slowed when he realized he was heading right for the alley where Pyke had killed a supposed vampire. Jeez. Was he really going to believe anything Pyke had told him? Was he that gullible? Was he that desperate for a place to stay that he would believe some crazy story some hot guy told him?

Nester wiped the rain from his face and lifted his head, staring at the stars as he tried to center himself. He could do this. He could move on from Scott, from the tragedy that happened, and somehow, he would make it through this.

Even if it felt as if he couldn’t take one more step. Even if it felt as though the cosmos was shitting on him. Even if he would do anything to change what had happened to him.

“Hey, why are you out here?”

Nester spun to find Pyke getting out of his shiny black pickup. It still amazed him just how tall the guy was. “I…”

Words failed him. He couldn’t tell Pyke the truth, and he wasn’t even sure he could trust the guy. Not after what he’d just seen.

Pyke stuck his thumbs in his front pocket and looked toward the ground. “Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I promise you I’m a nice guy. I don’t really need a housekeeper, but I would like the company, and I don’t mind helping someone down on their luck.”

He was saying all the right words, but Nester still wasn’t sure. “Prove to me that what you’re telling me is true.”

“The housekeeping?”

“No.” Nester shook his head, getting colder and colder the longer he stood there in the rain. “Change into a bear.”

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