Home > Cultivating Caden(50)

Cultivating Caden(50)
Author: Parker Williams

Until the Prime wrapped a hand around A’kosh and squeezed. A’kosh screamed as his carapace cracked, and the sound ripped through Quade. He tried to stand, to help, but whatever was in the air had taken away all his strength. Another loud snap and A’kosh went limp. The Prime threw his body aside, its gaze locked on Quade. The instant it happened, all hell broke loose as Ten’s voice wailed in Quade’s mind. As bad as it was for him, it seemed infinitely worse for the Prime, who clutched its head and bellowed. It was when it dropped to its knees that Quade saw blood pouring from its eyes and ears.

Quade could do nothing but lay on the ground, watching as his son tore the Prime’s mind apart. His sweet, gentle child wasn’t in control anymore. He savaged the Prime, whose anguished cries were unlike anything Quade had heard before.

Ten, stop. Ten! You’ve got to stop. Find that control you always wanted to help me with.

Words meant nothing. The Prime continued to thrash about, clutching at its head. When long, taloned fingers jammed into its eyes and plucked them out, Quade was at a loss. He dragged himself along, trying desperately to reach A’kosh—another person he’d failed. Pulling himself up next to A’kosh’s body, he was surprised to find that he was still breathing, albeit harsh and wet. A long, jagged crack in his shell seeped a viscous black fluid. Quade was sure A’kosh was dying.

Ten, I need you. How can I help A’kosh?

No reply other than the death throes of the Prime. Quade had to block them out if he was going to get Ten to listen.

Ten, goddamn it! Focus, or A’kosh is going to die. You wanted me to come here to help him, but how the hell can I do that if I can’t save him?

The Prime went blessedly silent, though fluids from the beast flooded the area.

He’s alive? The question was tentative, the pain obvious.

Yes, he’s alive. He’s hurt bad, though, and I’m not sure how to help him. What can I do?

Um… his people can regenerate, like with his mouth, but they need a lot of protein to engage it.

Protein? Quade didn’t hesitate, not when A’kosh had just saved his life. Blood is protein, right?

I don’t think the Bogran’s blood works like that. They’re physiology is too radically different for A’kosh to metabolize it.

Not that thing’s blood. Mine. Could he use mine?

Dad, he’d need a lot of blood to heal this kind of damage.

I don’t care. Can he use mine?


Ten! Could he use my blood?

Yes, but—

Ignoring what Ten was saying, Quade shifted his hand into its lycan form. Where do I cut to get the most blood?

Please don’t do this. There has to be another way.

There is. I let him die. Is that what you want me to do?

He knew it wasn’t fair to put this on Ten, but Quade was willing to risk his own life to save A’kosh’s. Quade had been unfair to him. Had judged him harshly. And had watched as A’kosh put himself in harm’s way to protect Quade, only to end up at death’s door.


Ah, shit. Of course Ten would get Caden linked into the conversation.

I don’t have time to argue.

The artery in your arm will bleed a lot. You have to be certain you can heal from it, because if not, you will bleed out.

Was he certain? He’d healed a lot of things in his lifetime, but as sick as he felt, this one might be something he couldn’t come back from.

Yes, I’m sure. Tell me how to do it.

Images flashed through his mind, and he did as they instructed, slicing across his inner arm, not surprised when the warm blood began as first a trickle, then a stream. He held A’kosh’s head up and placed the crook of his elbow against A’kosh’s mouth. When there was no reaction, Quade’s heart began to race. Was he too late? Then he screamed as A’kosh’s razor-sharp mandibles sliced into the flesh, drawing deeply from the pool of blood.

His mouth has enzymes that break down the blood so his body can use it. He’s latched on because he’s desperate not to die. I’m sorry it hurts. I could try and block it, but—

No! You stay out of this. He didn’t want Ten involved. You were told not to—he hissed as the pain intensified—contact me.

I’m sorry! When it grabbed A’kosh, I felt it. I shouted so loud, Poppa had to come in to see what was wrong. I—I didn’t know that we had bonded like that. It wasn’t supposed to be this soon.

Even through the pain, Quade heard the words. What are you saying?

When A’kosh stirred, Quade reached out, grabbed the back of A’kosh’s head, and held it tight against his arm. “You take what you need. You have to live.”

You both better live, or I’m going to be pissed. Just so you know, you’re never going alone again. Shit, you’ll be lucky if I let you out of the house after this.

Yes, dear. Now, Ten, what did you mean, it wasn’t supposed to be this soon?

A mental sigh. Remember when I told you that I was supposed to marry Michael? That’s A’kosh. He’s my half soul. He wasn’t supposed to be here for years, but like I said, things are changing so fast, it’s hard to keep track of alternate timelines.

A wave of nausea rolled through Quade as A’kosh drank deeply. Why didn’t you tell us?

Because this wasn’t supposed to happen. I wasn’t expecting to meet him until I was seventeen. When he showed up and I realized who he was… I panicked. But he recognized me from my scent, and after he did, he told me I was too young, but that he’d wait for me.

Caden’s voice rang through clearly. How old is he, Ten?

That’s the thing. In our years, he’s only eighteen. In his culture, he’s been considered fully grown since birth. He’s decided he’s going to protect me, as befits his station. It’s why he fought so hard to protect you.

And A’kosh rose in Quade’s estimation again. He glanced down and saw those big black eyes staring back at him. When the mandibles disengaged from his arm, Quade sighed in relief. He was surprised when the skin began to knit back together, quickly disappearing as though the hole was never there.

A’kosh scrabbled away, his eyes wide. “I… I am sorry.”

“Come back here.” Quade held out his arms, not surprised when A’kosh hesitated, then lurched forward to accept the embrace. “Are you okay?”

A’kosh nodded.

“I’m sorry you got hurt. Something is making me feel so weak.”

“Air not right. Many dead. Makes stomach hurt.”

Struggling to stand, Quade pitched forward and landed in a heap at A’kosh’s feet.

Dad? Ten sounded scared.

I’m all right.

Oh, bullshit. I can feel how sick you are from here. Come home, and we’ll figure out something else. Caden was pissed.

Yes, you should return to Ten. He needs you. I will do this alone.

Well, goddamn. I didn’t realize we were having another party in my head. Okay, first things first. Ten: I’m tired and my stomach hurts. Something is wrong with the air here. Caden, if I leave now, we lose any opportunity to save A’kosh’s people. And A’kosh, you’re a child. You shouldn’t have to do this alone.

A’kosh hissed. “Not child.”

Quade rubbed the top of the smooth shell, not shocked when a soft trill emanated from A’kosh. “Yes, you are. Among your people, you’re considered an adult, but you’re still just a kid. And Ten would never forgive me if I walked away from you when you needed him.”

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