Home > Home For The Holidays(110)

Home For The Holidays(110)
Author: Elena Aitken

She brushed her lips over his again. “I don’t know what’s going on with my life, either. Let’s just…spend some time together while you’re here. Enjoy each other. Whatever that looks like. Don’t over complicate it.”

Damn Percy for putting his brain on this path.

Ryan pulled her close. “You have no idea how much I want to say yes to that offer. But I still have a job to do here. I need to be able to make recommendations for Percy when I go, and he’s not showing any signs of being willing to cooperate.”

“He’s willing to cooperate for me.”

“You think you can sweet talk him into getting a proper physical from the doctor?”

“Probably not. But I can help talk him into activities that would enable you to check him out.”

The idea intrigued him. “Like what?

“There’s a Christmas dance out at Applewhite Farms on Friday night. We could go. It’d be a chance to see him in a social setting, get him out of the house. I guarantee his isolation is a huge part of his issue. I’m pretty sure Percy’s benefactor will be there. We could try to nudge them together. And we’ve already established he’ll dance with me. You can get a better gauge of his physical capabilities.” Her lips curved. “And hopefully you’ll save a few dances for me yourself.”

It wasn’t a half-bad idea. He had no idea what a small town dance consisted of, but at this point, he’d follow her just about anywhere to keep soaking up the warmth of that smile. “Then I’d say we have a date.”



Chapter 7



“I don’t know why you dragged me out with you tonight,” Percy grumped. “In my day we didn’t want chaperones on a date.”

Hannah tucked her arm more firmly in his, both as a means of keeping him from turning back to the truck and to help him navigate the uneven terrain of the gravel drive up to the big barn of Applewhite Farms.

Ryan trailed a pace behind, on Percy’s other side, ready to steady him if he stumbled. “We don’t need a chaperone.”

“Then you’re doing this date thing all wrong.”

She snorted with laughter and popped him lightly on the arm. “Percy!”

“Well, you are,” he insisted, but a smile hovered at the edge of his thin lips as he glanced over at her.

She grinned back, buoyed by his improved mood. “Unsolicited advice on how a date should work aside, you’re here because the Merry Mingle is a good cause. Proceeds go toward building a proper play area in the children’s wing at the hospital. You know you want to make sure those kids have something more than second-hand board games. Besides, it’ll be fun. Where’s your holiday spirit?”

“I spent it all on decorating the house. Who’s gonna put all that stuff away when Christmas is over?”

She started to say that she and Ryan would, then remembered he’d be gone by then. As that fell firmly into the category of do-not-want-to-think-about, Hannah fixed her smile in place. “I will.” She’d get Omar to help with the bigger boxes. Nudging her shoulder gently against Percy’s, she insisted, “No excuses. We’re here to have fun tonight, and you’re gonna save me some dances.”

Evan Applewhite, Jace’s dad, manned the door selling tickets. “Welcome, welcome! How many?”

“Three, please,” Ryan told him. He paid the man and the three of them stepped into a whirl of light and music.

Applewhite Farms was the Christmas destination in Wishful. Not only did they supply most of the fresh Christmas trees in town, they also knew how to throw a serious holiday party. A band was set up at one end of the big barn and fat Christmas lights criss-crossed the space above them, combined with lots of greenery and ribbon to provide a festive air. A good hundred people milled through the building, rocking out to “Run, Run Rudolph” or hovering around one of the tables at the edges. A cash bar was set up in one corner, and a refreshment table took up another.

“Percy Gannaway! We haven’t seen you for a coon’s age!” Delia Watson’s voice boomed above the music.

If she hadn’t been holding his arm, Hannah wouldn’t have noticed the momentary tensing of his muscles as the Casserole Patrol wandered over.

“Evenin’, ladies.”

“And who is this handsome young man?” Maudie Bell asked, giving Ryan the once over.

“My nephew, Sergeant Ryan Malone.” He made introductions.

Ryan inclined his head, with a very proper “Ma’am” for each of them. A trio of identical blushes stained their cheeks.

“I drove by your house the other day. It looks amazing,” Maudie Bell gushed. “It’s good to see you getting back into the Christmas spirit.”

Percy jerked his shoulders. “Seemed like it was time.”

“Hannah’s work?” Delia asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” Hannah confirmed.

Maudie Bell swatted Betty on the arm. “You were absolutely right to send her over there.”

Percy shot a surprised glance in Betty’s direction. “This was your idea?”

Betty shrugged, a hotter blush staining her cheeks. “I thought you’d enjoy it.”

Definite crush.

“Well.” He stopped there until Hannah nudged him in the ribs. “Thank you.”

Chester Harkin, Maudie Bell’s live-in beau, walked up with drinks in hand. “Percy.”


“House looks great. You’re giving my Maudie Bell ideas.”

Maudie Bell practically cackled. “I had ideas well before now. But I think I will have Hannah come by to spruce things up before the kids come.”

“I’d be happy to,” Hannah said.

Ryan slipped his hand in hers. “If you’ll excuse us, I think we’re going to go dance.”

Percy waved them off. “Go, go. Have fun.”

As Ryan towed her away, Percy asked the others, “Y’all doing okay?”

“Can’t complain, can’t complain. When are you gonna come down to the senior center for bingo night?” Delia demanded.

“Oh, leave the man alone,” Betty insisted. “You know he hates bingo.”

The rest of their conversation got swallowed up by the music.

The band shifted into a rendition of “Let It Snow”. As Ryan pulled her into his arms, Hannah’s gaze lingered on Percy.

“Relax, he’s fine,” Ryan murmured.

“But what if he needs a rescue?”

“We made him come out tonight so he’d socialize. You have to give him a chance to do that.”

She bit her lip. “I know. It’s just…I’ve gotten attached to him over the past few days. What if this is too much for him?”

“These are his lifelong friends. He’s okay. See, he’s asked Betty to dance.” Ryan circled them so she had a clear view of Percy leading Betty onto the floor.

“He seems to have taken her gesture well. You think he’s ready to think about maybe dating again?”

“Your guess is as good as mine. He about ripped me a new one when I brought it up the other day. But enough about Percy, for now. I’m more interested in you.” Ryan lost some of that sober expression that seemed to be his default, a smile crinkling the corners of his eyes as he pulled her closer.

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