Home > Cultivating Caden(37)

Cultivating Caden(37)
Author: Parker Williams

“A park? Do you think Dandrot would go for it?”

Quade shrugged. “He’s all about quality of life. He never intended that his people would want for anything. We’ve also never had anyone who was good with plants. And think of it this way—yours wouldn’t require natural sunlight, because everything they’d need would come directly from you.”

He could see Caden’s mind working. His eyes closed and a small smile played on his lips. “There are flowers I could never work with because they’re so fragile, but in a protected space, they could thrive. We could get some of the rarest plants known and preserve them for our people.”

“Did you hear what you just said? Our people. I like that.”

“So do I. Sanctuary felt like home to me when I first got there. I was comfortable in a way I never had been here. I love my place, but the apartment in Sanctuary? That seemed warmer and more welcoming.”

He wasn’t sure how Caden would take the next question, but he couldn’t hold back from asking. “Why don’t you move in with me? I’ve got twice the room you do—you could have a workshop. And I’d have you close to me every morning and night.”

“But what about your job?”

Quade shrugged. “I’d quit eventually, so I can dedicate myself to us. I’d need to talk to Dandrot first, make sure someone is trained to take over for me.” He stretched. “Besides, there are other things I can do. Now that my wolf and I have come to an agreement, I’m not worried about interacting with people.” He gave a soft chuckle. “Actually, I’m not worried about killing them.”

“You used to worry about that?”

A quick nod. “All the time. My wolf saw everything as either a threat, a conquest, or a meal because it lacked my compassion. I saw the wolf as pretty much a demon because I lacked insight. Now I understand his wants and needs, and he realizes that everything he wants can be found in our home.” He grinned. “That’s you, in case you haven’t been following along on the conversation.”

“I’m your home?”

He leaned closer and gave Caden a peck on the lips. “Forever and always.”



Chapter 16



“Concentrate, dammit! This could be the difference between life and death.”

“What the hell do you think I’m doing?” Caden huffed. He wiped a hand over his brow. “See the fucking beads of sweat on my forehead? Maybe we should just admit I have no clue what I’m doing here.”

On the drive back from Caden’s shop, he asked Quade if he’d be willing to work with him to get a handle on his abilities. Quade told him that he might want someone else, because he wouldn’t go easy on Caden. Caden assured him that wasn’t what he wanted.

Now, six days later, he was regretting that decision.

“I told you the day you asked that I was against it. If you’re an incarnation of the Tree of Life, maybe your abilities aren’t supposed to be used for combat.”

“But that makes no sense. I killed those men, and when we fought, I lashed out at you.”

Quade picked up a towel from the nearby bench and scrubbed it across his chest. “Yes, but both times it was for protection only. When I was fighting the Bogran, you tried to do something, right?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“But nothing happened. Now you’re certain that I won’t hurt you, so you’re not afraid.”

“So what you’re saying is I’m up a creek without a paddle? Or I just have to stand there and let them smack me around a while?”

A gruff voice startled Caden. “He’s not saying that at all. He’s telling you a soldier needs to know that sometimes the best way to fight is to not fight at all.”

Caden spun around and saw a man he’d never met before staring at them. He swaggered toward them, his gaze never leaving Quade.

Caden wasn’t happy with someone being in the gym while they were sparring. He wasn’t keen on the idea of anyone seeing him make a fool of himself. “Who the hell are you?”

“Peter, how are you today?”

“Good, good.” He held out a hand to Caden. “Peter McGrath.”

Reaching for the proffered hand, Caden gave his name. “Can I help you with something?”

“Nah, just watching. Haven’t seen a soldier train for a while. But if you don’t mind a bit of advice? In combat, you have to rely on more than just your weapon.” He tapped his temple. “What you have up here is where you need to be focusing. For the forty years I was in the military, I survived more by my wits than by shooting a gun.”

Forty years? Bullshit. The guy was, at best, in his twenties. Caden was about to call him on it when Quade put a hand on his arm.

“Maybe it’s best to listen to Peter. He knows what he’s talking about.”


“Just listen.”

Peter stepped up to Quade. “The government will tell you a soldier fights for God and country. I say that’s bullshit. A soldier fights to be able to get home to his family. That’s the thought at the forefront of his mind at all times. So if they go into combat, they’re determined that if someone is going to die, it’s going to be the enemy. And in order to do that, there is no dishonor in fighting dirty.” He stepped onto the sparring mat. “Quade, can you help me here?”

“Sure.” He crossed to where Peter stood.

Peter turned to Caden, his gaze narrowed. “Now pay attention here, because what I’m about to show you may save your life.” Returning to Quade, Peter held up his hands. “Okay, what I want you to do is come at me.”

Quade shrugged, then lunged for Peter, knocking him to the floor.

“Ow! Fuck, that hurt. Goddamn it.” He rubbed his shoulder. “Shit, I think you dislocated it.”

“I’m sorry!”

As Quade stepped forward, Peter swept a leg out, taking Quade off his feet and sending them crashing down in a tangle of limbs. Peter was up first. He pushed off the floor and slammed a hand down onto Quade’s chest with a heavy thud.

“Bang, you’re dead.” He stepped away from the glaring Quade and turned to Caden. “When it’s a matter of life or death, there is no such thing as fighting dirty. You’re fighting to be the one who lives. The one who gets to go home. Now on the other hand, there’s another technique I think might be more your speed. If you’re faced with a superior foe, there is nothing wrong with running away. The choice to be alive to fight another day or to be a dead hero shouldn’t even be a choice. You do what you have to in order to survive. Do you understand, private?”

“Yes, sir!”

Peter inspired Caden. He’d thought that to be brave meant to stand there until someone died. He never even considered that running away could be as important. And he understood. He couldn’t fight if he died. He got on the mat again.

“One more time.”

Quade got up. “Really, we don’t have to do this.”

“Yeah, we really do.” Caden was confident. He’d watched Peter, seen how he’d done things. He could do this.

“Are you sure about this?”

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