Home > DARE SERIES COLLECTION (Give # 1-3)(205)

Author: Shantel Tessier

He sits there between my legs not saying a word, and my heart begins to race. Bringing up my sister while we’re lying in bed naked together probably wasn’t the best idea I’ve ever had, but I feel like she’s always lingering around us anyway. Like a dark cloud just waiting to pour down on us.

“You’ve seen the real me,” he finally says, and his eyes drop to my neck.

“And I’m still here.” I give him a drunken smile.

His jaw sharpens. “I could have killed you …” He pauses and sighs. “I can’t promise that I won’t hurt you again.”

I almost laugh at that. “Good.” I pull his face down to mine and whisper against his lips, “Now show me how hard you can fuck me.”

“Demi.” He growls my name, his chest vibrating against mine, making my legs tighten around him. His lips trail down my jaw to my neck. I arch it to give him better access. Then I feel him sliding his hand between our bodies. I smile when he grips the base of his already hard dick and pushes into me, making me cry out at the feel of him stretching me. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to him.

His hand slaps over my mouth, and I take a deep breath through my nose. He whispers, “Gotta be quiet, princess. Don’t want them hearing you scream my name.”

I want to roll my eyes at his cockiness, but he begins to move, and my eyes roll back for a different reason.





COLE AND I exit my car and walk up to the small cabin. Cole unlocks it, and we step inside. I stop and look around the living room and entryway. There was a small square table that sat next to the door. It has been knocked over, and the glass covers the hardwood floor. But other than that, there is no sign of a struggle.

I walk over to the coffee table and pick up the cup. It’s full to the brim with what looks like a clear liquid of some sort.

“He left in a hurry,” Cole observes. “He didn’t even bother disposing of the evidence.” Then he walks down the hallway.

I fist my hands and look down at the side of the couch. A Louis Vuitton bag sits on the floor. I reach down and pick it up. Grabbing the drink with my other hand, I walk it into the kitchen and pour it down the sink.

“Hey,” Cole enters the kitchen. “Look what I found in the bathroom?” He holds up a small clear bottle with a blue lid. A piece of tape is on the side of the bottle and written in black Sharpie is GHB.

My jaw tightens. “It’s almost fucking empty.”

He nods and places it in his pocket. “I’m guessing he wanted to make sure she had enough so she wouldn’t fight him. Or wouldn’t remember a single thing.”

I throw the cup into the sink and drop her bag. Gripping the counter, I growl. “He could have killed her.” Who knows how much he would have had her drink? Demi is fucking small. Too much and she could have had seizures. Could have fallen into a coma. Not to mention he mixed it with alcohol.

His phone rings, and he answers, placing it on speakerphone. “Hello?”

“You guys there?” Bennett asks.

“Yes.” I growl and push off the countertop.

“Find anything?”

“A bottle of GHB.” Cole speaks.

“Fuck.” He hisses, then sighs. “Hang on, I’m adding Shane to the call.” Seconds later, he’s back. “Okay. We’re all here.”

“Did you guys get your tickets?” Cole asks him.

“Yes. We fly out tonight,” Bennett answers.

“I’m confused as to why we have to come back to Austin.” Shane speaks.

“Don’t,” I snap, not in the mood for his bullshit today. “Stay the fuck up there.”

Bennett sighs. “We’re both coming. This involves more than just Demi. Whoever it is hasn’t physically touched us, but we’ve been threatened and that’s enough to worry. If we can get a hold of Seth, maybe his phone can tell us what we need to know.”

I hang my head and run my hands through my hair aggressively. I’m starting to lose my shit. I kept it together for Demi’s sake this morning when she woke me up horny. I wanted her, needed to feel her, but I was rough. I took my anger out on her, and she liked it. She passed out immediately afterward. I didn’t get to tell her about the message she got from Evan Scott or the fact that I blocked whoever the fucker was. Cole and I snuck out this morning before the girls had even woken up. It’s a Saturday. They both got wasted last night, and Lilly was sleeping over at her dance teacher’s house, so the odds of them sleeping in pretty late are on our side.

“What I can’t figure out is why he was going to do it.” Bennett speaks. “He’s gay. Why would he fuck her …?”

“Hate to be the dick in this situation,” Shane interrupts him. “But he could have been planning on fucking her ass. That is what they prefer.”

My head snaps up, and I snatch the phone from Cole’s hand, but he speaks before I can bark at him more. “Or maybe he didn’t care where he had to fuck her. I mean, to some men, a hole is a hole.”

“Shup the fuck up …”

Cole takes his phone back from me. “He was forced. He told Deke there was a video of him fucking his professor.”

“Who all knew he was gay?” Bennett asks.

I run a hand down my face. “I’m guessing not many. Demi said she was his cover. And his friends who are on the swim team at UT think they have an open relationship.”

“Hmm …” Bennett sighs. “What about the professor?”

“I … I don’t know.” I growl and close my eyes. I try to put what few pieces we have so far together. “It can’t be him. Demi got a message last night from Evan Scott. You guys saw it. It stated she should have let him fuck her. How could the professor be Evan Scott? They wouldn’t know my information to get into it.”

“True,” Bennett says. “Listen, I know it’s gonna be hard, but just lay low. We’ll be there later on tonight, and we’ll do whatever we gotta do to get the information we need to figure this out. Okay?”


I enter my room and remove my hoodie. Demi’s still in my bed passed out cold. It’s not even ten a.m. yet. And by how quiet the house was when we entered, I’d say Austin is still asleep as well.

The guys and I have a plan. But I’m not gonna lie to her like Cole did Austin. I’m gonna be honest with Demi. She deserves that. She may not like it, and she may hate me, but I’m not gonna allow Evan Scott to fuck with us. Or her. I’m gonna protect her, and in order to do that, she needs to know just what we’re up against.

Undoing my jeans, I kick off my shoes and then push them down my legs before removing my shirt and then climb in beside her. My knuckles run over her busted cheek and down over her jaw to her neck. The bruises from my hands remain. They’re worse today than they were last night.

I wanted to kill her. If she hadn’t hit me with that stupid swimming trophy Austin put out of Cole’s, she would be dead right now. And it makes me sick to my stomach.

I’ve killed people but not for sport. The men and woman I killed deserved it. Demi would have been innocent. She played me, yes, but I was just jealous that for once, I met someone who knew how to play the game better than I did.

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