Home > Cultivating Caden(13)

Cultivating Caden(13)
Author: Parker Williams

“Wait. What? I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Did he live to see Sanctuary get completed?”

“Of course. He still lives here. His place is separated from most of the other houses, but he’s still hale and hearty.”

Quade bit back a laugh when Caden’s jaw dropped. “But you said this was a hundred years ago.”

“I did. I know this is all new for you, but dwarves are very long lived. Right now, Dandrot would be, at best, midthirties for a human.” He stood. “Thank you for dinner, but I should get back to my room.”

“What about Ten? And what happens here? I have a lot of other questions.”

“How about we get together tomorrow and I’ll do my best to answer more? You’re looking at a century of lore. It’s not like we’re going to get through it all in a night. As for Ten, the doctor said he’ll be okay, so I have to believe it. I’ll check on him before I turn in.”

“Okay. Thank you for… just thanks. I was scared and didn’t know what to do.”

“My room is down the hall if you ever need me.”

“Yeah, well…. If the door hadn’t opened, I wouldn’t have gotten to you.” He chuckled nervously. “Maybe Ten was right and it is alive.”

Quade took a deep breath. He was about to make a decision that had the potential to come back and bite him in the ass, but if they wanted Caden to trust them, then they had to do the same. “Yeah, about that. I’m not going to lock the door. You’re free to come and go as you please. I’m just going to ask that you don’t leave. I know you’re nervous and I get that I played a large part in that, but for your safety, as well as that of your friends, it’s best that you don’t leave.”

“What do you mean, for their safety?”

“With your abilities you killed nine men without even realizing it. What happens the next time you get scared or nervous? You have a tough customer come into your shop and start bitching because his peonies wilted. Someone cuts you off by making a turn in front of you, so you have to slam on your brakes. How many things throughout your day trigger a reaction? Now, imagine if somehow it happens again, only this time it’s not to a group of men hurting you, but Ten who annoys you with a bunch of questions. That’s the reason I was sent to kill you—not just for the fact that those men died, but to keep innocent people from having the same thing happen to them. That’s why Sanctuary exists, Caden. To protect everyone.”

Quade got up and walked to the door. He wanted to say something else, but really, what was left?

“Good night.”

He left the room and headed down the hall to his own place. Stepping into the spartan room, he was finally able to breathe. Goddamn Ten, trying to do shit on his own like that. What would Quade do if…? No, he refused to even think about it. Ten was fine, and would be okay.

But if he wasn’t? The idea was too horrific to think about. Quade never wanted to go back to what he’d been before Sanctuary took him in. He still remembered the look in the girl’s eyes as he stood over her, fangs dripping with saliva. He could smell the blood, taste her fear, and it was glorious. His wolf had no compunction about killing her right then and there.

Thank the divines that hadn’t happened.

Ten had stopped him cold. With barely a word, he’d brought Quade to his knees and forced his way into the darkest recesses of Quade’s mind, dragging his human self to the surface and putting it back in control.

If it hadn’t been for Ten, they would have put Quade down for the general welfare of everyone involved, and Quade would have been grateful for the release.

Who knows? When the day finally came, maybe he still would be.



Chapter 6



Quade stroked his fingers over Ten’s forehead, grateful when the strange silver eyes fluttered open. “How are you feeling?”

“Hi, Mr. Martin. You look tired.” Ten struggled to sit up, but Quade stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “You couldn’t sleep again? Do you need me to help you?”

Ten reached for Quade’s temple, but Quade lashed out and gripped his wrist. “What I need is for you to get some rest. What were you thinking, trying to help Caden on your own?”

Ten’s eyes drifted shut. “His dreams were screaming so loud that I couldn’t block them out. They were begging for help. What was I supposed to do?”

“Call Doc. Call me. You don’t risk yourself like that for anyone.”

“But he needed me. I thought he was better after our sessions, but there is so much fear inside him, and it’s crying for help.” He opened his eyes and pinned Quade with a harsh glare. “And isn’t that why I’m here?”

“No, and you know it’s not. You’re here because we care about you. No one, least of all Caden, would want you to hurt yourself no matter what the reason. Promise me you won’t do anything so foolish again.” Ten’s eyes slid shut, but Quade wasn’t having it. “Uh-uh, buddy. You’re not getting out of this one. Promise me you won’t do it again.”

A slight smile played on Ten’s lips. “Okay, but if I promise you, then you need to do something for me too.”

Oh God. Ten was about to drop something on him, Quade was certain. But if it kept him from doing something foolish, then he’d agree. “What do you want me to do?”

“Help Mr. Daniels. If you won’t let me work with him, then you’ve got to.”

Quade reared back in the chair. “Me? I can barely help myself. What the hell makes you think that I can do it for him?”

“I just do. Mr. Daniels is going to be important in your life, just as you’ll be in his.”

He said it with such certainty that it shook Quade. He’d learned long ago that Ten knew things there was no way he should be able to know. His psychic abilities were off-the-chart powerful. The doctors didn’t even understand all the things Ten could do. “How the hell do you know this stuff?”

“Just do.” He yawned. “Can I go back to sleep now?”

Quade wanted to tell him no, that he needed to stay awake and talk, but instead, he stood, leaned down, and kissed Ten’s forehead. It was an oddly touching gesture that Quade would never do for anyone else, but Ten was important.

“Sleep, buddy.”

“Okay.” As Quade turned to leave, Ten called his name.

“What is it?”

Ten yawned. “Don’t beat my butt. I like sitting down.”

Before Quade could say anything, Ten was asleep. Going back to his room was an option, but Quade wouldn’t be able to sleep. If Ten were better, Quade would have allowed him to help. He was always able to quell the anger and rage inside Quade, allowing him to sleep for a few hours. Even though his wolf was still quiet, Quade couldn’t rest. Each time he closed his eyes, he still saw that little girl, heard her screams.

Dammit, that had been years ago. Why was it haunting him now?

Because you almost killed an innocent man. Because you looked into his eyes and you were weak. A lycan would have ripped him open and not given it a second thought.

Quade grabbed a beer from the refrigerator. He wished he had something stronger, but for now the brew would have to do. He chugged one, then opened another and drained it just as quickly. What he wouldn’t give to get so rip-roaring, stinking drunk he couldn’t remember his own damned name.

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