Home > Blood Strangers(41)

Blood Strangers(41)
Author: Vicki Hinze

“You’ve got us, Gabby.” A woman’s voice sounded from behind her on the lawn.

Gabby spun toward the sound and watched the woods come to life with the faces of those she’d already met in Christmas Cove as well as those she hadn’t. Lys and Sara walked among them. And they were all armed.

“You’re all here for me?” Gabby couldn’t believe her eyes. Were they angry with her? She cast a sideward glance at Plumber. “Do they want me to leave?”

“No, they’re here to protect you—and Kelly and me.” Plumber smiled. “Our backup.”

Gabby’s jaw fell slack. “I—I can’t believe this.”

“You’re one of us now, Gabby.” Plumber hooked an arm around her shoulder. “I told you Lys and Sara wouldn’t have to ask for help.”

Alyce came forward and hugged Gabby. “You okay, hon?”

“I’m better than I’ve been in my whole life.” She smiled at the group of locals. “Thank you—all of you.”

Alyce sniffed. “Those two reeked of trouble. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say.”

Pastor Ruther stepped forward. “The rubbish just checked out of the B & B. Fred is following them to the Interstate to make sure they’re gone.”

“Thank you.” Gabby smiled. “I guess this explains why Main Street was deserted. You’re all here.”

A collective chuckle rippled to her. “So, it does,” the pastor said, then looked at Plumber. “We’re headed to the festival, then. Blessing of the Fleet is in an hour. Don’t be late!”

“But we already did that.” Gabby was confused.

“That was the rehearsal for the locals. This one is the real deal.” Pastor stepped forward, touched her hand. “You’ve had quite the day, Gabby.”

She had.

“Don’t you worry. You’ll be fine. Better than fine. You’ll be safe here. This is your home now.”

His words filled her empty heart. She’d rarely in her life felt safe or at home. Her throat thick, she whispered, “Thank you, Pastor Ruther.”

He nodded then turned. “Everyone, stow your weapons and get to the festival before the funnel cake batter is wrecked.” He whispered to Gabby. “That batter goes bad and I’ll be in the doghouse for a week.”

“Gabby’s Treasures isn’t ready to open yet, but if you get into a fix, call me. I’ll make you some soaps. They shorten doghouse time.”

“Good thinking.” He smiled. “Thank you, Gabby.”

Plumber and Gabby stood on the porch and watched the cluster of Covers make their way to the main road. A bright yellow school bus pulled to a stop and they all got inside.

“The school bus?” Gabby smiled.

“A string of cars would’ve stuck out like a sore thumb. Bain would have spotted that.”

“True.” Gabby grunted, watching the bus pull away. She swiveled to look at Plumber. “Your plan was a lot more developed than I thought.”

Kelly emerged from the cottage looking like herself again. “I’ll see you two when you get to the festival.”

“Thanks again, Kelly,” Gabby said.

“No problem. That’s what cops and friends do.” Kelly made her way down the steps and to her car, then paused at its door and looked back at Gabby. “You’re relieved of duty tonight. You’ve had a wicked day. But next year, I get double-time.”

“You got it.”

Lys stepped over and hugged Gabby. “Glad you’re safe, and I hope this ends the drama.”

“Me, too.”

“But if it doesn’t, we’re here. Don’t forget that.”

“I won’t, Lys. Thanks.”

“Move it, Sara,” Lys said. “I’ve got a bone to pick with the mayor.”

Sara gave Gabby a quick hug, then rushed after Lys. “Lys Hayden, if you put him in a foul mood, Mama and I are going to be really ticked off at you.”

Gabby looked at Plumber. “Sara’s dad is the mayor?”

Plumber nodded. “Why didn’t you stay at the station?”

“You know why.”


She ignored the warning in his tone. “It worked out fine.” Before he could fuss anymore, she kissed him. “I love you, Shadow Watcher, Plumber, Justin Wade.”

“Not yet,” he said. “You love Shadow Watcher. Maybe even Plumber. But not yet Justin Wade.”

“You could be right,” she said.

“I am.”

“But I do know my own mind, and you could be wrong. Maybe I fell in love with all of you before I ever saw you.”

He studied her face and a little twinkle lit in his eye. “Maybe you did.”

She smiled.

“So, you forgive me then—for not telling you the truth sooner?”

“I thank you, Plumber. For everything, including loving me. Just so you know, I’m a novice at loving and definitely at being loved. You’ll need to bear with me while I learn the ropes.”

His expression turned tender. “We’ll muddle through it together.”


“I do.”

Gabby looked up into his face unable to believe all the changes that had happened in her life. She thought she’d lost everything. Everything she’d never wanted, true, but a life she’d built, and losing it had been hard. Yet, in losing it, she had gained everything she’d always wanted, including some things she hadn’t even realized she’d wanted. But she did want them. She really did.

Plumber took a quick phone call. “Yeah. I said yeah, sis. I’ll tell her.” He stowed his phone.

“Everything okay?” Gabby asked.

“Kelly is expecting us for dinner on Christmas at six. You’re to make brownies. She had one at Alyce’s and she wants a double batch for herself, the little glutton. She’ll be griping about packing on extra pounds until St. Patrick’s Day.”

I gave her a tin . . . wait. She wasn’t there, so I put them in the back of Sara’s van.”

Plumber rolled his eyes. “They’re gone.”

“Sara does love brownies.” Gabby laughed hard and deep. Christmas dinner at six. This Christmas, she would not be alone . . .

The joy of seeing a promise made to herself fulfilled spread through her.

And just like that, the pain of living a lifetime as blood strangers behind closed doors, keeping the family secrets, was laid to rest.









They say you can’t choose your family.

You just love them anyway.

I guess you can do that, until you can’t.

When you’re scared out of your wits, alone, and have nowhere to turn, put out an SOS, then look around and see who shows up.

Who offers help, refuge, aid? Who doesn’t abandon you?

Or hold you hostage for a kindness?

That could be someone related by blood.

But it could also be a friend.

Maybe someone you didn’t realize was such a good friend

as he or she proves to be.

Family can be just about anyone.

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