Home > Lani (Devils Souls MC)(40)

Lani (Devils Souls MC)(40)
Author: LeAnn Ashers

“I’m okay,” I reassure him.

I turn my attention to my nurse. “It’s fine if they’re here, they have seen boobs many times.” I joke.

Her eyes widen as she connects the dots. “Both of them?” she whispers in shock before her expression changes to disgust, looking me up and down. I put my boobs back in my gown, feeling way too exposed. This was supposed to be about feeding my babies, not being sexualized because of who I love.

I lean back in bed, pulling away from her and her attitude. “Get the fuck out of here and get that disgusted look off your face, bitch.” I stare in shock at Vinny, who steps towards her, more than pissed off. “She just had fucking major surgery.”

She stares at Vinny and then at me in horror. Vinny takes out his phone and calls Anna. “We need a new fucking nurse, she just disrespected Lani.”

She backs up, mad. “Well, it’s not every day we get swingers in here! God doesn’t approve of that.” She glares at me, spitting her words out. “Jezebel.”

I hold my baby a little tighter. “And it’s fucking fun too.”

Anna walks into the room, mad. “I would suggest you leave if you want to keep your job.”

Anna leaves and shuts the door behind her. I can hear yelling outside of the doors. “I’m so sorry, baby.” Trey kisses my temple. I let out a sigh. “It’s fine. I think I’m used to it by now,” I joke.

That doesn’t help the situation. That further pisses them off because, honestly, it shouldn’t be something I get used to. No one says shit to the guys. Only me.

I’m happy, so extremely happy that it doesn’t even matter to me. Sariah starts whining. I’m guessing she’s hungry. I’m nervous trying this for the first time.

Vinny comes over to me. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, but I can try to help you?”

I’m so blessed to have them.

Vinny pulls down my shirt and helps me find the best angle for Sariah to eat. She cries harder. I place my nipple in her mouth and move and try to find the best situation without causing me pain and making sure she’s comfy.

She finally latches on, sucking, and her cries quiet.

“Fuck yeah, you did it, baby.”

That just made me feel like I was a hundred fucking foot tall. I rub my finger down Sariah’s small cheek. She’s beautiful with all of that dark hair. I wonder whose eyes she has?

Caleb takes that moment to let me know that he’s hungry. “Do you think you can feed him too?” Trey asks, trying to rock him.

“I want to try. I don’t want my baby hungry.” I smile at his beautiful little face. He has a lot of hair too, but not as much as Sariah.

Vinny takes Caleb from Trey. “Wait, let’s try this pillow.” He hands me a nursing pillow, wrapping it around my belly.

I pull Sariah free, moving her bottom half under my arm on the pillow and putting my hand under her head, supporting her neck. I do the same thing for Caleb, his screams growing louder. I lift his head and pray that he latches on. He does, and I let out a deep breath.

“You’re fucking badass.” Vinny grins happily, staring down at the babies who, at the moment, are satisfied.

Vinny sits down beside me, turning on the TV and enjoying the sweet calm before our family descends on us.



The first one through the door is Andy. He practically pushes people out of the way to get inside.

Right behind him are our parents, and I try to cover my smile at the excitement and happiness on their faces.

Danny walks in with our dinner behind them. I’m starving and craving a huge burger—the greasier the better.

Dad walks over to me, kissing the top of my head. The guys are holding the babies as I rest before they get hungry again.

“My baby, it’s hard to believe that you’re a mom now. What happened to my little baby who begged me to carry her everywhere?” My dad’s eyes shine with unshed tears. I lean up to hug him and I wince when I pull my stitches.

“Be careful, baby,” Trey tells me, and Andy walks over to Trey. I know he’s dying to hold Sariah. “Can I hold her, please?”

Trey grins. “Sure can.” He lifts Sariah in his arms. Andy starts bawling like a baby. “God, I love her!” Danny wraps his arm around Andy, hugging him. “He’s paced the halls for hours.” Danny runs his hand down the side of Andy’s neck.

Caleb is taken by my dad, holding him against this chest. “Fuck, you did good, baby,” Dad grumbles, full of emotion. My mom is a bawling mess right along with Trey’s parents.

Right now, I know it bothers Vinny that he doesn’t have his parents here to enjoy this moment with him.

The girls will be by later once the crowd dies down. I take the food Trey hands to me and I moan at the best-tasting food I’ve ever had in my life.

Jordan and Alisha walk in. Alisha just had her twins a few weeks ago. Yes, we both had twins and apparently twins run in the family and we didn’t know until, well, we both got pregnant with twins.

Mom splits off and takes one of the twins from Jordan, “Nana’s baby!” she coos, and I grin.

“Hi sis, I heard you had a rough day.” Jordan kisses my cheek, Alisha greets me next. “Congrats, mama.”

Hours pass and everyone leaves. I scoot over in the bed, which hurts like a bitch. Trey is on one side and Vinny on the other. We have a baby on either side of the bed. Trey has Caleb and Vinny has Sariah.

We turn off the light and turn on a white noise sound machine. I’m not listening to beeping all night long. I know that’s extra, but it was the guys’ idea.



The next morning, the nurse comes into the room, bringing in our breakfast trays, and I want to murder her.

The nurses offered to take the babies back into the nursery and care for them for the night, but I just can’t be away from them right now.

But the guys were a huge help. They got up every single time one of the babies cried and helped me take care of them.

I love how hands-on they are.

Trey lifts the bed to a sitting position so we can eat our food. The babies ate an hour ago so they should be fine until we get done eating.

I am so ready for a shower and to change my clothes. “Please don’t open the blinds. I’m not woke up enough for that,” I ask the nurse when she goes to open them and let the morning light beam through my brain.

She laughs. “You got it, sweetheart.”

“You look so beautiful this morning, mama,” Vinny says and hands me my orange juice so I don’t have to reach for it.

I definitely don’t feel beautiful, but I’ll take it. “Thank you.” I rest my head on his shoulder for a beat before I go back to my breakfast.

Our trays are taken away, and the babies are still asleep in their clear cradles. “I think once we change them again, I want to put some clothes on them,” I rattle off when the door opens.

My first thought is my mind is playing tricks on me. The man standing there is wearing a white cloak-type shirt that’s giving me flashbacks of the cult the girls and Vinny grew up in.

He sets his Bible down onto the small tray where we had our food. “I am here to save your damned soul, jezebel, and save these bastards from a life of hell.”

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