Home > Home For The Holidays(193)

Home For The Holidays(193)
Author: Elena Aitken

“How’d you know we needed to drive to see your present?” Sunshine asked him.

“I didn’t. I’m taking you to see your other present.”

“But you already gave me Duke.”

He started the engine and pulled out into the lane. “Hold onto your hat, baby. We’re just getting started.”


Sunshine’s stomach fluttered in anticipation all the way to town, not because she was excited to see her present—she’d already gotten so much—but because she couldn’t wait to show Cole the ranch. Still, she wanted to enjoy every minute of today. She watched the country fall away and the buildings get closer together as they neared the center of town. She couldn’t imagine what would be open this morning, so when he parked at the edge of a nearly empty Main Street, she didn’t know what to expect.

Cole got out, came around to open her door and took her hand when she joined him on the sidewalk. He shut the truck’s door behind her and led her to a storefront with newspaper covering the windows.

“Give me a sec.” He went through the keys on his keyring, found what he was looking for and opened the door. “Come on in.”

“What is this place?” Sunshine asked. She followed him in, blinked when he turned on the lights and gazed at the clean, empty, tastefully decorated space in front of them. It looked like—

She turned to Cole. “Is it—” She couldn’t even put it into words. Could it be?

“It’s yours. Your new restaurant.” Cole tugged her further inside. “Do you like it?”

“Mine?” Sunshine couldn’t believe her ears. “Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. I bought and renovated it for you, didn’t I?”

Astonishment welled up inside her. More than any words Cole could say to her, this proved his support of her dreams. As she moved around the large space taking in the craftsmanship of the floors and the pristine condition of the fittings, she could feel Cole’s love for her in every inch of the place. “I can’t believe it. Cole—it’s wonderful!”

He scooped her up into a hug. “And we’ll work things out with the baby.”

“I know we will.” She kissed him, arching into him. She didn’t think he’d ever turned her on more.

He responded in kind and they made out like teenagers until Sunshine pulled back. “As much as I’d like to ravish you right here, I need to show you your present.”

“Can’t it wait?” Cole growled, planting kiss after kiss on her neck.

“No.” She pushed him away playfully, then caught his hand. “Come on. You’re going to love it.” But she had to take a last look around the restaurant. “I can’t wait to get started.”

“First things first,” he said, tugging her toward the door. “You need to give me my gift, and then you need to ravish me. Unless those are the same things.”

“Ha, not likely. I got you a proper gift.” She followed him outside and watched him lock up again.

Cole sighed. “I was afraid of that.”

She made him give her the truck keys. “Close your eyes,” she said when they were seated inside. “No peeking.”

He did so and blew her a kiss.


“Some Christmas this is turning out to be.”

They teased each other until Sunshine turned into the rutted driveway that led to the ranch house. She’d gotten the driveway plowed so she was able to park close to the front door. “Keep them closed,” she said. She killed the engine, hopped out and went to his side. Opening his door, she helped him take off his seatbelt and pulled him to stand outside. “Okay—now!”

Cole dropped his hands and gazed around. He took in the house and turned to gaze at the fields beyond. “I don’t get it.”

“It’s a ranch! I bought you a ranch, you big dummy!” Sunshine nearly hopped up and down in her excitement. “It’s ours!”

He scanned the property again. “The house or the whole thing?”

“The whole thing. Three hundred acres. Now, I know that’s not big, but it’s got a barn and—”

Cole whooped, picked her up and danced around with her. “A ranch! A whole damn ranch! Holy—”

“Cole!” She covered his mouth with her mittened hands, and then kissed him. “You’re going to be a daddy. Clean up that potty mouth!”

“I love you,” he said, letting her slide through his hands until they were face to face. “Sunshine Patterson, I love you, you know that?”

“I do,” she said.


Seven days later, Cole stood by the altar in the Chance Creek Reformed Church flanked by Ethan, Jamie, Rob and Cab. His suit’s stiff lines made him distinctly uncomfortable. Still, he wanted to do this right—he was only going to do it once.

“Took you long enough,” Rob muttered from his left. “You really are a slow-poke, Cole.”

“Yeah, who would have thought you’d be the last to marry,” Cab said.

“Remember when Sunshine first came to Chance Creek? None of us had a serious girlfriend,” Jamie said.

“Except me, and I lost her anyway. Thank God,” Ethan said. They all nodded.

“Now here we are, every one of us tied down with a ball and chain,” Rob said.

“Doesn’t feel much like being tied down,” Ethan said.

“Nope,” Cab agreed.

“Life’s pretty good—”

The music swelled and the door at the back of the church swung open. Autumn, Claire, Morgan and Rose, dressed in matching moss-green gowns, walked at a stately pace down the aisle and took their places across from the men. But when Sunshine stepped through on her father’s arm in a dress that was all white and curves and billowing train, everything around him disappeared until the only thing he could see was the woman who was about to become his wife.

Cole realized that he’d gone without family for a long time and had been separated from his friends by half a world for nearly three years. Now he would get it all back. Friends, a home, a business, a wife—and a brand new family.

He swallowed against an unfamiliar feeling, desperate to keep control of his emotions, but when Sunshine met his gaze and smiled, he had to grin back. Some of the tightness in his chest loosened. He’d get through this without making an ass of himself.

He laced his fingers through hers the minute her father let her go and took his seat. Turning to face Reverend Halpern, he squeezed her hand and she squeezed back.

“Dearly beloved,” the reverend started. The rest was a whirlwind of words and responses. He would remember to his dying day the way Sunshine looked at him when she repeated her vows, and as he stumbled through his he hoped she felt the same. It seemed an eternity before Halpern said the words he’d been waiting to hear, though.

“You may now kiss the bride.”

Cole caught Sunshine in a tight embrace and kissed her thoroughly before he broke away to the accompaniment of cheers and laughter. They walked up the aisle, receiving everyone’s congratulations before being bundled into the Town Car that was to take them to the Cruz ranch for the reception.

“This can’t be real,” he said to Sunshine as they drove. “It just can’t be.”

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