Home > Cultivating Caden(8)

Cultivating Caden(8)
Author: Parker Williams

“Oh, that’s nice. We should bake him some cookies.”

Quade chuckled at Jess, who was taking the conversation in stride. “That might not be a bad idea.” Leaning over, he inhaled deeply. “So, how long until this is done.”

She smacked his chest. “I know you’re a growing boy, but give it time to cook.”

He grinned and turned on his ultimate weapon. No one could resist puppy dog eyes, and being a lycan, he was an expert at them.

Jess scowled at him. “I don’t like it when you do that.”

“Because I’m irresistible?”

“Because you’re a pain in the….” She looked around, then lowered her voice to a whisper. “A-s-s.”

Another thing Quade loved about her. Jess spelled things out that she couldn’t say aloud. Even though there weren’t many children in Sanctuary, they flocked to her when she made special desserts. Not one of them made comments that she was a man—they simply accepted that she was special, just as everyone in Sanctuary was.

“Here, eat your dinner.”

She handed him a huge bowl of stew, which Quade took over to the table. He picked it up, ready to gulp it down, when he noticed her glaring at him. He sighed, put the bowl down onto the blue placemat, and went to get silverware.

“Thank you.”

If Quade could choose one personality to stay in control of Alexander’s body, it would be Jess. The moment he thought it, guilt knotted his stomach. Dr. Desmond was continuing his efforts to find a way to integrate all of the parts into one cohesive whole, but even he couldn’t be sure what the results would be. Best-case scenario, Alexander would be the sum of all his parts. Worst case, he would be brain-dead.

“Jess? What do you remember from, you know, before?”

She cocked her head, her eyes wide. “Before? Before what, sweetheart?”

He knew he should shut up, just as he was aware Desmond would have a fit if he found out that Quade had stuck his nose in where it didn’t belong, but he loved Jess and the thought of her hurting didn’t sit well with him at all.

“Do you remember a trip to the mall about twelve years ago? You were there when something happened, but I was never sure what.”

Her brow knitted as though she was trying to think back. Would she remember? Would Alexander block access to that dark time? And would it bring him pain?

“I went with Collin, my grandson, to buy him some shoes he’d been begging his mother for. April lived on a fixed income, and no way could she afford them. One day I was watching Collin while she was out, and we snuck to the mall. I was going to buy him those shoes for his birthday. He went into the shop and… and….”

Jess grabbed her head, her eyes wide and mouth open in a silent cry. Quade rushed over and threw his arms around her, cursing his stupidity. Jess shook, and Quade rubbed a hand over her back, trying to calm her.

“What the hell are you doing, boy?”

Quade groaned and stepped away. Apparently Alexander’s personalities didn’t only protect him—they also protected one another.

“I don’t swing like that, you know. And even if I did, it sure as shit wouldn’t be with you.”

Dyson. Damn it.

Alexander’s entire demeanor changed. Where Jess was quiet and gentle, Dyson was gruff, his body language more imposing. The altering of persona threw Quade for several moments.


Brushing off the front of his shirt as though Quade had cooties, Dyson leaned over the pot and took a whiff. “Damn, someone’s made up some tasty food. Hope they don’t mind if I help myself.” He reached for a bowl from one of the steel cabinets, scooped himself up some stew, then strode over to the table to sit.

“Is she okay?”


“Jess.” He wanted to add you idiot, but figured his tone implied it.

Dyson’s eyes narrowed as he took a bite. “Don’t know no Jess.”

No, of course not. Though they shared a body, Alexander’s… others didn’t seem to be aware of one another, at least not on a conscious level.

“I’m going to…. You know, go back to my room.”

Without looking up, Dyson had the final word. “Clean up your plate, son. No one wants a sloppy man.”

Quade took a breath to steady himself, then reached for his dirty dishes. He rinsed them off, put them in the dishwasher, then retreated to his room, where he could worry about what the hell he’d done to Jess in peace and quiet.



Chapter 4



Caden was dreaming. That was the only explanation for the things he was seeing. He stood transfixed, watching himself being attacked, but the terror that he’d felt was absent. It was as though he was watching a movie with the action occurring onscreen, while Caden was an audience member. All that was missing was a big tub of buttered popcorn and a Coke.

The beating was savage. He wondered how anyone could survive it. Then came the plants. At first the trees swayed and creaked. Then branches lashed out, striking the attackers. Their howls of pain frightened him, but Caden couldn’t look away. Grasses, buttonbush plants, and other scrub flora released clouds of pollen, choking the men. They clawed at their throats, unable to breathe. When the tree branches wrapped around their arms and legs, Caden knew what was about to happen. Still, the sight of them being ripped apart made his stomach churn.

The leader was on his knees in front of Caden, begging for his life. When Caden stood, he looked different. His skin had taken on a greenish hue and his eyes glowed. Caden pointed at the man, and the trees responded, encircling him. His eyes went wide, until a branch pierced through them. His howls of agony scared the hell out of Caden.

Then, as if obeying an unspoken command, the trees tore the man’s arms off, which set the man off with unholy cries of pain and pleading. It was quickly followed by his legs. And when he hung there, blood spilling onto the earth, the tree yanked off his head and dropped it onto the hard-packed dirt with a wet thwack.

A noise to his left startled Caden, and he opened his eyes in time to see a young man, maybe twelve, sitting in a chair beside the bed, his hand on Caden’s forehead. Startled, he jolted up. “What the fuck are you doing?”

The young boy reared back, his eyes wide. He wrapped his arms around his chest and dropped his gaze. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to…. I couldn’t help it. You were dreaming and it hurt. I needed it to stop.”

Hurt? “What do you mean, it hurt?”

“When the man hit you, I felt it. He deserved what happened to him.”

Caden shook his head, trying to force himself awake. “Who are you?”

The boy gave a bright smile. “Tennyson. Most people call me Tenny or Ten.” He wrinkled his nose. “I hate Tenny, though.”

Caden was about to throw the covers off and get out of bed when he realized he was naked. “Ten, can you go into the other room?”

Tennyson giggled. “Okay.” He got up and moved slowly to the door. He stopped and turned around. “I’m sorry I scared you.”

As soon as he left, Caden got up and dressed. He went out into the living room area and found Ten sitting in front of the window, watching the night sky.

“You know that’s just a picture, right?”

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