Home > Waffles at the Wake(41)

Waffles at the Wake(41)
Author: Addison Moore

She turns my way and nods. “It’s time, Lot!”

“Time for what?”

Carlotta charges at me. “Stand next to the pole and put your hands out. I’m gonna need a boost!”

The pole is a long acrylic tube filled with glitter and looks harmless for the most part, but on a night like tonight, it may as well be a loaded gun.

“Carlotta, no!” I shout as I instinctively thread my fingers together and hold my hands low.

She uses me like a springboard, and within seconds rockets herself to the top of the pole. Before I know what’s happened, both Everett and Noah hop on stage and pull me to safety. Carlotta does a wild spin before shooting off that pole with centripetal force and diving straight into the crowd at the foot of the stage. Both Mayor Nash and Wiley catch her before hoisting her into the air victoriously as the crowd goes wild. And before we know it, it’s raining green right over the both of us.

I manage to catch a couple of loose bills midair as Everett and Noah navigate me out of the club and into the frozen night.

I tell them all about Flo’s baby daddy dilemma and Rocky’s theory on Donata being the killer.

Noah nods. “Okay. It all makes a little more sense. Now, we just need to have Flo give us the details on that bloodbath in the making. And no matter what, we need to figure out how to get that body back to the morgue.”

Everett’s cheek flinches. “Lemon and I have a big trial wrapping up in the morning. Don’t make any moves just yet.”

Noah flexes a smile my way. “And tomorrow at four-thirty we’ve got a doctor’s appointment.”

An open-mouthed smile takes over my face.

“I almost forgot about that.” My hands warm my belly. “At least we all have something good to look forward to. And it buys us a little more time to figure out how to move that body.”

Because we all know there is no good way to do it.

I give a glance to the snowy world around us. “On the bright side, I’ve got sixty bucks I’m looking to burn.” I hold up the loot in my hand. “Who’s up for a pizza at Mangias? I’m buying.”

We quickly take off for far more delicious Italian pastures.

Florenza Canelli owes me some answers before she gets the funeral of her dreams. And I’m going to make sure she gives them to me before a single waffle is whipped up for her wake.

According to Rocky, Flo really knew how to enrage people while she was still living.

She’s not doing so badly in the afterlife either.



Chapter 14



The Ashford Courthouse is buzzing this morning, mostly with reporters and photographers just outside its doors. When I asked Everett what the hullabaloo was about, he let me know it was common when big cases were coming to a close. He said all of those people were anxious to know the verdict that the jury would come up with.

“Don’t worry, Lemon.” Everett steals a kiss just as we’re about to part ways inside the halls of justice. He bears those daring blue eyes to mine. “You are a brilliant woman, and I have no doubt you will come to the right conclusion.”

Soon enough, we find ourselves back in his courtroom with me and the rest of the jury on our feet as we watch Everett enter the room with all the glory he deserves.

“You may be seated.” He nods our way. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, all of the evidence in the People of the State of Vermont v. Allison Gray has been presented. At this time, I’m going to advise you to the law pertaining to this situation. To substantiate the case against Ms. Gray, the prosecution must prove to you without a reasonable doubt that the defendant’s actions were premeditated. If each of you finds that the defendant acted in a premeditated manner, then you should be able to find the defendant guilty. But if this was not proven without a reasonable doubt, you must find the defendant not guilty. You must consider all of the evidence to be sure of the facts. We will now hear the final arguments of both the prosecution and the defense.” Everett nods to Mr. Wolfe. “Are you ready to close?”

“Yes, Your Honor.” Mr. Wolfe makes his way before the jury box, and Annie gives a shimmy of delight. “That person, the defendant, Allison Gray, killed Carter Cameron in cold blood, and then lied to protect herself before confessing to the act. But she continued to manipulate that fact to work in her favor. What you, the jury, needs to do is exactly what the judge has commanded—look at the evidence, understand the law, and apply it to what’s been presented to you in the case. And under the guise of those facts, the State is asking you to come back with a guilty verdict in the first degree of murder. Allison Gray went to Carter Cameron’s home that day, not to end or mend a relationship, but to end his life. She was obsessive, and manipulative, and she’s spent the time since her arrest doing her best to manipulate the media and to manipulate you. Based on the evidence presented, deliver the only verdict you can—guilty of murder in the first degree.”

He takes a seat, and Fiona takes his place. Her dark hair is pulled back, she’s wearing an army green suit, no smile, all business.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, yes, Allison Gray killed Carter Cameron. But she did it in self-defense. The reason she purchased a ticket for the movie that evening wasn’t to build an alibi. She purchased it as a way to give herself an out because she knew she was drawn to Carter Cameron and susceptible to his charms. She knew she could easily find herself right back in a relationship where on a whim he would bruise and batter her body, and once again she would be too intimidated, too ashamed to speak out. She chose Carter that day, and he wooed her deeper into the house. She thought maybe this man has changed? She was wrong. She was dead wrong. Not twenty minutes passed before his temper escalated, and in that moment Allison realized she was the one, in fact, who was manipulated into stepping into a slaughter. Carter lured her there that day to kill her.”

“Objection,” Mr. Wolfe says with his arms folded firmly over his chest.

“Sustained.” Everett nods to Fiona.

“And that leaves us here.” She steps our way before stepping directly in front of me. “And now her fate lies in your hands, and you must do the right thing. The only person to blame for Carter Cameron not being with us today is Carter Cameron. He attacked Allison for the very last time that evening and forced her to defend herself by whatever means were available. She didn’t show up with that knife. She didn’t show up with the intention to kill. And you must find her not guilty of something she never intended to do.”

The bailiff steps forward. “I’ll escort you back to a room where you will carry out your deliberations. Select a representative from among you who will act as the foreman. There are notepads and pencils in a box in the middle of the table, along with a verdict sheet where the foreman will record your findings. From there you will deliver the verdict to the judge.”

We follow him out in a single file line, and Everett offers me the beginnings of a warm smile as I walk out the door as if he were proud of me. I won’t lie, having Everett’s approval is like being wrapped up in the warmth of the sun. It makes me feel secure and determined to please him all the more. I have no doubt Evie feels that way, and I know that this sweet babe I’m carrying will feel that way, too, regardless of whether or not this is Everett’s biological child. He will be every bit the father to it, just the way Joseph Lemon was a true blue father to me.

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