Home > Stalking in a Winter Wonderland(3)

Stalking in a Winter Wonderland(3)
Author: Alexa Riley

Just then the family town car pulls down the long drive, and my heart sinks.

“Fuck.” I throw my hands up because now what was supposed to be a surprise for them to come home to is an utter disaster.

Eve stands there with her perfect smile and light-up sweater as the car pulls to a stop in front of us, and Jillian and Rae get out.

Jillian takes one look at the house and covers her mouth with her gloved hand as Rae runs around from behind her.

“Oh em gee!” she squeals, her mouth falling open, and she turns to me. “Uncle Dasher, is this real?” she asks, staring wide-eyed at the pink lights, and my heart melts.

That was the reaction I was hoping for, but I somehow didn’t see it playing out exactly like this. Jillian laughs behind her glove, and she knows me well enough to see that this wasn’t my doing. At least not on purpose.

“It’s real and it’s totally awesome, right?” Eve answers for me, and I realize I’ve been silent too long.

“Did you do this?” Rae asks Eve.

“Well, I had a little help from some elves.” Eve winks at her, and when I see the way Rae lights up, I feel guilty over the way I reacted.

“It’s stunning,” Jillian says as she walks closer. “This will be a Christmas to remember.” When she looks in my eyes, I can see her tears forming, but she doesn’t let them fall. I know this has been hard on her, but I plan on making new and better memories from here on out. Even if that includes pink Christmas lights.

“Oh ladies, you’ve arrived,” Tori says to them. “Dinner is ready.”

Rae and Jillian follow after him, and I pause as I turn to face Eve. “I’d like to apolo—”

“No need,” Eve says, interrupting me. “I’m just happy your daughter enjoyed the lights even if it wasn’t your intention.”

I open my mouth to correct her, but I’ve always thought of Rae as my daughter even if she isn't. “Thank you,” I say simply, trying to swallow my pride. I want to explain that I wasn’t trying to be an asshole, I just want her to have the perfect day.

“I’ll be back tomorrow to go over details of the party just to be sure we’ve got the right color choices made.” She smiles again, and it makes my chest tight.

I nod, unable to say anything else because I’ve made a complete fool of myself tonight. I’m also not sure how to apologize to someone because it’s been a long time since I’ve had to do it. So I just remain quiet while possibly making things worse.

“I hope you and your wife have a nice evening,” she says, and before I can open my mouth to correct her, she’s down the driveway and getting into her car.

Stepping around the spotlight, I watch her and think about that first touch. Why do my fingers still pulse like they’ve been shocked, and why did I like hearing her voice so much? Something about Eve has pricked the hair on the back of my neck, and I’ve been around long enough to trust my gut.

Taking a few steps forward, I grab my phone and unlock it. Before I can think through my actions, I snap a picture of her license plate and then watch her leave.

She’ll be back tomorrow, but perhaps I’ll look into Eve Tinsel a little more. There’s nothing wrong with knowing more about the people I hire. Nothing at all.



Chapter 3






“Bring it over another two feet, please.” I watch as Luke and Ben move the massive tree over, and I’m still not sure that looks right. I try to picture the shelves lined with presents to get the full effect, but it’s off.

“Just say it, Eve.” Ben gives me a knowing look.

“Okay, back over a foot.” They quickly do as I ask, and I hear Luke chuckle. “Sorry.” They step back and look at the tree with me, but I think it’s perfect. “That should do it.” I look down at my clipboard and check one more thing off. “Are you headed to the Sleighs’ now?” All the heavy lifting has been done here, so now it’s time to decorate and get down to the details.

“Yep. We’re off to the Barbie Christmas house,” Ben teases.

“Whatever.” Luke shakes his head. “Don’t show your girl a picture of it. Now Kayla wants me to take our lights down and put up pink ones. Said she didn't know that was an option.”

“It’s Christmas; everything is an option,” I remind them.

I too enjoy the pink lights. It’s different, and the whole point of Christmas is to make someone’s heart light up. The pink lights did that for Mr. Sleigh’s daughter and that was the most important thing.

“Right,” Ben says as they both head out.

“I’ll be there in a little bit,” I call after them before getting back to work. I do a final check, making sure everything is perfect, and all the items are complete.

“I want pictures, Chel,” I tell my assistant. I’m not used to being spread so thin, but at this point it is what it is, and I can only do my best.

“I’ve got it,” she tries to reassure me.

“Evie, is that you?” I turn around to see Rich coming down the stairs in his bathrobe.

It’s a little past ten in the morning, and I really wish I hadn't agreed to the date. When I look at Rich, there is no spark or anything. In fact, when he calls me Evie it works my nerves, something that is usually hard to do.

“Morning, Rich.” I give him a bright smile as I look at what he’s wearing. I didn't know someone could make a robe look so…well, rich, but Hugh Hefner springs to mind.

“How are things going?”

“We’re right on track.”

He comes down the stairs and looks at the tree in the sitting room. “What goes here?” He points to the shelves I've emptied out.

“The presents,” I remind him.

“Presents?” He gives me a confused look.

“Yes, everyone is supposed to bring a gift for a child. They will be donated to the children's hospital.” It was something I came up with a few years ago. Most think it’s a great idea because they don’t like coming to parties empty-handed.

“Oh.” Rich doesn't look pleased by my response, so he must have forgotten. Does he really not want people to bring him Christmas gifts?

“It’s such a great thing you’re doing. Think of all the kids that will have a wonderful Christmas all because of you.” I give him a bright smile, laying it on thick.

“Right.” He smirks. “And you’ll be here?” He steps in closer to me as his eyes travel up and down my body.

“Yep.” I glance at my clipboard.

“Eve,” Chel calls.

“If you need anything, Rich, let us know,” I say before I step away from him and over to Chel.

“What’s up?” I ask her.

“Nothing.” She winks at me. “You’re welcome.”

I laugh, thinking maybe she does have this handled. Unable to help myself, I take one last look around before I head out, and if I’m truthful, I think I might be stalling.

I feel terrible because last night I couldn't get my mind off Mr. Sleigh. I kept thinking about the adorably sexy way his face changed when he realized the mistake was his own. The man is married with a daughter, and I shouldn’t have those thoughts. Or a sex dream.

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