Home > A Little Bit Cupid (A collection of short stories)(34)

A Little Bit Cupid (A collection of short stories)(34)
Author: Melissa Belle ,Melissa Brown

Adam dipped Holly in a passionate kiss. Cheers and whistles played through the room and the couple started the procession out of the room. As the groomsmen and bridesmaids partnered off down the aisle, he was fortunate enough to hook arms with Nadine.

He bent down, bringing his lips close to her ear. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” She smiled up at him. “You clean up real nice, too.”

With all the couples ahead of them, it took a while to get out of the chapel. “Remind me again why Holly wanted such a big bridal party.”

She rolled her eyes. “I told you. She’s never had an occasion to make a big fuss. Even with her milestone birthdays, she was either in an orphanage and after that she had no one to celebrate with.”

“She told you this.”

Nadine shook her head. “She didn’t have to. Her determination to include all the people who mean something to her in her special day speaks volumes.”

Jack smiled at her intuition. It wasn’t a sixth sense, rather it came to her naturally by being genuinely interested in people. “I suppose we need to go and pose for photos.”

“That’s usually how it works.” She winked up at him. “Don’t worry, you have a professional at your side. I can do this in my sleep.”

As promised, she stayed at his side except when they wanted photos of the men alone. She told him to angle himself at the camera, and not smile too broadly. Apparently, it looked fake. Who knew.

They stuck close together through the speeches and the three-course meal. They watched the bride and groom’s first dance and even joined when the bridal party was invited.

“I’ve been looking at getting my own place.” She must’ve noticed the worry on his face. “I’m not planning on moving out immediately. But after the trial, I think I’d like to be out on my own for a while.”

“Of course.” He ran his thumb over her bare back, not missing how she shivered in his arms. “Our arrangement was never meant to be permanent. I just want you to be safe.”

“I know, but I cannot live in fear.” Her fingers played with the hair at the back of his neck, sending a jolt of arousal through him. “Whatever happens with the trial, I need to carry on with my life. Otherwise he wins.”

The idea of her not being in his space unsettled him. He was attracted to her, he knew that. His feelings for her were growing, which meant her moving out was probably a good idea. Still, he didn’t like it. But he could be gracious.

“If you need me to drive you to look at places, or haggle with landlords, just let me know.”

She shook her head. “I need to do this myself. I moved from my mom’s home to Doug’s house. Doug bought my car. He signed me with the agency and approved all my assignments. I want to do things for myself for a change. I’ve already left the modeling agency.”

That surprised him. “You’re quitting altogether?”

“Of course not. I love what I do.” That much he knew. “I’ll find another agent. Definitely take on less work. Do things that I would be proud to have my name attached to. I was thinking of speaking to my siblings about securing a loan to start my own agency.”

His mouth twitched at the corner. “So I’m guessing no more swimsuit editorials.”

Her laughter filled the room, which was fast becoming one of his favourite sounds. “You’re such a man. Usually those are shot in the middle of winter. I hated them.”

“Well, a man can hope.”

He didn’t realize how much time they’d spent together during the evening until Wyatt pulled out a chair next to him and sat down. Nadine was dancing with the other bridesmaids to some Taylor Swift song about being twenty-two or something.

“What’s going on between you and my sister?”

In more than a quarter of a century of friendship Jack had never lied to Wyatt. He wasn’t about to start over something as important as Nadine.

“To be honest, I have no idea.” He shifted in his seat so he could keep an eye on her past Wyatt’s head. “I mean, nothing’s happened. But yeah, there are feelings. And I’m pretty sure they’re not one-sided. But she’s married.”

Wyatt ran a hand through his dark hair. “She’s married on paper. What that asshole did was not a marriage. It was a prison.”

“Still.” Jack looked at his best friend. “You know I’m not the man for her. She’s seen enough darkness, she doesn’t need to deal with me. If we were to start something, it could never last.”

Wyatt pulled his chair closer. “Look. We’re both grown-assed men and I’m not going to be the douche big brother threatening to kick your ass.”

“Because you know you can’t.”

“Not arguing there.” Again with the honesty. “You’re a good man, Jack. Yes, you’ve seen some real evil out there, and it changed you. But you’re still a good man. Don’t you dare believe that you don’t deserve happiness.”

“Not with her, Wyatt. She doesn’t deserve my demons. Especially while she’s still fighting her own.”

“Maybe you’re right.” His friend leaned back in his chair. “And I agree, she shouldn’t get into anything heavy while she’s still married. Not because she needs to honor her vows or some shit. But because she deserves more than having that cloud hanging over her.” Wyatt pressed his hand onto Jack’s shoulder as he stood. “Just don’t be an ass.”

As the evening wore on, he danced some more with Nadine. He even fitted in a dance with Holly, and a little later with Adam’s mother, Judy.

He helped Wyatt tie the tin-can to Adam’s car and watched as the happy couple drove off leaving a racket in their wake.

Nadine was sitting at one of the tables, resting her head in her hands, when he finally finished helping Wyatt wind down the evening. “Ready to go?”

“Like an hour ago.” She picked her sandals up and stood. She was quite a bit shorter without her stilettos. “I’m so exhausted, I think I could sleep for the next twenty-four hours.”

“Not that you’re dramatic or anything.” He held a hand out to her. “Come, your chariot awaits.”

The chariot was a BMW convertible. Not very practical, and not the car he used everyday, but he enjoyed using it for special occasions. Even if the weather meant he had to have the top up.

Late on a Saturday night they encountered very little traffic, and were back at his house in no time. The first thing Nadine did as she walked through the door was hook her arms around her back and unclasp her bra.

He watched, transfixed as she pulled the piece of clothing out from her dress without exposing any part of her body. He’d seen her do it so often before, and each time it fascinated him. Not only the fact that she was braless, which always managed to get him hard, but the ease with which she did it. Like she had been doing it her whole life, not just because she was trying to be modest in front of him.

She turned in front of him. “Can you lower the zip please.”

Was she trying to kill him? Okay, that wasn’t the first time she’d asked him to help her, but that didn’t mean it had no effect on him. “Sure.” Slowly, he pulled down the zip, his dick getting harder with each inch of exposed skin. “There you go.”

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