Home > Love Thy Neighbor (Roommate Romps #2)(39)

Love Thy Neighbor (Roommate Romps #2)(39)
Author: Teagan Hunter

“Right,” I say. “I was just thinking it myself.”

She places her hand on top of mine. “Well, don’t, because it’s pointless. You’re Caroline and Cooper. Nothing is coming between you two. I just know it.”

I hope she’s right.

“Anyway, since I’ve already put you on the spot once this morning,” River says to me, “have you thought about my offer?”

Have I thought about it? Only every day since she made it.

“Any decisions?” Her hazel eyes are hopeful, and even Maya looks excited.

I hate to disappoint them, but… “Not yet.”

I have the confidence to make the designs and have been working on pieces over the past few weeks, but I lack that same courage when it comes to displaying them.

Playing pretend designer and seamstress in my bedroom is one thing.

Putting my work on display for the whole town to judge is another, and I’m not sure I’m ready for it.

River’s shoulders deflate, but she recovers quickly. “Totally fine. Like I said, even if you come to me the morning of, you’re in.”

Maya bobs her head up and down vigorously. “What she said. And not to pressure you or anything, but I really hope you say yes. I’ve been wanting a top like the one you have on now since you first wore it.”

“Thank you,” I tell River again. “I’ll—”

“Think about it. Yeah, I know.” She winks. “All right, ladies. Let’s get to work.”



“What’s wrong?”

His question startles me, and I peek up at him from my position on his chest where I’ve been running my fingers through the hair there for the last ten minutes.

I should be in a blissful state considering Cooper just rocked my world twice.

But no matter how hard I try, I can’t relax.

All I can think about is the fact that I’m in love with him.

And how much that absolutely terrifies me, especially since Maya’s words have been circling in my mind all day.

I don’t know what’s going on with me.

Maybe I’m stressed about disappointing River because I plan to tell her I’m not putting my designs in the festival. Maybe it’s my period that’s supposed to start next week.

Or maybe it’s that I’ve never been this wholly in love with someone before and it fucking terrifies me.

I try to play it off.

“What do you mean?”

He tucks a few loose strands of hair behind my ear. “I can hear you thinking. Something’s wrong. What’s going on?”

I sigh.

Of course I can’t hide anything from him. He knows me too well.

“Do you think they’re right?” I ask quietly. “Your moms and Maya, I mean.”



“Uh, yeah,” I say. “I kind of told River and Maya about us today. Well, technically Mailbox Betty told River in the elevator about what happened when we were in the elevator. She kind of cornered me about it this morning.”

He chuckles. “Of course Mailbox Betty is telling everyone.” He cups his hands around his mouth, then yells, “The old coot has nothing better to do than gossip!”

I swear I hear something bang against the wall.

“River and Maya know now?”

“Uh, yeah, is that okay?”

“Why wouldn’t it be? If anything, it’s kind of a relief. Now I can totally make out with you at The Gravy Train.” He runs his hands through my hair, playing with it. “Is that what this is about? My moms and your friends knowing?”

“No. Maybe.” I push off his chest, meeting his curious green eyes. “It’s just…she said something similar to what your moms did. About what we’re doing here, putting our friendship and hearts at stake.”

A deep crease forms between his brows. “Okay…so?”

“Do you think we’re making a mistake, Cooper?”

His face falls at my words.

“Come here,” he says, grabbing my arm and pulling me up until I’m straddling his lap. He pushes that same errant lock behind my ear again. “Where is all this coming from?”

I shrug, not wanting to rehash my conversation with the girls. “Just thinking.”

“Does it feel like that to you? Like we’re making a mistake?”

“I…well, no,” I tell him. “You?”

“Fuck no,” he says, his voice strong. Certain.

He slides a hand up my cheek, cupping it and pulling until my forehead is resting against his.

“I’m scared. What if this doesn’t work out? I don’t want to lose my friend too.”

“That’s a moot point. I kind of like you and stuff.”

I huff, annoyed by his non-serious answer.

“Look, Care, if you’re asking if there’s a chance this won’t work out—sure there is. Just like there’s a chance tomorrow won’t come, or you won’t remember to take the trash out because, by the way, it’s your turn again.”

I laugh. “Coop…be serious.”

“I am. I am being serious. You’re awful at remembering your trash-day duties.”

I shake my head, pulling away from him. “You’re ruining this.”

“I’m not. I’m just trying to tell you there’s nothing to worry about. Whatever comes our way, we’ll be fine.”

“You think?”

“I know. I mean, just look at us. You groped me and we thrived. Now we’re having the best sex of our lives.”

I sigh in exasperation, but a tiny smile pulls at my lips as I push out of Cooper’s hold.

“I don’t know what I was thinking hooking up with you.”

“You weren’t.”

“I know.”

He pulls me back to him, his lips brushing against mine. “But it was a good decision, yeah?”

The best. “Jury’s still out.”

“Really?” He kisses me, his hands sliding down my body to my hips, his cock growing hard against me as he drives his hips upward. My clit rubs against him, the friction making my already sensitive area pulse. “What can I do to help my case?”

“Hmm…I’m not sure.”

“Well, I’ve got a few ideas…”

He slips inside of me and argues his case—rather convincingly.









“Are you ready to go yet?”

“Almost!” she calls from her bedroom.

I toss my head back, sighing.

Here we are again: me waiting on her to get ready while she races around her bedroom telling me five more minutes…every five minutes.

“You’re going to be late. You promised River you’d be at the store by nine AM sharp.”

“Quit your complaining, Mr. Gets to Stay Home Longer!”

The girls are meeting at Making Waves to double-check inventory before heading over to the venue to start setting up. I have a few things to take care of with work, then plan to show up later for moral support and to make coffee runs.

“Come on, Care. I’m sure you look great. Plus, I’m sure you’d rather not piss off River by being late. Don’t tell her this, but she kind of scares me.”

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