Home > DARE SERIES COLLECTION (Give # 1-3)(145)

Author: Shantel Tessier

He shoves his hands through his dark hair aggressively, making it look sexier than it already did. The muscles in his arms stretch his white shirt to the point I think the seams may burst. His arms fall to his sides, and he takes in a deep breath. “Why the fuck didn’t you stop me?” he growls.

That is the million-dollar question. I could have. But why would I? I can’t stand either one of them. I wanted him to think he was getting a piece of his ex. And hell, he got me off. I’m not gonna lie, that was a surprise. Who knew Deke wouldn’t have any problems in that area? I always saw him as just one of the other self-absorbed GWS who only cared about what he got out of it. “I tried to tell you who I was.”

“Bullshit,” he snaps, and the girl behind us narrows her eyes on him. “You took my gum … then stuck it in your boyfriend’s mouth.” His dark blue eyes widen. “Fuck, your boyfriend …” he trails off.

“Eww,” the girl says in disgust.

I smile. “And?”

“And … and … and fuck, Demi! I thought you were your sister!” His pretty blue eyes look pained as they stare down at me at a total loss.

“Gross,” the girl adds.

I bite my bottom lip to keep from laughing but fail. My body shakes with it. I’ve never seen Deke Biggs so furious and confused at the same time. It’s a good look on him. “You dumped her,” I remind him.

“Yes, but …”

“If I remember correctly, back in Collins, you told her unless she planned on falling to her knees and opening that mouth of hers so you could fuck it, you had no use for her.”

He opens his mouth, but the girl behind us gasps. “You’re such a pig.”

“Then get the fuck away from me,” he snaps at her, then turns back to me. She huffs but doesn’t leave the line. “You were listening to us?” he demands.

I shrug. “Thin walls.” Lie. Of course, I was. My sister was finally getting what she deserved. She’s a manipulative bitch who spreads her legs for anyone with a dick. She’s a male version of them. The GWS. Well, Cole has seemed to change. And the huge rock on Austin’s finger proves that.

“I can’t believe this,” he growls, running a hand down his face.

Placing my hand on his chest, I feel his entire body stiffen. I’m pretty sure he quits breathing as he towers over me. I step into him, pushing my hips into his on purpose to see if he’s still hard. He’s not, and a part of me is disappointed at that. “You liked it,” I tell him, and he says nothing. “You were hard,” I add.

“Demi …” He growls my name in warning, and his chest rises slowly as if he’s finally taking a deep breath.

“And …” I lean in, standing up on my tiptoes, and I press my lips to his ear. The smell of his cologne makes my pussy tighten. Deke may be a fucking ruthless dick, but he sure is mouthwateringly delicious. “You would have fucked me if I had told you to.”

He pulls back from me as if I’ve slapped him. He grips my upper arm, his fingers digging into my sensitive skin, and yanks me out of line to drag me behind the vendor trailer. People walk around with their faces painted like skeletons, and girls flaunt their bodies in little costumes to show the sluts they really are, but no one pays us any attention.

I giggle. A speaker on the back of the trailer plays “My Demons” by Starset. “Round two …?”

He shoves my back into the trailer so hard that it takes my air away for a second and cuts off my words. Pressing his body into mine again, he places both hands flat against the truck on either side of my head. His blue eyes cloud over like a storm moving in on a sunny day and darkening the world. His lips thin, and his chest rumbles against mine with a growl.

A slow warmth runs up my spine and neck, making me hot even though the night air is cool. Deke Biggs has a side I actually like. Who would have known? My eyes drop to the black belt around his dark jeans, and my fingers itch to undo it just to see how far he’d let me go now that he knows I’m not my sister. I have a feeling I wouldn’t have to push him much. My eyes find his again.

“Want me to please you this time?” I lick my lips.

“You will keep your mouth shut!” he orders, ignoring my question. “About what you heard me and Becky talking about. And what we just did!”

I give him a slow and innocent smile and decide to push him. How much will it take before he snaps? “How are you gonna keep me from running my mouth, Deke?” Lifting my right hand, I run my finger down his shirt. He’s shaking with anger, and his muscles flex. Fuck, his body is as hard as a rock. I bite my bottom lip and lower my hand to cup his limp dick over his jeans. He doesn’t budge and just goes still as a statue like a minute ago when we were in line. “Gonna fuck it?”

“Jesus!” he hisses. Stepping away from me, he turns away, giving me his back, and grips his dark hair.

A girl dressed as a slutty Little Bo Peep walks by and eyes him up and down while she holds the hand of a guy dressed as the Grim Reaper. Deke doesn’t even look at her. All of his attention is on me, even if he isn’t looking my way. I’d bet anything he’s thinking about what we did when he thought I was Becky. Would he do it again now that he knows it was me? Absolutely not. And that thought disappoints me.

I smile at the look of him. So undone. Nothing like the pathetic boy who fell to his knees for my sister. “Afraid I can’t keep a secret …”

He spins back around, and his hand wraps around my neck, cutting off my words before I can finish. “You’ll keep your goddamn mouth shut ’cause I told you to,” he growls.

His face is so close to mine that if I puckered my lips, I’d kiss him. I can still smell the cinnamon on his breath from his gum. My thighs tighten, remembering the way he kissed me back in the haunted house. He was rough and unapologetic, and I liked it. He thought I was Becky, and he was angry with her. He meant to hurt her, and that turned me on.

Hurt me, Deke.

“Demi!” He barks out my name when I don’t acknowledge his order.

Slowly, my eyes look over his sharp jaw and parted full lips. He’s so full of rage he’s panting. I think the guy wants to snap me in half. I wonder what it would feel like to have him on top of me, holding me down and fucking me. I’ve heard him fuck my sister, but I thought she was faking it. She’s always been a good actress.

I could be better.

“Demi, I swear to fucking God …”

My eyes finally meet his, and his words cut off. My heart begins to pound as I stare into the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen. But Deke Biggs is more than just a pretty boy. There’s a darkness that covers him in madness and lust.

I feel it.

I see it.

I want it.

My silence pisses him off more, and his hand tightens around my throat, restricting my airway.

I don’t fight him. His anger just turns me on, making my already soaked thong even more so. I always thought he was too soft for Becky. The kids in Collins feared the sharks, but that was because of Cole. They were all capable of terrifying things, but Deke and Becky? He was a pussy when it came to her. It was pathetic. Maybe she didn’t challenge him. Not like I can. She held him back when I would set the monster free.

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