Home > DARE SERIES COLLECTION (Give # 1-3)(111)

Author: Shantel Tessier

I say nothing.

“You could have ruined your life! You’re lucky that I have pull in this town, or you would be spending your life in prison.”

“Lucky?” I can’t help but ask. “Three of my friends are dead!”

“But you’re not!!” He slaps his checkbook down on his desk. “Fuck, you know what this town thinks of you now? I mean, they already knew that you were a fuckup. Now they know you as a murderer.”

“Because I am!” I shout. “I killed them!”

“Don’t you fucking say that!” he barks, pointing his finger at me. “You keep that shit to yourself!” He falls into his seat and sighs. Then he looks at my right arm that is in a sling. His eyes narrow on it. He knows I wasn’t driving. I lied to the cops. The paramedics. Everyone. And no one questioned it. But he knows. Nothing gets past him. “Eli’s funeral is tomorrow.”

I swallow around the knot in my throat. I’ve already missed the others. Landen was cremated, and Maddox’s was held while I was still in the hospital. “What time?”

“Doesn’t matter. You’re not going.”

My jaw tightens. “Yes, I am—”

“This is not up for discussion.” He interrupts me. “You are not going to his funeral. The entire town is going to be there, and you think they want to see the boy they all think killed him?”

I look away from him, hoping he doesn’t see the tears that sting my eyes. “I made him a promise.” I have to check on Aimee. Eli was so sure that something was wrong with her, and I can’t let him down. Not now. I just got released and haven’t had the chance to get over to his house to grab his computer and see what he was talking about, her not being safe. What Jerrold does to her when no one is looking.

My eyes find his again when he doesn’t speak right away. He watches a tear roll down my cheek with disgust. I hate that for once I look so weak in front of him.

“You should have thought about that before you took the fall.” He stands from his desk and crosses his arms over his chest. “You made a decision, and now you must face the consequences.”


The next day while the whole town was at Eli’s funeral, Deke and I set three crosses at the scene of the accident. We silently cried and said our own goodbyes to our brothers.

Liam places his hands on my shoulders, and I stiffen. “It doesn’t matter why I did it,” he finally answers.

I shove his hands off me. He’ll never tell me. Even if he were to answer, it would be a lie. “Did you know Celeste killed Mom?”

The corners of his lips turn up before he looks me up and down. “You look like shit, son.” Then his eyes slide to Austin. “Get some rest. You’re gonna need it.” He pulls away and smiles at me as though I just told him a joke. “When she is released, I want you to come by the house …”

I snort. “That won’t be happening.”

“Yes, it will,” he says matter-of-factly. “I have something to show you. And we will be releasing a statement to the press together.”

He’s lost his fucking mind! “I’m not doing a press release.”

“You are. My best friend paid to have my son killed. And you were a prime suspect in the murder of your girlfriend’s stepmom. We will speak to the media. Together. Jacob will be there as well. Then you are free to go. And after that, I don’t care if you come back.” He pats my cheek. Hard. To onlookers, it may have seemed like a love tap, but we both know it was a warning. He turns to walk out of the room.

“I’m taking Lilly with me,” I call out.

He comes to a stop and turns to face me. That smile still in place. “I’ll make sure Blanche packs her things.” Then he exits without another word.

I stand, breathing heavy with my limbs shaking. Running my hands through my hair, I begin to pace the small room. He fucking knew everything! All this time! That’s why he challenged me to prove he had killed my mother because he knew who it was. Over time, I convinced myself that it was just an accident. Nothing more. “Motherfucker!”


“What?” I bark, coming to a stop.

Shelby enters and licks her lips nervously. “He can’t do that …”

I wave her off. “He was just fucking with me.” I make my way over to the chair my father had occupied and fall into it.

He knows he has no control over Austin and just wanted to piss me off. See what I had in me. He’s always pushed me for as long as I can remember. But the question remains—how long can she go on like this before someone steps up and takes control of her care? How long will they wait for her to get better?


How much power does Bruce still have over her?


I look up at Shelby, trying to calm my breathing and not to lose my shit. There aren’t very many things in this room I can destroy to help calm myself. I feel caged. I need a pool or my punching bag. Hell, even Deke will go toe to toe with me when I need it.

“She’s improving.” Shelby speaks softly. “We are going to wean her off sedation tomorrow.”

“What?” I sit up straighter.

She nods, giving me a soft smile. “You look tired. You need to rest.”

“I’m sleeping just fine,” I lie.

“Go home tonight, Cole. Get a good night’s sleep.” She pats my shoulder. “And come back tomorrow because the hard part isn’t over. She’s gonna need you now more than ever.” Then she exits the room, leaving Austin and me alone.

I get up, walk over to the side of her bed, and grab her cold hand. I lean over and run my busted knuckles down her bruised cheek, avoiding the tape that holds her breathing tube in place. “I’m not leaving, sweetheart.” Then I lean down and kiss her forehead.





COLE: THEY’RE WEANING her off sedation tomorrow.

I read the text from my best friend while I stand on the porch of Becky’s parents’ house. And smile. Finally, some good news.

Me: That’s great news!

Becky has been ignoring my texts for three days. She even ignores me when we’re up at the hospital, so I decided to show up here where she can’t run from me. I ring the doorbell again after a few seconds and put my cell away.

I see a small figure walking up to it through the stained-glass double doors, and I smile, expecting to see Gretta, their housekeeper. But when it opens, it’s Becky’s younger sister. “Hey, Demi.”

She stares up at me. She has the same ice blue eyes that Becky has, and just like hers have been the past few days, they are narrowed on me. The kid hates me. Not sure why. When I asked Becky about it, she said just to ignore her and that she hates everyone.

“What do you want, Deke?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest. She wears a white tank top and dark gray yoga pants with her blond hair up in a messy ponytail. She looks like she just walked out of a gym.

“I’m here to see Becky.” I cross my arms over my chest as well.

Demi doesn’t look intimidated in the least. She lifts a brow, her lips thinning.

“May I come in?” I ask when she just glares at me like if she does it long enough, I’ll go up in flames.

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