Home > Hoax Husband(38)

Hoax Husband(38)
Author: Candice M. Wright

Lifting the tote bag from the shelf I placed it on when I moved in, I shove some clothes to tide me over before grabbing the toiletries I’ll need. Once everything is zipped up inside, I swing the bag over my shoulder and glance around the room that holds so many memories.

Memories that are now a lie. I can’t handle it—the visions of Asher and me rolling around on the bed laughing, of his lips on my skin, of the look of rapture on his face as he moves inside me.

It's too much. I slam the door behind me and head to the room I had been using as a studio, knowing I don't have time to collect everything now. I grab my sketchbook and pencils and shove them in my bag before turning to leave, freezing when my eyes land on the easel and the piece I’m currently working on.

It’s a picture of a man bathed in color, almost as if looking at him through a stained-glass window. A smile teases the edge of his lips as he looks over his shoulder, his indigo eyes vibrant and shining with love.

I pick it up, swallowing hard around a lump in my throat, letting the rage overtake me as I slam the canvas down over my knee repeatedly until it splits and breaks. I pull and tug until it's broken into two jagged pieces. The symbolism of it matches my broken heart, a fact that isn't lost on me.

Tossing the canvas carelessly to the floor, I turn to pick up the tote bag and leave with my heart in tatters, making my way down the hall, through the living room to the front door, before pausing at the threshold. Turning to look back one final time, I say goodbye to my temporary home before walking away.

My happy life was fake, my marriage just a hoax, and the man I trusted turned out to be nothing more than a liar.









I look at my watch again and see Linda’s been gone twenty minutes. Ten minutes I was able to brush off, but twenty is excessive even if there was a long line.

“What's wrong?” Graham questions as I turn to the back of the room and frown.

“Linda’s been gone a while,” I mutter, making him laugh.

“See? Whipped,” he reminds me.

“You have no room to talk,” I fire back, because we both know it's true. The only reason Soraya isn’t by his side tonight is because of the baby shower and the fact that Graham wasn’t invited.

“How many times have you called her tonight?” I question with a smile that feels forced as my eyes keep drifting back to the archway.

“A few, but in my defense, she is baking my kid and I worry. So, shoot me.”

“Exactly my point. We are both whipped. All jokes aside, though, I admit I got into all of this for the resort, but none of that matters now. If the deal falls through tomorrow, I’ll get over it because I’ll have Linda by my side,” I tell him truthfully.

“You love her?” he asks softly with no inflection in his voice.

“More than I ever thought possible. She completely blindsided me and yet somehow, she ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“Jesus, you sound like a Hallmark card. Go find her. I can’t handle all this cheesiness, I’m lactose intolerant,” he jeers, giving me a shove in the direction of the bathrooms.

I laugh and make my way over but Dawn steps in front of me. I’ve managed to avoid her all night, but I knew my luck would run out eventually.

“Dawn,” I grit out a forced greeting as I attempt to move around her, but she blocks my path.

“If you’re looking for my substitute, you won’t find her. She left about ten minutes ago,” she says smugly.

“What are you talking about, Dawn? I don’t have time for this.”

“I’m talking about that poor unsuspecting fool you had draped all over you earlier. I don't know who was more surprised—her at finding out this arrangement was a sham or me when I found out you tricked the poor girl into playing a role she was ill-equipped for,” she tells me with a sickeningly sweet smile stretched across her face.

“What did you say to her?” I snap out, my heart racing as everything inside me yearns to run after her.

“The truth. That until she showed up with her golden pussy, you were set to play the fake fiancé with me for three months.”

I close my eyes as my white-hot anger rushes through my bloodstream over the damage this woman has caused.

“You stupid fucking bitch,” I bite out and her eyes widen in shock at my outburst. “I hope you have some money left over from daddy dearest because you just broke the NDA you signed. My lawyer is going to have fun taking every last cent from you.”

Her face bleaches white. “What? No, you didn’t go through with the deal. You went with little miss clueless.”

“Say one more word about my wife, and I won't be held accountable for my actions.” I point my finger in her face.

“Wife!” she screeches, drawing attention from the people behind her.

“Yes, my wife,” I spit out before leaning in closer, my lips brushing against her ear. “And the NDA covered all conversations pertaining to anything to do with the proposed arrangement. You should have read the small print, sweetheart.”

“Asher, you can’t do this to me. I’m sorry, I was upset—”

I cut her off with a look so vicious I’m surprised it doesn't draw blood. “My lawyer will be in touch. I’d start packing if I were you, Dawn. By the time I’m finished, you’ll have nothing left but the clothes you’re wearing.” I storm away, heading for the door, but a hand on my shoulder has me swinging around to find a concerned-looking Graham.

“What the fuck is going on?”

“Linda’s gone. Dawn struck out with her claws and because I still hadn’t spoken to Linda and explained everything from the beginning, I’m guessing she thinks this whole thing was a ruse to get the resort, which we both know hasn’t been the case for a while.”

“Fuck. Go, I’ll head people off here and say your goodbyes for you. I’ll tell them Linda wasn’t feeling well. Find her and fix this.” He turns and heads back to the ballroom as I make my way to the cloakroom.

I hand the ticket to the bored-looking woman manning the desk and wait until she returns with Linda’s wrap. Shit, she ran out of here without it when it's freezing outside, making me feel like an even bigger asshole. I grab it and head out onto the street and text Davis, who thankfully must have been waiting nearby because he pulls up barely ten minutes later.

I slide into the back onto cold leather seats as the car pulls away. “Davis, have you seen Linda this evening?” I rush out—the need to find her clawing at my insides.

“Not since I dropped you off, sir, no. Is something wrong?” he asks, concerned.

“Just take me home, Davis, as quickly as you can.”

“Yes, sir, of course.”

The ten minutes it takes to get to my building are the longest ten minutes of my life. I hurry out of the car and into the building, where Thomas is at his post.

“Thomas, have you seen Linda tonight?” I bark at him.

“No, sir, but I’ve not long returned from my break.”

I don’t wait for him to say anything else, even as he calls after me. I run to the elevator and hit the button to the penthouse so hard my palm stings. The doors slide closed, showing me my harried reflection in the mirrored panels as I wait for the elevator to ascend slowly.

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