Home > Elvish Lover : Purely Paranormal Pleasures(2)

Elvish Lover : Purely Paranormal Pleasures(2)
Author: C.D. Gorri

“Of course, I was gone! After what you said!”

“What did I say?” He asked and attempted to get closer to her, but her fellow Elves had rallied, and were now closing ranks around her.

“Back up, sir. Candy is one of ours, but I am sure we can talk this out without getting physical,” Jolly said, and she winced as she heard his soft little gulp at the end.

“I would move if I were you,” Medjed narrowed his eyes at the few who’d dared step between them.

She noted the telltale sign of his nostrils flaring and the tension in his jaws, but Elves were made of stouter stuff then that.

Take that! She was so proud of her typically timid brethren.

Or she was for as long as that lasted. About thirty-seven seconds.


One by one, her fellow Elves moved away under Medjed’s intense growling and angry stare, until poor Jolly was the only one left. Medjed’s eyes were a deep, blood red and swirls of glittering gold sand were circling overhead despite the snow. That could only mean one thing, he was spitting mad.

It was unfair of Candy to expect her much smaller, redheaded friend to take the heat. She had to do this herself.

“Look,” she said pushing Jolly behind her, “I heard you on the phone, Medjed. Just go back to her, to your first love, your Carolina!”

“What?” He had the nerve to sound confused, “You are my only love, sweet Candy mine. I have said this,” he growled and nodded as if his words were the end all.

“Oh, no you don’t. None of that, I have said this jingle-balls nonsense, Medjed, I mean it!” Candy stomped her feet angrily at him.

“Candy!” Scolded Jolly in a whisper that she heard despite the loud gasping of the assorted Elves.

They were clearly astonished at her swearing, but she was too far gone to give a penguin’s fart about them. Her heart was broken. Bro-ken! For fluff’s sake, didn’t anyone care?

“I heard you talking to that woman and you said, you would never forget her! That she was your true mate!”

“What? I never said that,” he growled.

“You said that meeting her was the best thing that ever happened to you—”

“No, I—”

“I don’t want to hear it you, you, you, two-timing cinnamon-scented piece of reindeer fodder. You can just suck my mistletoe!” Candy pointed at him with her finger, yes that one, and everyone in the area seemed to gasp.

“I would be happy to suck any part of you, mate,” he whispered but she knew her pointy-eared brethren were more than capable of hearing what he said.

Oh, jingle balls, she groaned as her body responded to his seductive tone.

How could he still make her feel like this? She wondered for the umpteenth time. Like a marshmallow in a cup of steaming cocoa all gooey and hot inside.


“Come with me, sweet Candy, let me explain,” he said in that gravelly accented voice she just loved.

Especially when he was whispering in Ancient Egyptian against her earlobe while doing deliciously naughty things to her no-longer-virginal self.

He’d given her good tidings, indeed.

The deep, dulcet tones elicited visions of the euphoric bliss she’d found in his large, muscular arms on the bed they’d made inside the cave out in the wilderness. They’d spent countless hours making love. Candy had technically been a virgin and learning every nuance and memorizing each and every sigh and groan was something she’d taken to right away. She’d given herself to him, sworn eternal loyalty and love and had thought he’d felt the same.


Then it all went splat like a snowball landing on hell’s doorstep!

“No, Medjed, I won’t go with you ever again,” she answered and her heart constricted in pain at her cold response.

Christmas Elves might be used to wintry weather, but her heart had never felt so frozen. Still, it was the only way. She had to try and hold on to her integrity. After all, she wasn’t a plaything.

She was a living breathing she-Elf with a beating heart and a soul that needed and deserved to be treated with honesty and respect. And love, most of all love. Was she so naïve that she’d confused sex for love? But she’d been so very certain he was the man her Granny Elf had predicted she’d find all those years ago.

But one question remained, how could Medjed be her mate if he had another?

“Don’t say that, rohi, please,” he begged and went to reach for her, but she stepped back, bumping into Jolly in the process.

It hurt to hear him use the nickname he’d given her practically upon first sight. Rohi was Egyptian for “my soul” and it had made her feel so very special when he’d explained that she was a part of him. Now she wondered how many other pieces of his soul were out there.


At that exact moment, Fluffy, the baby penguin she’d saved, leapt out of Jolly’s hands and landed on the floor. The little bird’s whimpers and cries would be ignored no more.

“Fluffy,” Candy called, but the chick scampered across the floor quick as her little webbed feet could run straight to Medjed’s arms. The exact same place Candy wished she could go.

The little traitor, she sucked in a breath at the sharp sting of betrayal, however brief, she felt at the penguin chick’s obvious lack of loyalty. But what did she expect?

The warrior of Osiris practically exuded heat. He was like a living furnace for fluff’s sake! Even the tiny helpless creature knew he was bigger, braver, and stronger than everyone else there.

He was the logical choice to seek out when it came to wanting someone to provide for and protect you. Everything inside of her approved of that fact, but she couldn’t let this go. What kind of life could they have if he belonged to another?

“Hello there, small flightless bird,” Medjed crouched and scooped up Fluffy with his large, yet gentle hands.

Hands that Candy knew were capable of incredible tenderness all too well. Hands that had traced and caressed every inch of her curvaceous frame just hours ago.

Her body began to hum with the memories they had made in the tiny little cavern they’d sheltered in while a blizzard had raged on outside. They’d been safe in their cocoon of love. But was it love or was it just seduction on his part.

Candy was hundreds of years old, as Elves aged differently than normals, and virginal to boot, but even she recognized that Medjed was pretty much built for sex. He had the most incredible physique. And that masculine part of him was by far the most magnificent dick she’d ever seen.

Okay, so yeah, she’d seen her fair share of erotic movies, or, er porn. She was an Elf not a Saint. Elvish bachelorette parties were remarkably similar to human traditions, though in Candy’s opinion supernaturals were far superior in the package department.

Elves came in many shapes and sizes, but Christmas Elves were very close in both to humans. Hence, their preference for human-like traditions. I.E. pornography.

Anyway, how she got off on that tangent she had no idea. She only knew that Medjed had earned the nickname “sword of the ancient Egyptian underworld” for more than his prowess with his khopesh.

Giggle. Snort. NO, wait, this was not funny. He was still a two-timer and her heart was still broken. She worked on getting her thoughts organized. Then her eyes snapped to his.

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