Home > Home For The Holidays(215)

Home For The Holidays(215)
Author: Elena Aitken

“Fantastic, now that we’re all here, I’d like to call this meeting to order,” Gen said, and he took the closest seat. Luna sat down next to him, which gave him a little headrush. There were plenty of other empty seats she could’ve chosen, but she chose the one next to him.


“Genevieve, dear, do you have an estimate for how long the meeting might last? I’d like to let Fernando know how long I’ll be.”

Connor could see Genevieve pushing down a smile, but when she spoke there was no hint of it. From what he knew about Mrs. Valentine and her honest if sometimes sharp tongue, that was probably a wise move on Genevieve’s part.

“I’d say no longer than half an hour, ma’am.”

Mrs. Valentine nodded sharply. “Good, then. Get started without me. I’ll be back in a moment.”

As soon as she was out of earshot, Luna leaned forward eagerly. “Who is Fernando?”

Ella explained in a hurried whisper, “He’s the latest in a long line of young and handsome health care aides who have a lot more to offer in the brawn than brains department. Have Connor fill you in later.”

Luna looked up at him and they exchanged a look. After just a second’s worth of eye contact, she blushed and looked away.

His stomach twisted, but it was far from unpleasant. Damn. He really liked the idea that people around town were starting to think of them as a joined pair again. The fact that he and Luna were spending so much time together that other people put them in the “have Connor fill you in later” category was pretty much the greatest thing he’d heard in a while.

When Mrs. Valentine returned to the meeting room, Connor could’ve sworn she was just a tiny bit flushed from her conversation with the mysterious Fernando, but he decided not to think too deeply about that.

She bustled over to the head of the conference table and settled into the seat.

As Gen passed out agendas, she said, “First of all, I’d like to thank everyone for making the time to be here tonight. I know we all have busy lives and schedules, and I appreciate you taking the time.

“That having been said, I would like to move through the agenda as quickly as possible. There is a lot of work still to be done in the next two and a half weeks, and I for one would like to get started on it.”

Everyone nodded as they looked over the agenda. Gen continued, “So, quick rundown of who all is here and why—Grandmother Valentine is the main benefactor of the event—”

“Not to mention the emcee,” she interjected.

Genevieve nodded, suppressing a smile, then continued, “That’s correct, also the emcee. I’m coordinating...well, everything. Ella is heading up aesthetics and decor, Allison is wrangling the talent, Abby is curating the wine list, and now we have the addition of Luna and Connor, who have so generously offered to head up the food portion of the evening.”

Luna put her hand in the air hesitantly, and Connor thought that it might just be the cutest thing he’d ever seen. She even had a couple of false starts before she managed to get it all the way up.

“Now honey, if you have a question, just speak right up. We don’t bite,” Mrs. Valentine said, her voice firm.

Luna flushed at the admonition. Connor didn’t blame her—it could be intimidating being the object of the older woman’s laser-focused attention.

Instead of wilting, though, Luna flourished. She sat up straighter. “You’re right, Mrs. Valentine. I just wondered, since Connor and I came to this late in the game, if we could get a rundown of what the evening actually consists of. That might help us formulate a menu that would be appropriate for the occasion, but still on-brand for the diner.”

Connor leaned over and nudged Luna’s shoulder with his own. “Way to go,” he said softly. “This must be you in marketing consultant mode. I like it.”

Gen nodded. “Absolutely. The event is a part cocktail party, part talent review. There’s no sit-down portion, though. The entertainment is concurrent with the mingling.

“There’s also a silent auction component. Announcing the winners will cap the party.”

Luna nodded. “So, we’re looking at appetizers, then?”

“Yes, I think that would fit in well,” Gen agreed.

Luna looked thoughtful. “Since Main Street eats is a classic American diner, I’m thinking that appetizers based on classic American Christmas food would be a fun twist?”

“Oh, I love that idea!” Abby exclaimed, and Luna turned to her.

“Abs, maybe we could follow up this week and talk about wine and food pairings? They should definitely complement each other.”

“You’re reading my mind,” Abby confirmed.

Gen beamed. “Man. Coordinating is so easy when you’re working with the best people.”

“Thank you, dear. I appreciate that,” Mrs. Valentine said, but Connor could see the twinkle in her eye that showed she was teasing Gen.

He had the sudden urge to take Luna’s hand, or slide his arm around her shoulder. In fact, he stopped himself just in time.

There was just something about being in this meeting—the feeling of doing something good for his community, surrounded by his friends. And sitting next to his girl.

That was how he thought of her. “His girl.” He realized now that he had never really stopped thinking of her that way. He hoped that didn’t end up biting him in the butt...but, if he was honest, it probably already had.

Yeah. There was a good chance that the fact he’d never felt very connected or committed to another woman was because of the fact he’d never stopped thinking of her as his girl. At least now he realized it.

He looked over at her again, so bright and animated and engaged, talking about the food and the wine, and the evening, and how great it was going to be for the kids they’d be helping.

Damn. She was his girl. In his heart, she always would be.

Now the only question he needed the answer to was: what was in her heart?



Chapter 18





Walking out of the community center after the meeting, Luna was filled with a sense of contentment and rightness that she hadn’t thought was possible. When other people talked about everything falling into place in their lives, or even the feeling of fitting in and knowing they were on the right path, it wasn’t something she could relate to.

Everything she’d done, all she’d worked for—it had been because it’s what she thought she was supposed to want.

After all, if you were from a tiny little town like this, weren’t you supposed to want to make it in the big city? If you had always been boosted by the support of friends and family, weren’t you supposed to want to spread your wings and fly on your own?

She glanced over at Connor walking beside her and her heart squeezed inside her chest as she considered the last question.

If you had a high school relationship, weren’t you supposed to want to sow your wild oats and find out what else was out there for you in the world?

Well, there was one problem with all of those things she was supposed to want. They were bullshit. Or at least they were for her.

They were all based on how she’d interpreted her grandmother’s admonitions about independence. And now, come to find out…she’d interpreted them wrong!

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