Home > Mistletoe and Mr. Right(63)

Mistletoe and Mr. Right(63)
Author: Sarah Morgenthaler

   Lana had been scrolling through her phone, frowning at what she read in her email. Before she could respond, Rick added tightly, “If anyone has a problem with you, they have a problem with me too.”

   “I can handle this,” she said softly, resting her hand on his arm. Then she shook her head. “We’re late, and I’m going to be in trouble if we don’t get in there.”

   As they got out of the car and headed across the parking lot, Rick wondered at this feeling in his chest. Tightness, the kind he wasn’t used to. Not quite anger…more like he was ready to fight. Rick didn’t like the feeling, and it bothered him to think that Lana must feel this way all the time.

   “Lana, you’re late for your own meeting,” Jonah said as they entered the barn.

   “Unfortunately, this afternoon has been a little more packed than I expected,” she said cheerfully to the room full of eyes watching her warily. “However, I appreciate—”

   Midsentence, Rick stole her hand, causing her to pause and turn. “Rick?” She tilted her head in question.

   He knew he’d hurt her, and the absolute last thing Rick wanted Lana to feel was rejected by him. This was her decision; the ball was in Lana’s court. But dammit, Rick was playing too. And he wanted the win.

   “You’re standing under mistletoe,” he told her, not caring if the whole town heard the husky tone in his voice.

   Lana looked up. Sure enough, she was just beneath a sprig of mistletoe that had been suspended from the barn rafters. Her eyes flickered to the crowded room, then back to him. When she tugged on his hand, Rick came willingly, stepping in close. Close enough that everyone would know exactly who Rick had come here with.

   “Now you are too.” Lana flashed him a little grin, going up on her toes and kissing him.

   When she wrapped her arm around his neck, pulling his head down to hers, Rick laughed, taking the opportunity to dip her dramatically. Someone catcalled, and he was pretty sure Ash started gagging. He couldn’t have cared less.

   “I wanted to do this the last time you were under mistletoe, but I thought I might get in trouble.”

   “You still might,” Lana said archly, but her cheeks had a rosy tint, and her eyes sparkled.

   Instead of taking a seat with the rest of the group, Rick leaned against the refreshment table, arms crossed, watching Lana take the stage next to Jonah.

   “Thank you all for coming out here.”

   “We didn’t think we had any choice,” Graham spoke up teasingly. “Word gets around that you’re a dangerous shot, L.”

   “Only for those who annoy me, Graham.” Lana smiled sweetly at her longtime friend before continuing. “It’s not lost to me that there has been a lot of concern and unrest in town, most of which is centered on the Montgomery Group’s investments. I think everyone would feel better if they had a strong political figure to champion their concerns. As for myself, it would be easier to streamline those concerns through a focused entity with whom we can do business.”

   Lana’s smile widened. “Therefore, I nominate Graham Barnett as mayor of Moose Springs. For a full term, not a couple of days until he can pass it off on someone else.”

   The look of sheer astonishment on Graham’s face was only matched by the expression of glee on Ash’s. Easton’s beard twitched in what might have been a smirk.

   “I second the nomination,” Ash said, hopping up.

   “Wait, this isn’t how mayors are elected,” Graham protested. “I can’t be elected against my will.”

   “Everyone in favor?” Easton rumbled, earning a resounding “aye” from the gathered townsfolk. Horror dawned on Graham’s features.

   “Did you know about this?” Graham demanded of Rick and Zoey.

   “Why would I know about it?” Zoey asked.

   “Because you two have been in cahoots with her.”

   Rick flashed Lana a grin, even though he hadn’t known a thing about her plans. “I like being in cahoots with her,” he told Graham.

   Glaring back and forth suspiciously, Graham narrowed his eyes at Zoey. “Zoey Bear?”

   “Yes?” She sounded perfectly innocent, but her eyes flickering to Lana gave her away.

   Lana brushed a piece of imaginary lint from her leg. “Zoey had nothing to do with it. If you’re going to be upset, be upset with me.”

   “Oh, trust me, L,” he said. “I am.”

   Jonah looked around the room. “Anyone object to Graham Barnett as mayor?” No one raised a hand except for one.

   “I object!” Graham said. “Lana, you can’t be serious.”

   “Actually, you would make the perfect mayor, Graham. You pretty much do it anyway, and at least this way, you’ll get paid for the trouble.”

   “I don’t want more money; I want to be left alone.”

   “Then maybe you should have thought about that before you decided to take care of every single person in town.” Zoey said cheerfully, “I love you, by the way.”

   “I love you too, traitor.” He turned puppy dog eyes to Lana. “L, this is the meanest thing you could do to me.”

   Lana flashed him a sweet smile. “The way I see it, you care about Moose Springs, and you’re willing to do anything necessary to protect it. I want to work with the best person I can to keep Moose Springs’ interests at the forefront of any changes the Montgomery Group makes to their properties.

   That’s you. Sorry, Graham. You care too much.”

   Groaning overdramatically, Graham slunk out of the barn, Zoey following. She gave Lana a double thumbs-up behind Graham’s back.

   Everyone was watching her, and for once, the eyes pointed her way weren’t filled with distrust. Well, maybe some distrust. But definitely not the normal animosity.

   “This town is the most important thing to Graham,” she told them. “And he’s not afraid to go head-to-head with me. He’s going to make the best mayor, no matter how much he whines about it.”

   “Why would you give Graham the power to shut you down?” Ash wondered. “You know he’s going to try.”

   Ash may have asked the question, but curiosity was on more than only her face. Everyone stayed quiet, waiting for Lana’s answer.

   “Because the town matters to me too. I know you don’t believe that, but it’s true.”

   “Well, thank goodness that’s been arranged.” Jonah sounded relieved. “Town halls are now up to the mayor to hold. Show up to the Tourist Trap on the second Monday of every month from now on. If he tries to leave, I’ll block the door.”

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