Home > Writing Dirty (BTU Alumni #5)(63)

Writing Dirty (BTU Alumni #5)(63)
Author: Alley Ciz

He’s my shelter in the storm.

Damn, Hook was right.

Pressure falls to my back as he leaves his hand there. Thank god he put me under the covers earlier; I’ll take whatever barrier I can get.

Deep slow breath in, followed by a deep slow breath out.





I wait him out, continuing my charade. The longer I can get away with it, the less time I have to interact with and potentially fight off my stalker, and the greater the chance Dex will get here before anything happens. Because Dex will get here. The only reason he wouldn’t already be on his way is because he is taking the time to evaluate every angle, every chance of me getting hurt before making his move.

If it weren’t for how dire my situation is, I would pop some of the popcorn I came across in my search for weapons to have on hand for when Dex gets here.

Bad guys don’t mess with my Hook and live to tell the tale.

Wait…did I just think of him as my Hook?

Well, shit. That’s new.

“I wish it didn’t have to come to this.”





I know that voice. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Him? No fucking way. This has to be some sort of sick joke.

Holy shit. Did you suspect him?

Nope. Did you?

Not even a little bit.

Talk about a plot twist.

“I was hoping you’d be up by now so we could talk.”

Talk? He wants to talk? What does he think we’re gonna do, sit down and have a tea party? I don’t care that growing up I always wanted to attend one of the Mad Hatter’s shindigs; this is not that.

“I guess I didn’t factor in how tiny you are when I was measuring out the dosage of the sedative.”

At least my suspicion about being drugged was correct.

With the way he’s sitting, not really touching me except for the hand resting on my back, it makes me fairly sure he didn’t do anything to me during the block of time I’m missing, which comforts me slightly.

How did he manage to drug me though?

None of this makes sense.



Chapter Fifty-Three



Jack is already waiting for us by the time Justin pulls into the parking lot at the marina, tires squealing, not giving a fuck that he’s parked crookedly across multiple spaces.

The frown of all frowns mars his face, the wrinkles bracketing his mouth and lining his forehead more pronounced than I can ever recall seeing as he adjusts the straps of a bulletproof vest.

“My guys found Paul’s phone smashed on the ground in a small pool of blood next to his car, which was abandoned on the side of the road. The passenger’s side window was smashed and the door was left ajar.” Jack’s update only causes bile to rise in my throat. I choke it down, needing to remember my girl is no damsel, and if anyone stands a chance of surviving being kidnapped unscathed, it’s my Tink.

Will she survive unscathed?

What if she’s tied up? Or drugged?

“If this guy wanted Maddey, why take Paul? It’s got to be a risk to have a cop with you, right?” Ryan asks as I pull on the vest offered by Jack while Justin does the same with the one from his trunk.

“Unless he’s using him to keep Maddey in line,” I say as the startling possibility hits me like a sledgehammer.


That’s actually a really good plan. Maddey’s bleeding heart and fierce loyalty would have her doing anything possible to protect those she cares about, and if Paul is already hurt from them clearly being taken by force, that instinct is only going to be heightened.

“Are you sure this is the best plan?” Again, Ryan is questioning. He didn’t let the sound of the sirens on the drive stop him from voicing his opinions about Jack’s plan for us to handle this ourselves.

“Yes,” I answer curtly. I’m getting sick and tired of his bullshit.

“I still think you’re going to need backup.”

We’ll have it.

“That’s what the Coast Guard is for,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Then why aren’t you waiting for them?”

“Because.” I refuse to add anything else to my explanation and take off running toward Jamie’s speedboat. I can’t believe he thinks I would allow Maddey to be in her stalker’s clutches for even one second longer than necessary. “We’ll be fine.”

The wood of the gangplank scratches my knee as I bend down to untie the rope from where it secures the boat.

“And we’re just supposed to be okay with that?” He shoves me when I stand, but I hold my ground.

I shouldn’t hit the guy. Tink kept him in her life as her bestie so I don’t think it would do me any favors to deck him, but I really, really want to.


“That’s not good enough.” If he shoves me in the shoulder one more time…

“It’ll have to be.”

Ryan scoffs. “I can’t believe you would put her life in jeopardy just so you can play hero by yourself.”

That’s it. I’m done.

“Fuck you.” It’s my turn to offer my own shove, this one with both my hands to his chest, causing him to stumble back two steps.

“Fuck you.” He returns the words and the push.

The other guys move to break up the fight brewing, but I wave them off. This needs to happen, and it needs to happen now.

“I’m done with your fucking bullshit, Ryan. All you’ve done is bitch and ask questions that do nothing to help and will only end up costing us time.”

“Well if you actually kept her safe, I wouldn’t have to question this too-little-too-late plan you’re concocting.”

It’s not my plan, but I don’t bother mentioning that.

I did keep Maddey safe.

It’s not my fault she was taken…right?

Do I regret not forcing her to come in the car with us? Sure, but what the hell was I supposed to do when she was in a blind panic and set the terms?

Plus, she was with Paul, a cop—a member of the SWAT team. He’s highly trained. Who wouldn’t think she would be safe? How were any of us supposed to know the stalker would make a move on her with someone like that with her?

What pisses me off the most is how Ryan is making me doubt my own feelings. Time to shut that shit down.

“I’m only going to say this once, so you better fucking listen.” I square up against Maddey’s ex. Yes, I’ve been intimidated in the past by all the could-have-beens she and Ryan share, but I’m done. “I love Maddey.”

A hush falls over everyone else, but I’m not speaking to them. This is between me and Ryan and that’s it. No one else’s opinion matters.

“You may have loved her first, but I’m sure as shit gonna love her last.” For the first time in hours, something essential inside me settles. I’ve always said Maddey is my anchor, and admitting that I’m going to marry the hell out of her in front of some of the most important people in her life only serves to dig that anchor deeper into my heart.

“Now, if you’re done questioning the validity of the plan created by three men who have collectively done over a thousand maritime missions”—I move around him—“I suggest you shut the fuck up and get out of our way so we can bring my girl back home.”

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