Home > Waffles at the Wake(27)

Waffles at the Wake(27)
Author: Addison Moore

The day in court ends, and Everett reminds us not to speak a word about the proceedings to anyone, including each other right before he dismisses us.

“Thank goodness.” Flo drags herself off the table as the two of us head outside and Everett comes around from the side door sans his robe. I quickly pick up his hand in the event she has something else to say.

“All right, Mr. Sexy”—Flo honks out a laugh—“your courtroom provided just the right environment for a nice long nap. Now that we’re all rested, it’s time to have some fun. Scooter Springs, here we come.” Her glowing eyes sharpen over mine. “It’s time for Nicky Knuckles to pay for what he’s done to me.”



Chapter 10



Delfino’s is a rather snazzy joint in Scooter Springs with a club vibe yet a gourmet menu.

Scooter Springs sits a little north of Honey Hollow just past the quaint little town of Starry Falls. However, there’s nothing quaint about Scooter Springs. It has all of the rough and tumble appeal of Leeds, not to mention dicey clubs and rowdy bars. I can see why the mob would find it appealing.

Carlotta, Everett, Noah, and I are quickly settled at a round table in the center of the action. Delfino’s is dimly lit, save for ambient lighting, the sound of country music croons through the speakers, and there’s an entire group of women dancing, mostly by themselves, fully clothed, each dressed head to toe in rose gold dresses—I have no idea what their deal is, but they definitely look like entertainment of some sort.

I’m not really sure what’s going on here, but as soon as I saw they had fried pickles as an appetizer, I ordered three servings. Let’s get real, appetizers are hardly enough for one human, let alone four and a half. And not only that, I ordered a full antipasto platter, along with a side of ranch and buffalo sauce. It’s not like I’m going to sit around eating salami without being able to dip it into two of my favorite sauces. I’m not a monster.

Everett and Noah are heavily embroiled in a conversation regarding the construction of the new house, and every now and again I hear them say Bear’s name in a disparaging light—not that I can blame them after that stunt he pulled at Nell’s old place—the stunt he’s still pulling there.

Flo pops up in all of her pink finery, along with that sparkle of dark stars caught in her hair.

“He’s here,” she crows as she gives a nervous look around. “I can sense him. And don’t get me started on the fact I’m still craving a bite out of that rock-hard—”

“I get it,” I say. “Actually, I don’t,” I’m quick to recant. “Flo, he could be your killer.”

“I can’t help it. Nicky and I had a very twisted relationship. I’ll see you later, Lottie. I’m going to hunt him down.” She floats into the crowd while dancing with her arms up high over her head.

“Tell me when you find him,” I shout after her.

“I can’t blame her, Lot.” Carlotta offers up a forlorn look in her direction. “I once felt that way about Harry. Why do you think I came back to Honey Hollow?”

“Harry didn’t kill you. And I happen to know you came back to Honey Hollow for the reading of Nell’s will. Although I’d like to think I had a little something to do with it.”

“No, but you had plenty to do with why I was missing all those years. As it turns out, you were nothing to be afraid of. If I knew I could have all the dessert I wanted for free, I’d a come back sooner. And let’s face it, Harry’s freaky side is the glue that keeps my feet stuck to that one-horse town.”

“Nice to know,” I say, making rosettes of a variety of Italian lunchmeats and swiping them through the ranch dip before shoving it all into my mouth. A hard groan comes from me. “You know, this wouldn’t taste bad in a cruller,” I say through a mouthful.

One of those dancing damsels clad in shiny rose fabric shimmies up to our table, and both Noah and Everett cease their conversation and observe her for a moment. She’s a redhead with deep-set dimples. And in each of those dimples she has a small silver piercing tucked inside, making them that much more pronounced.

“Oh, I see how it is,” I snip. “You can’t tear yourselves away from your conversation about retractable sprinkler heads when I’m giving my soliloquy on the finer points of Italian deli meats, but once Ms. Glitz and Glamour shows up, it’s all eyes on her.” Mostly that’s my hormones talking. I’m not insecure in my relationship with either of these men, but I guess I’m not only hungry for Italian lunchmeats tonight, I’m starved for their attention.

Everett frowns my way before his lips twitch with a benevolent smile.

“I like this side of you, Lemon.”

“Hear that, Lot?” Noah hikes his brows. “He likes you jealous. What does that say about his character?”

“Hold your horses, boys.” Carlotta rubs her fingers together toward the two of them as if asking for some cold, hard cash, and Everett quickly drops a twenty-dollar bill into her hand. “Take this, honey.” Carlotta hands the cash to the dimpled dancer. “Stay away from our table and keep the rest of the glossy girls away, too.”

“With these lookers”—the woman blows both Noah and Everett a kiss while shoving the bill between her breasts—“I can’t make any promises. My name is Jewel, if you’re interested.” She bops off to the next table, shaking her belly as if it was on a swivel.

Carlotta leans my way. “Someone had to give her the boot. She was cramping my style. I’ve already made eye contact with three different men. Two want to take me back to their place, and one wants to have a meet and greet in the men’s room.”

“What?” I squawk. “Carlotta, you are insane. You’ve been with me the entire time. Nobody has propositioned you.”

“You’d be surprised how much you can learn from just a look, Lot. You, of all people, should know that. But you’re stuck in a box with Sexy all day and not in a good way. What’s the case about, anyway?”

“A woman stabbed her boyfriend to death.”

“Lemon.” Everett straightens in his seat a moment. “You’re under oath not to talk about the proceedings.”

Noah shrugs. “Then kick her off the case.” He winks my way, and I bite down a smile.

“Sometimes, Noah Corbin Fox, you are a genius.” I blow a kiss his way to reward him.

“No,” Everett says it curtly. “I’m not kicking you off the jury. I’m aware people do bring up the case at home without meaning to. But it was a momentary lapse. I’m sure it won’t happen again.”

“And if you keep talking, Lot”—Carlotta snaps up a fried pickle spear—“he’s going to find a creative way to silence you.” She shoves the pickle into her mouth and gives it a crunch that makes both Noah and Everett wince.

“Don’t worry, Everett,” I tell him. “It’s not like Carlotta or Noah is going to ruin the case.”

Carlotta pats my arm. “Not when we got Lot here doing it for us. So is the woman guilty, or what?”

“I think so,” I say, snapping up a fried pickle spear myself.

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