Home > Heedless (The Hellbound Brotherhood #4)(15)

Heedless (The Hellbound Brotherhood #4)(15)
Author: Shannon McKenna

“I can’t wait any longer,” she said. “I feel like something is going to be snatched away from me at any minute. Don’t tease me.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he told her.

But I am. She pushed the thought resolutely away. Stay in the damn moment.

Nate tugged the straps of her tank top down over her shoulders and pressed his face to her bared breasts with a groan of delight. His warm lips moved tenderly over her, teasing, kissing, suckling, making her nipples ache, they were so tight. His long tender pulls felt like he was drawing pure energy through her, a wild, rushing torrent of it. She could flood the world with it. Total abundance.

He nudged his cockhead between the slick folds of her labia, stroking and circling. Pushing inside, then drawing back. A little, teasing thrust. Surge, swivel, and back. Again and again, until she was squirming for more.

“Nate,” she said thickly. “Please.”

“Be patient.” She could hear the smile in his voice, even though his face was hidden. “Wait for it. The longer you wait, the better it’ll be.”

I don’t have time to wait. She wanted to scream the words.

“Shhhh,” he soothed. “Soon. Just hang on. You can do it.”

She wound her fingers into his long hair and gave it a sharp little tug. “I can’t.”

“You can. I want to watch you come again.”

She was past responding with words. She lost control as her climax thundered through every part of her, launching her into beautiful oblivion.

The sensation of his thick cock pushing deeper inside her made her eyes finally open. “Wow,” she whispered. “There’s a lot of you.”

“Too much?” he asked. “We can take this really slow.”

She wound her arms around his neck and opened wider, sinking deliberately down to take him still deeper. “It’s just right,” she whispered. “Incredibly right.”

Erotic perfection, that slow, pulsing invasion, caressing her hot spots with long, rhythmic strokes.

He gripped her hips and got just the right angle, surging up inside her and swiveling around. Stirring her up inside.

Elisa clutched his neck, panting. Pressing her face against his damp shoulder as his strokes deepened. Each deep, sliding stroke jerked a soft gasp from her throat.

He was building up that charge of energy again, that landslide inside her body and mind, driving her straight for it, no turning back...

Pleasure crashed through her. Only his embrace kept her from flying apart.

They collapsed, still knotted together, panting. Nate lifted his head.

“Whoa,” he whispered. “That was incredible.”

That struck her as her cue to climb off him, but Nate was having none of it. His arms tightened, keeping her in place. “Hey. Where are you going?”

“I’m not running away,” she assured him. “I just want to let you breathe.”

“I’m breathing just fine,” he said. “No problem at all. Don’t go.”

They gazed at each other, smiling like fools, and then came together, yielding to the inevitable, falling into one of those timeless, writhing delicious kisses again.

She felt his penis harden again, still inside her.

“Wow,” she murmured, giggling. “That was prompt.”

“That was a long time coming,” he told her. “It’s been building up from the first moment I saw you. I’d better go get this condom off. Hang on. I’ll be quick.”

He held it onto himself as she climbed off. It was a great opportunity to admire his stunning back view in the candlelight as he went into the bathroom.

When the door closed and she was free from the spell, she got to work and adjusted the futon, jerking the lever that lowered the back and turned it into a sort of a bed, more or less. It didn’t really lie flat, but hey. This night was not for sleeping.

There would plenty of time to doze on the long, sad, boring bus ride to nowhere that lay ahead of her. She could rest then. If she ever slept again at all.

No whining, she lectured herself silently. Stop it. Whining doesn’t help.

She patted the flattened mattress with a smile when he emerged from the bathroom. “It’s not comfortable, but there’s more space than the cot in my bedroom.”

“It’ll be fine,” he said.” His eyes roved over her naked body. “Great, even.”

Her face turned hot. “I’ll, um, take a quick turn in the bathroom, too.”

Her face looked so different in the bathroom mirror. She’d gotten into the habit of avoiding mirrors, limiting herself to a quick glance to make sure her hair was smooth and toothpaste foam was rinsed off. Sometimes she caught glimpses of herself in reflective surfaces before she had the chance to flinch away, and she never enjoyed that. She felt like a cardboard cut-out version of herself. Washed out and flat, burned-out holes for eyes. The spectral figure of Gil looming behind her, with that smug, hateful grin on his face, his hands around Joshie’s neck.

Tonight, the mirror didn’t scare her. She stopped and studied her own face, and liked what she saw. Her eyes were lit up and sharp, her lips red, her color high. Her hair wild and tousled. A wild woman who knew who she was. What she wanted.

She liked it. She looked strong. Untamed. She didn’t even see any of the flaws that Gil had made her so self-conscious about. The mole on her jaw, the shape of her nose, the hair he wanted straightened and always blonde, blonder, as blonde as possible. The body he’d wanted to enhance with implants and injections. A shot of Botox to fix that pesky little worried line between her eyebrows that he disliked.

Get the fuck out of my head, you murdering son of a bitch.

She didn’t want to think about Gil. He didn’t get one more second. This night was her gift to herself, and Gil did not get to touch it.

She stepped into the tub and used the shower head freshen up, trying to memorize that look on her face, and the incredible feelings that had caused it.

She would need to draw on that in the future. For courage. Her own face, unashamed, chin up, shoulders back. Strong and proud and pleasured.

Nate was stretched out on the bed, head propped on his elbow, those stunning dark eyes hot with anticipation. As she drew near, his cock thickened before her eyes.

“You are so gorgeous,” he said. “You blow my mind.”

She slammed a door on all her fears, like wedging shut an overstuffed closet, and accepted the compliment as it was given.

“Aw,” she said demurely. “That’s sweet. Thank you.”

She stretched out facing him, and they just smiled at each other, suddenly shy.

Then he reached out to stroke her, a slow, shoulder-to-hip caress. “I can’t believe that this is finally happening,” he confessed. “I’d given up hope.”

“I’m glad you gave it another go,” she admitted.

Nate looked relieved. “So it was good for you?”

She laughed out loud, surprised by the question. “I didn’t even know sex could be that good.”

His grin widened. “We’ve barely begun to find out how good it can be,” he said. “We have a whole universe of erotic pleasure to explore.”

That gave her a cold sinking feeling, thinking of that universe of unexplored pleasure that she would never know. She forced herself to smile, sliding her fingers into his chest hair. “So you have more tricks up your sleeve? Because I do, too.”

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