Home > Bad Daddy (Dirty Little Lies Duet #1)(6)

Bad Daddy (Dirty Little Lies Duet #1)(6)
Author: J.D. Hollyfield



I fill out my final answer for my psychology exam just in time for the bell to ring.

“Okay, that’s it. Pens down. Turn your tests in.” Jim…or Professor Wells clicks on his pen, one, two, three times while he scans the room, trying to catch any last-minute scribblers. His eyes latch on mine, and a small smile hooks the corners of my lips.

“How’d you do?” Hazel asks, zipping up her bag.

I pick up my test and throw my backpack over my shoulder. “Nailed it,” I brag.

“Sweet! Let’s get out of here. If we hit the road in the next hour, we can make it to my house before traffic. My dad should be home by then too.”


The cause of every one of my self-induced orgasms since we met.

Remind me again why I agreed to go home with Hazel for the weekend? Oh yeah, because I have the total hots for her dad and think by some ridiculous notion he’s going to want me too. I’ve completely lost my mind. But this damn itch. And it’s about time I make a move to test out the waters and prove I’m not totally crazy. Am I wrong for pursuing this? Yes. Is there a chance this is all in my head? Solid ninety percent. Am I truly capable of seducing my roommate’s dad? We’re about to find out.

“Can’t wait! Let’s go!”


The drive takes forever. We end up hitting a ton of traffic, putting us an hour behind schedule. The sun is down by the time we pull up to her house, and now it’s raining. “Shoot.” Hazel pulls her car into an open spot in the garage next to a Corvette and Maserati.

“Wow, your dad has a need for speed, huh?”

Laughing, Hazel shuts off her car, then climbs out. “Yeah. It’s kinda his thing. Since my mom left, he seems to be going through a list of dangerous habits.” My brow rises. I’d be lying if I said that comment didn’t turn me on just a bit, hoping my name falls on that list. “Come on. Let’s go in. He’s home. He’s going to be so happy to see us.”

I nod and follow her inside. We walk through an enormous mudroom leading into the kitchen. It’s barely lit, but the room carries natural light with the white marble flooring and cabinets. “Dad?” she calls out, her voice echoing off the bare walls.

“In my office, baby girl.”

A ping of jealousy surges through me, wishing he was calling out to me with that pet name.

We enter his lavish office, and I spot him sitting behind a large, wooden desk. My heart rate kicks up a notch, and I tell myself to abort this crazy mission and go back to school. Hazel will lose her mind if she finds out my devious plan. What if this blows up in my face, and he tells her what I’ve done? She’ll hate me, and she’s become my closest friend.

“Hey, you better not be working. You promised no work this weekend.” Hazel’s voice snaps me out of my panicked haze. I stare ahead at Mr. Winters. He’s still in his suit, the top two buttons of his shirt open, showing off his built chest, and his dark hair perfectly in place. He sets down his glass of brown liquor and stands to greet his daughter, his eyes locking on mine.

“Glad you both made it home safely.” He goes to hug his daughter, then addresses me. “Violet.” The way he says my name is like an aphrodisiac. His eyes pierce into mine. There’s a battle brewing inside him. He rips his eyes away, not wanting his baby girl to get wind of his forbidden attraction. Licking my lower lip, I suck it into my mouth and take a step forward, reaching my hand out.

“Hi, Mr. Winters. Thanks for having me.” In an audacious move, I go in for a hug before he shakes my hand. He stiffens as I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my body into his. I reach up, making sure my breasts are pinned snuggly against his chest. My lips purposely brush against his neck, allowing the heat of my breath to mark his skin. Without a choice, his arms cage around me, and even though the moment only lasts a handful of seconds, I feel it: the wicked spark of raw desire that ignites between us. I wish Hazel wasn’t standing here. That it was just us so I could pursue this moment further. He pulls away and clears his throat, offering us a gentle smile. His eyes refuse to meet mine, but I’ve seen enough men with forbidden lust in their eyes to now know our attraction isn’t one-sided.

Mr. Winters masks his slip up by grabbing his daughter back into his arms and kissing the top of her head. “Missed you. Welcome home.”

“Missed you too, Dad. Have you been staying out of trouble since I’ve been gone?”

If so, hopefully that’s about to change.

“Terribly lonely without my little girl here is more like it. How was the drive? Have you two eaten?”

Hazel breaks away. “No, but—”

“Good! I’m taking you girls to Savino’s. School is probably lacking a real pizza place, and I’m sure you’re in dire need of a good slice of pepperoni and some garlic bread.” He gazes down at his daughter, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Sound good, baby girl?”

“Sure, dad. Anything for you.”


“Oh, my God! This is so good!” Hazel moans, then takes another bite, stretching the cheese until it snaps and falls onto her chin. Mr. Winters laughs, handing her a napkin. She wipes the sauce off her face, and he leans back in his seat across from us. Taking a sip of his beer, he rests his arms along the back of the booth.

“How’s school, girls? Fill me in on what you’re studying.” With two beers in him, he’s loosening up. Hazel has a mouthful of pizza, so I take the opportunity to lead the conversation.

“It’s going great. We just took our psych exams, which I think we both nailed.”

“Maybe you nailed it. I think I did okay. Maybe I need to flirt with our professor, so he gives me a good grade.” Hazel laughs while I gaze across the table at her dad. His grip tightens around his beer, and I question if that comment upset him.

“I thought you were being smarter about that?” he asks, taking a sip of his beer to cover any hardness in his tone.

“Oh, Dad, stop being so overprotective. She’s human. She probably needs a good sexual workout—”

“Hazel!” I slap her on the shoulder.

“What? My dad doesn’t care. He knows what goes on at college. Plus, you’re not his baby girl, so it’s okay to talk about you getting some.” She takes another bite of her pizza, oblivious to the scowl that causes his forehead to crease. You can cut the tension with a knife right now, so I change the subject. Leaning over the booth, I prop my breasts up, capturing his attention for a completely different reason. “What did you study in college, Mr. Winters?”

Hazel waves off my question, answering first. “Oh no, don’t get my dad started on his success stories.” She and her dad share a laugh. He takes another sip of his beer to compose himself.

“I went to Northwestern. Studied international business. Then got my master’s in finance. I spent a lot of time and hard work to get where I am. One day, you’ll both be just as successful.”

Hazel huffs. “No way. I have no interest in working day and night. A simple teaching degree will do just fine for me.” The buzzing of her phone grabs her attention, and she jumps in her seat, a look of nervousness spreading across her face. “Sorry, guys, I have to take this. It’s…uh, it’s this guy from school.” She scoots toward me, and I slide out of the booth to let her out. Quick on her feet, she disappears down the hallway toward the bathrooms. An opportunity strikes me, and I slip my phone out of my back pocket.

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