Home > Travis's Gift (Riley's Pride, book 3)(31)

Travis's Gift (Riley's Pride, book 3)(31)
Author: Sandra R Neeley

Libby smiled when a soft snore escaped Travis. She carefully got up off the bed, covered him, and turned off the light in the bedroom as she walked into the bathroom for her shower. She couldn’t stop herself from grinning. She’d given him relief from the chronic pain he lived with. So much so that he’d been able to fall asleep. That in itself was more than she hoped she’d be able to do for him.

Libby showered and washed her hair. She dried off, then walked out into the bedroom, realizing she didn’t have a nightgown. The night before she’d slept in her clothes. And the clothes Lucas had given her when she went to get her laptop were jeans and a shirt. She looked at Travis sleeping soundly in his bed, then carefully made her way over to his dresser. She opened a few drawers until she found what she was looking for. Teeshirts. She ran her fingers over them until she found one that was very soft and pulled it out of the drawer, pulling it on over her head. She smiled when she realized it hit her below mid thigh. “Perfect nightgown,” she said aloud.

Libby wrapped her still wet hair in the towel she’d had around her body, then quietly opened the bedroom door and headed to the kitchen to see if Scotty needed any extra help.

“You got it done?” Libby asked, walking into the kitchen.

“Oh, yeah. The bread is cooling. The cookies are done. All we’ll have to do is slice the banana bread tomorrow morning and put it in its own little baggies.”

Libby looked around the kitchen and smiled. She took in the platters of individually bagged brownies, cookies, mini banana bread bundt cakes, and individual slices of banana bread. It should be more than enough for the weekend customers.

“I think it’ll be enough, you?” she asked.

“Oh yeah. And with the coffee and the hot chocolate, the customers will love it,” Scotty said.

“If we start to run low, I can always make a few more batches. Then next week we’ll do it all again,” Libby said.

“I’ll help. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it,” Scotty said, unable to keep himself from glancing toward Travis’s bedroom.

“You’ll be helping Travis and Roman with the trees and overseeing other stuff. I can come bake a few things if necessary.”

Scotty nodded. “How is he? He was really hurting earlier,” he asked, looking again toward Travis’s bedroom.

“He’s sleeping,” Libby said with a smile.

“Sleeping? He never sleeps, and especially not this quick,” Scotty said.

“Yeah, well, he got a massage, and before I was even finished, he was snoring.”

Scotty grinned. Then he nodded. “It’s good to have you here. I hope you don’t ever go away again.”

“I’m not planning on it, Scotty. But, it’s all really up to Travis,” Libby said truthfully. “As long as he doesn't shut me out and pull away from me again, I don’t think I could convince myself to leave no matter the situation. But if he does, I'm out. Permanently.”

“I can’t see that happening at this point,” Scotty said.

“Me either. And I’m hoping we’re both right,” she said.

“It’s my turn to hit the bed, now. I’ve got school in the morning, then rushing right home to help with the Christmas Village.”

“See you in the morning,” Libby said.

Scotty paused as he walked past Libby and kissed her cheek as she hugged him. “Sleep well, Scotty.”

“I will. It’s been a while since we slept under the same roof,” he said.

“It has. It’s nice,” Libby said.

“You taking the couch again?” he asked.

“Nope. Travis said I’m welcome to spend the night here anytime I want to, but under one condition — I have to sleep in his bed where I belong.”

Scotty grinned. “You’re not going anywhere. This is permanent,” Scotty said, pretty sure of himself.

“We shall see,” Libby said, raising her eyebrows at him.

“Night, Libs,” Scotty said as he turned and left the kitchen, headed to his own bedroom.

Libby made a quick check of the oven to make sure it was off, then wiped down the counter tops. She walked over to the front door and made sure the front door was locked and the outside lights were on, then assured that all was secure for the night, she went back into Travis’s room and slipped into bed beside him.

He’d scooted down in bed so that he was lying flat now and no longer propped up.

Libby squirmed around until she was comfortable, lying on her right side, facing away from Travis, then let out a soft sigh, before snuggling the covers under her chin and closing her eyes. Then just as suddenly her eyes were popping open as Travis rolled over in his sleep and grabbed her body with one hand, pulling her into him.

Travis curled his body around hers, and held her snugly, though comfortably with her back against his front. He kissed her shoulder, then arranged his head on the pillow right behind hers before settling down and beginning to snore again, after a deep sigh.

Libby wrapped her hand around his forearm where it held her securely against him, and closed her eyes again as she pulled the covers up to cover her shoulders and clasped them under her chin with her other hand, as she settled against him. As she lay in his bed, in his arms for the first time in a long time, she allowed herself to come to a realization that everyone else who knew her already realized. She still loved him. Despite everything he’d put her through, she’d never stopped loving him. “Still love you,” she murmured.

Behind her, with his woman in his arms, Travis opened his eyes and smiled into the darkness. She’d just confessed to still loving him. Of course, she thought he was asleep when she’d admitted it, but she’d still admitted it. He pressed his lips to the back of her head in a kiss, and let his heart and soul take the first easy breath they had in years. This was how it was supposed to be. This was his home, his peace, his happiness. He closed his eyes and let himself fall asleep again. This time to sleep through the whole night with his woman in his arms, and the relief from the constant ache she’d been able to provide.



Chapter 16



Roman shifted from his Gorilla as he approached the rise that separated the trailer park from the expanse of acreage behind it that also belonged to the Pride. He’d given up getting any rest and had spent the night letting his Gorilla roam at will. He paused to grab up the jeans he’d discarded just on the other side of the rise and slipped them on before continuing up and over the rise and into the trailer park. The sun was rising, and the birds were singing and chirping. As he made his way to his mobile home, he could see the lights on inside the diner on the other side of the highway. Since Libby was at Travis’s house, that meant that Richie, Yvette, and Constance must be opening up.

Roman went straight to his home, walked in the house, and closed the door behind himself. He didn’t even bother taking a shower, simply dropped his jeans where he was and let himself fall onto the sofa. He turned over on his stomach and laid his head on his arms as he closed his eyes. “Just a few minutes sleep would be nice,” he said to no one but himself. Wasn’t long after that, he was sound asleep. He didn’t even lift his phone from where it had sat all night on his coffee table while he wandered in his Gorilla form.

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