Home > Dr. Hot Stuff (Ponderosa Resort Romantic Comedies #9)(46)

Dr. Hot Stuff (Ponderosa Resort Romantic Comedies #9)(46)
Author: Tawna Fenske



Chapter 14






I try to pretend my head’s not on a swivel watching for Izzy, but it’s a lost cause. My heart speeds up every time I catch a glimpse of chocolate curls across the reception hall. Each time I spot a flutter of ice-blue silk, I’m convinced she’s coming to see me. That there’s still a chance this isn’t over between us.

“She’s not here yet, huh?” My sister sidles up to me and offers a sympathetic look.

“Probably taking photos with Jon and Blanka.” I spot several other members of the wedding party—Bree and Austin by the cake stand, Sean murmuring quietly with the caterers—but no bride and groom. Iz must be with them.

My sister makes an exasperated sound. “I’m dying to meet her.”

I don’t have to ask who she means. Julia’s not the only one eager for a glimpse of Izzy. We agreed to sit together at the reception, but our table remains empty while we wait for the official word to take our seats.

“You have to play it cool,” I remind my sister. “Seriously, she broke it off. Don’t make this more awkward than it already is.”

My sister folds her arms over her chest. “This isn’t like you to just let things go. Aren’t you going to fight for her?”

I sigh and resist the urge to rake my fingers through my hair. “It’s not that simple, okay? Besides, if a woman says she’s done, it’s a dick move to imply she doesn’t know her own mind.”

Julia considers that. “Maybe. I still want to meet her.”

“Fine. Just—don’t be weird.”

“I’m never weird.” My sister squeaks and does a flailing Muppet wave at a waiter toting a plate of appetizers. “Okay, I’m weird when crab puffs are involved.”

“That’s fair.” I haven’t told my family the details of my split with Izzy. The complexity of her family dynamic and the arranged marriage that’ll surely make headlines at some point. Not that we get a lot of news from Dovlano, but I don’t doubt this will be a source of local gossip for months to come.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around what happened. Maybe Julia’s right. Maybe I should go after her. Maybe it’s my job to sweep in and prove to her somehow that she belongs here.

Yeah, that’s exactly what she needs. Another person telling her what to do.

I sigh and accept a champagne flute from a passing server. “How did Jordan’s well-child visit go?”

“Great! She told Dr. Taneka that when she grows up, she wants to be a doctor like uncle Bradley, only for fairies, elves, and unicorns.”

“Gotta love a girl with unambiguous dreams.” I sip my champagne. “You think a unicorn would see a veterinarian or a regular doctor?”

“Definitely regular doctors.” Julia looks thoughtful. “I suppose you’d have to do a special residency. Learn how to treat winged horses and all that.”

“That’s Pegasus, not a unicorn. And I’m thinking there’d be some serious malpractice insurance required for the unicorn thing. Too much risk of being gored.”

Julia grins. “Just don’t piss off your patients.”

“Spoken like a woman who’s never been yelled at for contradicting someone who diagnosed herself based on a TikTok video.”

My sister laughs and takes a sip of her champagne. I’m grateful she’s stopped badgering me about Izzy, but that doesn’t mean my brain stops seeking her out. Did she run back to her cabin? As far as I know, we’re still planning to sit together. A training exercise with the Army Reserves kept me out of town the past few days, which was probably a blessing. Less risk of running into Iz at the coffee shop or grocery store. I’m braced to make small talk at the reception. To chatter over canapés and pretend it doesn’t feel like someone took a ball peen hammer to my spleen each time she smiles.

I still can’t believe she’s getting married. That she’s planning to spend the rest of her life with a man she doesn’t love. Call me naïve for not realizing that still happens developed nations. She’s seen the sort of happy relationships her siblings snatched for themselves. Is it so far out of reach to think she could have that, too?

“Hey.” My sister bumps me with her elbow. “You want to talk about it?”

“About what?”

“Whatever’s bothering you. Izzy, I assume.”

I shake my head and take my time sipping from the champagne flute. “Nope.”

“I understand.” My sister pauses. “For what it’s worth, I think it’s admirable.”

“What’s admirable?”

“That you’re not rushing to save her. You’re not doing that thing you do where you charge in and try to fix things for the damsel in distress. You’re trusting her to make her own choices, even when you don’t agree with the choice.”

I swallow back the lump in my throat. There’s something I’ve been wondering, but I’m not sure how to ask.

Screw it. “Would you have left Eric?” I blurt. “If I hadn’t come home and threatened him, would you still be stuck in an abusive marriage with a cheating prick?”

Julia takes her time responding. “I’m not sure. I like to think I’d have grown the balls to leave. Having Jordan changed me. Understanding I had a reason to want better for myself. For her.”

I nod absently, still scanning for Izzy. My gaze settles on a different set of dark curls framing electric green eyes. Bree Bracelyn meets my gaze and waves, her brow furrowed. She says something to Austin, then slips away and heads straight for us.

“Hey.” She smiles at Julia. “Great necklace.”

“Thanks.” My sister fingers the strands of intertwined pearls at her throat. “They belong to my mother. That reminds me, I should check in.”

I quirk an eyebrow at my sister. “You worried Jordan built a Lego prison and penned Mom inside?”

Julia rolls her eyes. “Or maybe she played her grandma like a boss and earned cocoa and ice cream for dinner.” My sister flashes one of her mom-smiles at Bree. “Jordan’s got our mother wrapped around her little finger.”

Bree laughs. “I feel you there. Austin’s dad is even worse than his mom. I swear those two would beat each other to death with couch pillows for the chance to hold Brian for two minutes.”

Julia smiles and touches my arm. “I’ll see you at the table, okay?”

I watch her go, thinking how grateful I am that she’s part of my life. Having a sister, it’s one of those things I’ve taken for granted. I remember Izzy’s words about how much she’s loved getting to know all her siblings and their partners. Will they stay close after she leaves?

A lump forms sour and thick in my throat, and I force myself to swallow it back as I look at Bree. “Gorgeous wedding, huh?”

“It was perfect.” She bites her lip and steps a little closer. “Look, it’s probably not my place to say anything, but I know about Izzy. About the reason she cut things off.”

The lump surges higher in my throat, clawing its way up my esophagus. “I’d fight for her if I could,” I admit. “But how do you fight against years of family obligation and guilt?”

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