Home > Home For The Holidays(147)

Home For The Holidays(147)
Author: Elena Aitken

“I may not be able to cook a lot of different foods, but breakfast is easy enough,” he said, setting a plate down in front of her.

He’d made a smiley face out of the bacon and eggs, making her laugh. He set a glass of orange juice down and then returned to get his own food.

“So?” he asked after she’d taken her first bite.

“It’s good. But…” She leaned forward. “As you said, it’s breakfast food.”

He laughed. “Even Chris can cook a few eggs and bacon.”

“Yes, Chris, I fear, has taken after my father in the kitchen. My father once almost burned down our house when he tried to reheat a slice of pizza in the toaster. He had a bright idea that if he turned the toaster on its side, it would work just fine.”

“I’ve actually seen Chris do that very same thing.” Eric shook his head as he chuckled.

“So, I was thinking we could take that walk after breakfast. Not that it’s stopped snowing, but…” She shrugged. “I think if we add a few layers of clothing we’ll be okay.”

“Sounds good. Somehow the short walk I took last night was more exhilarating than cold,” he replied.

“Then it’s settled.” She nodded and finished her breakfast.

“Too bad it’s not a bright sunny day. We could pack a picnic lunch and enjoy the beach for a few hours.”

“If it was a bright sunny day, then we wouldn’t be here. We’d be in Portland by now,” she pointed out. Instantly, she noticed the change in him. He sobered a little before nodding once.

“It would have been a shame. Not seeing this place.” He looked around. “I’ve added it to my visit-again list.”

She had too. She wanted to see the view in the spring or summer. And she’d been dreaming of a day on the beach. Since moving to California, she’d only had a few days where she’d escaped to spend time in the sun.

“I’d like to see it in the summer,” she agreed.

“Well, it’s definitely not summer out there now, but it is beautiful.” He finished his breakfast. “I’ll do the dishes while you layer up.” He smiled and took her empty plate and glass.

Disappearing into her room, she pulled a pair of jeans over the yoga pants, then took her wool socks out of her bag and put them on. After two tries, she managed to pull on her Uggs. She desperately wished for the snow boots that she’d left at her parents’ house. She hadn’t believed she would need them in Cali. She pulled off her sweatshirt and put on a tank top and a T-shirt, before putting the sweatshirt back on.

She pulled on a beanie, grabbed a scarf, and headed back out.

Eric was already there, waiting for her, his jacket and scarf in hand.

“Think you’ll be warm enough?” he asked, assessing her outfit.

“I’m breaking a sweat now,” she joked, opening the door. Taking a deep breath, she almost choked as the frigid air closed her throat.

Eric was there, gently slapping her on the back until she caught her breath.

“Jesus, it’s freezing out here.” She wrapped her arms around herself.

“Change your mind?” he asked, shutting the door to the cabin behind him.

Looking around, she saw the beauty surrounding them and wanted to explore. “No,” she said after a moment. She took Eric’s hand and started pulling him down the cleared pathway towards the sand.

When they hit the beach, it was hard to tell where the sand ended and the snow started. There was a slight breeze blowing, which had the white powder mixing with the darker sand.

They remained in silence as they crossed the expanse of the sand. Stopping a few feet away from the water’s edge, they watched the waves break, clearing the snow from the sand as soon as it landed.

“I’ve never been on the beach when it’s snowing before,” she said.

“I hadn’t either. There’s something…”

“Mesmerizing about it all,” she finished for him. She was more aware now than before that he hadn’t dropped her hand. Even though they were both wearing gloves, she felt the heat rush through his hand into her own.

“I thought it was magical being in the city for Christmas, but this…” He shook his head.

“Yeah,” she agreed as they started walking down the beach. “So,” she said after a few feet, “what did Chris say?”

“About?” he asked, looking at her sideways.

She motioned to their joined hands. “This.”

He sighed and glanced out over the water, and she could tell he was trying to avoid the conversation.

She knew the moment that he’d mentioned he’d talked to Chris that he’d told her brother about their kiss. The two of them had remained close all of these years. She’d had friends come and go during her school years. None of them had stuck like Eric and Chris had.

She knew that they didn’t keep secrets from one another. Ever. Once, her brother’s girlfriend had tried to hit on Eric at a party. By the time the party had closed down, Chris had broken up with the girl and it was all over the school that it was because of what had happened.

Tugging his hand, she pulled him to a stop and took a slight step closer to him. She searched his eyes.

“No matter what he said, it won’t change the way I feel, the way I’ve always felt about you.” She waited, biting her lip as the seconds ticked by.



Chapter 8



What was he supposed to do with that? He’d waited years to have a chance with Alice. Now his best friend had pretty much signed off on letting him take that chance.

Not to mention, here she was, practically throwing herself directly in front of him. He wanted her. Period. But there was the voice in his head screaming for him to be careful. This would mean more to him than any other relationship had or ever would. After all, if by chance their relationship didn’t last, his and Chris’s would go on.

He ran his hands up and down her arms and then pulled her close until her head rested on his shoulder. “Promise me,” he said against her forehead.

“Anything.” She wrapped her arms around his waist.

“No matter what happens, we remain friends.”

She chuckled. “I can’t make that promise.” She leaned back and looked into his eyes. “Let’s say you decide to cheat on me with Lisa Carver…”

“Who?” He frowned.

“Chris’s ex, the one who…”

“Oh,” he interrupted her and chuckled. “Right. Trust me, that isn’t an issue.”

“Or a Lisa Carver type.” She ran her hands up his sides. “Then, I’m afraid, I’d have to cut your heart out.” She leaned up on her toes and kissed him. “I take it that my brother has given you his approval finally.”

He sighed, enjoying the feeling of her lips on his. “Sort of,” he agreed. “That doesn’t mean that I’m going to jump you the first chance I get.”

“Why not?” she asked, pulling herself closer. “You can’t tell me you don’t want to.”

No, he couldn’t. He couldn’t even say that he hadn’t thought about doing just that when she’d walked out that morning in that thin tank top.

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