Home > The Festive Love Coach(5)

The Festive Love Coach(5)
Author: Toya Richardson

He was taken away from his musings when Annie asked him a question. “Are you certain that young lady isn’t with you?”

“Absolutely. Why do you ask?”

The old lady looked at her sister and they tittered. “Because you seem to glance at one another quite often. Or you have since we’ve been in this café.”

Had he really been watching her that much? The tour guide came in the café and began to gather everyone up. Saved by the bell.

“Come on, ladies. Let me escort you back to your seats.”

Carter was about to sit down on the coach when Esme tapped his shoulder.

“Would you mind if I sat with Maya for a while, young man?”

He shrugged. “Of course not.”

As soon as the women were settled, they began talking in earnest. It appeared Maya was quite taken with the older lady, and vice versa. It was as if they’d known each other for years. And now she was focused on something other than her upset about Carter being on the coach, everything about her seemed to relax. A nudge on his arm tore his gaze away from her.

“Esme can talk for England, son. This way it’ll give my ears a rest.”

The two men laughed. After a while, Carter became drowsy and nodded off to sleep. He was looking forward to getting to the hotel now so he could shower and chill before dinner.



Chapter 4






There were two more short comfort breaks. It became apparent that one person in particular was always late back. Lisa, the tour guide, became quite flustered about it. Maya wondered if this was her first ever trip as a tour guide. On the last break, she was almost in tears as she couldn’t locate the lost passenger anywhere.

“Here, let me go and check to see if he’s in the loo,” Carter volunteered.

“Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Of course not.”

Maya watched him go. He had an easy style of walking, and she was mesmerised by the swing of his ass in tight jeans. Again. Whoa, this really did have to stop. Esme nudged her.

“I know what you’re thinking,” she whispered conspiratorially. “It’s mighty fine, isn’t it?”

“You’re so bad, Esme.” Maya chuckled.

A few minutes later, Carter came back with Sid. “Found him,” he announced.

She had to chuckle because he’d caused quite a stir when he’d first stepped on the coach. He wore a sweatshirt with Brexit on the front. On the back was a picture of Boris Johnson and the slogan, I support Brexit. Maya wasn’t into politics, but the anger of some of her coach mates made her chuckle. They certainly were a feisty bunch and not afraid to voice their opinions.

He led Sid back to his seat and proceeded up the aisle to sit back with Doug. Esme nudged Maya again. She turned to face her newfound friend, who was stifling her giggles. As one, they looked directly at Carter and burst out laughing. The confused expression on his face made it worse, and they laughed harder.

“What?” he asked, as he retook his seat.

“I wouldn’t ask if I were you, Carter. Women are a strange breed,” Doug cautioned.

By the time they reached Eastbourne, it was heading for five in the afternoon. It had begun to rain. Maya was ready for a long, hot soak in a bath, followed by dinner and an early night.

“Ladies and gentlemen, would you please remain seated until I come back with your room keys. Staff are available to assist you with your luggage should you need it.”

Maya stretched and yawned.

“It’s been a long day, hasn’t it, love?”

“Hmm, it really has.”

Lisa came back on with a basket full of envelopes, which she handed to people once she’d ticked their names off the list.

“Ah, Miss Singleton and Mr Jones. Here you go.”

Lisa held out one envelope to them. Carter took it from her and raised his eyebrows in question.

“We’re not travelling together. I think there’s been some mistake. Would you mind checking with reception, please?” he asked, handing it back to Lisa.

Maya noted her harassed expression returning.

“It’s okay, Lisa. See to everyone first and make sure they’re taken care of. It’s not a problem,” Maya assured her.

“Thank you.”

Once everyone had their keys. Maya and Carter waited until everyone else had got off.

“We’ll see you both later.” Esme smiled at them. “I hope they sort it out for you.”

“I’m sure they will. See you later.” Maya waved at the couple.

Once everyone had got off, she and Carter grabbed their belongings and headed inside. The lobby was festooned with tinsel and Christmas decorations. A large tree stood to one side with flashing lights, a lopsided fairy sat at the top. Christmas music played softly in the background. The last of their coach party was being assisted to their rooms. Lisa stood at the reception desk, looking more flustered than before.

“Oh, that doesn’t look good,” Carter said by her side.

“Um, Miss Singleton. Mr Jones.”

“Please call me Maya.”

“And I’m Carter.”

“There’s no easy way to say this, but I’m afraid the travel agent has made a mistake. You both booked late and on the same day. It was a cancellation and… and…”

The dominoes started to fall as Maya realised. “The previous booking was for two people travelling together, right?”

She heard Carter swear softly beside her. “There are other rooms though, surely?”

Lisa shook her head slowly. Tears swam in her eyes. “There is another coach party in for the same amount of time. I’m afraid they’re fully booked.”

Maya’s heart sank. This was not happening. Please let me wake up and realise it’s all some horrible dream.

“So, what you’re saying is that we have to share a room? Two strangers. A man and a woman. And we have to be in the same room for over a week?” Carter’s voice rose an octave or two.

Lisa nodded, more big, fat tears swimming in her eyes.

“Can you at least confirm that there are twin beds in this room?”

Carter stared at her in shock. “Are you suggesting we do this, Maya?” He spread his hands wide.

“Excuse us for one second.” She grabbed his arm and led him to one side. “Look. I’m not thrilled about this situation either. But short of one of us sleeping in the bar area or on the coach, what else can we do?”

He huffed out a long breath. “This is ridiculous.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” she hissed. “The only other option is to go back home. You’re welcome to go if you want. But I’m staying put.”

“The idea is nuts. Hell, you’ve already tipped coffee over me, almost mown me down, and now this? What if you sleepwalk and try to kill me? Or put a bloody pillow over my head!”

Maya’s anger was steadily rising. “I am tired. I am hungry and way too pissed to deal with your childish antics. Plus, Lisa is about to have a nervous breakdown. You’re more than welcome to sleep in the lobby or the coach for all I care, but I am heading to the room. Trust me, I am too tired to think about murdering you.”

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