Home > Billionaire's Captive : Complete Trilogy(104)

Billionaire's Captive : Complete Trilogy(104)
Author: Stasia Black

But it’s only now as I lay here that I start to think through the actual practicalities of that. I just saw the results, verified them twice to make sure I wasn’t getting excited about nothing, then ran up here to Daphne to tell her the good news.

In other plant-based drug trials, especially one based on a limited supply like ours when such a massive amount of product is needed to produce even a milliliter…and Daphne will need a lot more than that…

Now that we know the molecular makeup, we have to create a synthetic form. They did it for Taxol, the cancer drug discovered from the bark of the yew tree Daphne mentioned the other day.

A pit forms in my stomach. But it could take years. Does Daphne have years? But we made the discovery, I could get her in the first clinical trial. As long as we are in control of production.

I glance around us at the cold stone walls.

A makeshift basement lab in a cold, drafty castle is not going to cut it. We need a lab. A fully functioning, fully-staffed lab working around the clock on this.

My chest goes tight as I roll out of bed as smoothly as I can, careful not to wake Daphne. Where the hell am I going to get a lab?

Belladonna has the labs but as the Rose Garden banquet made clear, they’re far more concerned with making their new business partner Adam Archer happy than maintaining any relationship with Daphne. And after punching their golden boy plus having security called on me…

Shit! Why couldn’t I keep my fucking temper under control?

I storm back down the stairs and head straight for the liquor cabinet. But before I can pour myself two fingers of scotch, I slam the cabinet closed.

I need to be clearheaded. Think. Think. I slam my head with my palm.

My mentor left me with this place and a fair chunk of money, but it’s not an unending well of resources. I’ve been sparing no expense as it is, and am running dangerously low on liquid capital. But if Daphne died, what did it matter? What did any of it matter?

Now, though. To get so close and not be able to go the distance…

No. My fists clench.

I’ll never give up on her.

I breathe out long and deep.

Today was a success. Daphne has a future now. And I will do anything, pay any price…

Humble myself in any way.

I look up, nodding. I know exactly what I have to do.



I stand with my arms crossed, glaring up at the tall high-rise with Archer Industries emblazoned across the top. And the entrance. And on signs all over the sidewalk.

Seems like a sign of insecurity to me if you feel like you have to plaster your name over everything.

Get it over with. Stop stalling.

My feet stay rooted in place.

There’s only one thought that finally gets me moving: for Daphne.

I force my arms to my side and push through the revolving doors.

I take it as a great sign when the security guard reaches for his Taser the second I walk in. He’s a big bastard, I’ll give him that. Tall, with a shaved head, and muscles that strain his uniform, Adam obviously got this guy for actual security and not just some ex-mall-cop looking for an easy pension.

I pause in the doorway, holding my hands up. “I come in peace. I just want to see Mr. Archer. Junior,” I clarify. I think Adam’s dad still has offices in the building even though he only works part-time now after passing off most responsibilities to Adam the past few years.

“He’ll want to take the meeting.” I have no doubt that Adam will relish in the opportunity to see me eat crow.

The security guard doesn’t move his hand off his Taser. What, do they have me on a watchlist here or something? Or is it just my face that has this guy so damn Taser happy?

I tamp down my temper that rises at the thought. This isn’t about me. I’ll just have to keep reminding myself of that over and over as I wait as patiently as I’m able while the security guard calls upstairs.

I can’t hear what he’s saying, since he’s stepped behind a partition, but he glances my way often as the conversation goes on for some time before the security guard finally buzzes me through.

He’s glaring at me as he hands me a visitor’s pass. “Straight to the top floor. Don’t make any detours or you’ll be escorted from the building immediately.”

I grin at him, making sure to turn the mangled left side of my face towards him as I do. “Whatever you say, boss.”

He glowers and looks like he’s about to yank the pass back, but I’m already halfway toward the elevator banks.

Far too quickly, I’m at Adam’s office door. His assistant rushes me right in. Before I’m ready, frankly.

Then I’m standing in front of him. My arch enemy. The man who almost fucking killed me. And I’m here to ask him a favor.

My gut roils but I stand my ground and hold my shoulders straight. “Adam.” I incline my head in greeting.

He stands as well, but makes no move to come around from behind his desk. Instead he crosses his arms. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“We finally did it. We found a cure. For Battleman’s.”

Adam doesn’t so much as twitch. It’s as if I didn’t even speak. The bastard is going to make me work for it.

“Daphne’s life can be saved now. It doesn’t have to be like it was for her mom. Do you get what I’m saying?” I ask when he still doesn’t respond.

Finally, he arches an eyebrow. “What’s any of this got to do with me?”

Furious fire burns in my gut but I bite it down. Of course he’s going to play games. It’s the only way he knows. If I’m going to get anywhere with him, I have to play it and outmatch him. All the while letting him think he’s winning.

“I own all the patents. But you know that since you’ve acquired Belladonna. Belladonna doesn’t own any of the proprietary research—it’s all mine. But I’ll sign it all back to you.”

He barks out a merciless laugh. “And why would you do that?”

“Because, you idiot, I would do anything, give up anything, to save Daphne’s life.” I can’t help my stoic mask slipping and some of my anger bubbles out.

“Ah, there he is,” Adam says, smiling in satisfaction. “There’s the snarling beast I’m used to.”

“You know what, fuck it,” I say. “We hate each other’s guts. If we had the opportunity, maybe we’d even kill each other.”

He smiles at that and his eyes go disturbingly dark. Oh, this fucker wants to kill me, there’s no doubt about that. Truth is, if I could get away with it, or even if I couldn’t and there was no Daphne, I just might…

But there is Daphne.

“But I’m gambling on the chance that you love money more than you hate me. And there’s a shit ton of money in this for you. We need a lab to synthesize the new drug.”

“But it won’t be applicable just for Battleman’s,” I hurriedly continue. “What we are developing will be the new face of the fight against cancer. This is a gold mine and you can have all the profits. We just need the lab.”

Adam eyes me quizzically, his hand going to his chin. He is quiet a long while before finally asking, “And Daphne will die without this?”

His question shouldn’t annoy me but it does. Does he still have feelings for her after all? But again, I swallow my pride. “She might be able to survive this latest relapse, but considering her family history…” I close my eyes and nod, finally telling the truth that I haven’t even admitted to myself. “Yes, she will eventually die without this. If not this time, then the next.”

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