Home > Travis's Gift (Riley's Pride, book 3)(48)

Travis's Gift (Riley's Pride, book 3)(48)
Author: Sandra R Neeley

Roman looked up at the sound of his name.

“Is there some kind of trouble?” Riley asked.

“Oh, no sir. Not at all. I have a message from a friend of his.”

“Come in, then. Excuse the mess, we’re having a family Christmas tree decorating party,” Riley said.

Roman watched as the tall, attractive woman dressed in a woman’s power business suit stepped across the threshold into the house. She had a little girl with her. Roman caught a flash of red hair before the child ducked behind the woman.

“Roman,” Riley said, extending his hand to indicate the woman should walk with him into the living room, “This lady is here to see you.”



Ms. Autry parked her vehicle, and turned off the engine. “This is the address,” she said to the little girl sitting beside her.

“Don’t you think we maybe should have called?” the child asked.

“I’ve been calling, Darcie. There’s no answer, and the last time I tried I wasn’t even able to leave a voice mail because he hasn’t checked any of his voice mails. It’s going to be fine though. Your mom says she has no doubt that he’ll take care of you until she can join you.”

Darcie looked up at the house with so many Christmas decorations that she could barely see the house.

“Okay,” she said quietly.

“Come on. Worst case, you’ll come back with me, and we’ll figure out what to do next,” Ms. Autry said.

“I don’t want to go back to that place. There are mean kids there, and the grownups aren’t very nice.”

“I know, baby. Let’s see what happens, okay? Let’s go in.”

Ms. Autry got out and went around to the passenger side to help Darcie get out. She held her hand and together they walked up the front stairs and knocked on the front door.

When the front door opened, she asked for Roman and introduced herself. Another man came to the door to greet her, then invited her in. The minute she stepped inside and got a look at Roman, all concerns she may have had about leaving Darcie with him faded away. She looked at the very large man sitting on the floor surrounded by kids, and decorations, wearing a Christmas sweater, making a popcorn strand for the tree with Christmas ornaments decorating his hair, and knew, this was the right place for Darcie.

“Hi,” she said. “I’m Sherry Autry. I’m sorry to interrupt the festivities, but I’ve come from Ohio to speak with you. I’d appreciate it if you could give me a few minutes.”

“Sure,” Roman said, setting the bowl of popcorn aside and getting to his feet. As he stood up, Darcie stepped from behind Ms. Autry and Roman recognized her instantly.

“Darcie!” he said, rushing to get to her. “What are you doing here? Where’s your mom?” he asked, scooping the little girl up into his arms, and racing to the front door to yank it open and look outside.

He turned to the woman that had brought Darcie with her. “Where’s Talie? What’s going on?” he asked.

“Is there somewhere private we can speak?” she asked.

“Not necessary. These people are my family,” he said, at the same time he realized the little girl he was holding had wrapped her arms around him and was quietly crying into his neck. “It’s okay, Darcie,” he said, patting her back. “It’s okay. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you. It’s okay.”

Darcie nodded but she kept crying and wouldn’t let go of him.

“Ma’am, why don’t you have a seat? Can I get you anything?” Maia asked, grabbing up the empty bowls on the coffee table and offering Ms. Autry her seat on the sofa.

“Something to drink would be nice.”

“Of course. Are you hungry? We have plenty of gumbo. It’s homemade!” Maia said.

“Thank you, that would be lovely, but first, we should probably go over why I’m here,” Ms. Autry said, taking Maia’s seat and setting her briefcase beside her feet.

“Okay. I’ll be right back with your drink,” Maia said. “Coffee?” she asked.

“That’d be perfect,” Ms. Autry said.

“I’ll help,” Libby said, getting up and stacking the rest of the bowls and carrying them out the same direction Maia had gone.

Minutes later they were back and Maia handed Ms. Autry her cup of coffee.

“You hungry?” Roman asked Darcie. The little girl shook her head, but kept her face buried in his neck. “You thirsty?” he asked. Again she shook her head. “Need to go to the bathroom?” he asked. She shook her head again.

“I was sure to stop often so she should be good for now,” Ms. Autry said.

“Why are you here? Why is Darcie here without Talie? Where is Talie?” Roman asked.

Ms. Autry set her coffee cup on the coffee table in front of her and reached for her briefcase. “I’m here on her behalf. She’s sent a letter for you, and I have legal documents for you to sign assuming legal guardianship of Darcie if you are willing to accept it. If not, do you know where I can find Constance Vega?” she asked.



Chapter 24



“I’m right here,” Constance said.

“Oh, hello,” Ms. Autry said.

Roman was floored. There were so many questions going on in his mind. His heart was pounding and his adrenalin was pumping and he had a very scared little girl clinging to him. He’d only met her the one time, but he’d spoken to her on the phone as he got to know her mom. He couldn’t have loved her more if she was his own. As far as he was concerned, her mother was his whether she wanted him or not, so that made Darcie his daughter. If she needed him, he was here for her.

“Will you tell me what’s happened to Talie?” Roman asked, his voice rising with his anxiety. “Is she hurt?” he demanded.

“No! No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. She’s not hurt. But she finds herself in a situation that prevents her from taking care of Darcie. The state took Darcie away from Talie, and placed her in a state run children’s home. Talie asked me to bring her here to you. She said she had no doubt that you’d accept guardianship and keep her safe until she can once again take care of Darcie.

I’m an attorney, and I’m representing Talie in the case against her. I have with me all the documents necessary for you to assume legal guardianship. If you’re willing that is. If you’re not, then I have an alternate set with Ms. Vega’s name on them.”

“No!” Roman shouted. “No one is taking care of Darcie but me. She’s my responsibility!” he insisted. He started patting Darcie’s back. “You’re staying here with me, okay?” he asked.

“Yes,” Darcie answered. “I don’t wanna go back. They’re not nice there,” she said, still holding onto his neck.

“You’re not going back. You’re staying here with me. I already have Christmas presents for you under my tree,” he told her.

“You do?” she asked, loosening her grip and leaning back enough to see the face of the man who she remembered as being nice and kind.

“I do,” Roman said, smiling at her.

Ms. Autry smiled to herself watching the interaction between Darcie and Mr. Lyakhov. “Perhaps you could have a seat, Mr. Lyakhov. I’ll explain everything to you. But, it may be better if you start with Talie’s letter to you.”

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