Home > The Best of Winter Renshaw - An 8 Book Collection(120)

The Best of Winter Renshaw - An 8 Book Collection(120)
Author: Winter Renshaw

I bet he got them for free just for being who he is. I’ve heard of athletes getting sponsorships and million-dollar contracts just to wear certain brands exclusively. Was my brother a sell-out or a stellar businessman?

I’ll never know.

That said, I’ve only spent a few days in Bryce’s world, but already I’m beginning to get an idea of who he was.

He was an asshole.

He was an asshole who lived in a nice place and treated it like shit.

He was an asshole who never smiled in pictures.

And he was an asshole who stole his best friend’s girl right out from under him.

My phone buzzes on the kitchen counter, and I rise with popping knees, making my way across the open floor plan and nearly tripping on a rug.

“Bostyn!” I answer.

“Ayla!” she squeals on the other end, her enthusiasm just as contagious as it was back in Iowa. “When can I see you?”

“Um, right now.”

“Good, because I’m already on my way,” she says in a sing-song voice. “And I have coffee from Dean and DeLuca.”

“How do you know where I am?”

“You called me last night, remember?”

I rest my elbows against the counter, hunched forward. “No. I don’t remember anything about last night.”

“Not surprising. You never could hold your liquor,” she says, sighing. “Plus you said you were drinking Jäger, and you always do stupid shit when you drink Jäger. You should probably check your phone and make sure you didn’t call any ex-boyfriends.” She coughs. “Ethan.” She coughs again. “Noah.”

Shit. She’s probably right. She knows me well.

“Anyway, I’ll be there innnnn about five minutes,” Bostyn says.

I hang up with her and check my call history with suspended breath, breathing easy when I see there are no Ethans or Noahs in my call history. It never fails. I get drunk–I drunk dial ex-boyfriends. I’m a sentimental, gushing idiot when I’ve had too much to drink, and the alcohol always makes me temporarily forget all the reasons we didn’t work out, even if those reasons were rock solid.

Pulling up Safari, I check my web history as well because I’ve been known to do a bit of drunk-emailing in my day, though I suppose that comes with the whole writer territory. My agent tells me I’m the only person she knows who drunk–emails people, but I don’t believe her. There are more of us out there, I just know it.

The contents of my Google search history seem about right.

What time is in Los Angeles right now?

What time does Starbucks open tomorrow?

Starbucks + Lexington Avenue + NYC

How many calories are in a venti very berry hibiscus refresher?

Starrbuckks vs Dean and Delluucca who is better?

Turtle meeme

Turtle memee

Turrtle meme

Funny turtle memes

Baby sea turtle gif

Is there actual deer blood in Jägermeister?

Rhett Carson

Rhett Carson + New York Spartans

Rhett Carson hockey player

Are pet sloths legal?

Rhett Carson girlfriend

How tall is Rhett Carson?

Rhett Carson biography

Rhett Carson photos

Well, fuck. Drunk me must’ve been doing a bit of research last night. I laugh and place my phone back on the charger. I have zero recollection of any of that. I wonder if I found anything good, or what the hell made me so curious that I had to dig up everything I could about this poor man.

A knock at my door a moment later sends a giant smile to my face, and I do a little jump when I check the peephole and spy the incomparable Bostyn Beckford on the other side. I throw my arms around her, burying my face in her signature sunshine blonde hair and breathing in her nostalgic Coco Mademoiselle perfume, and I try not to knock her over.

“Okay, okay. Good God, get off me. You know I’m not a hug-y person,” she laughs. “Let me put the coffee down so I don’t spill it down your back.”

I let her go and follow her to the kitchen. She hands me my coffee and takes a seat on one of the bar stools.

“You look good,” she says, eyes dragging the length of me. “I mean, you look tired right now, but you look good. You haven’t aged at all.”

“I don’t think the aging process is that noticeable when you go from twenty-four to twenty-five.” I give her a wink and sip my coffee, and then I close my eyes and enjoy it because it’s nothing short of amazing.

“Figured you could use some help with all this.” She looks around at Bryce’s things, and she doesn’t try to mask the repulsed look on her face. “This place is nice as hell and it looks like a dump. This man lived like an animal.” She covers her mouth. “Shit. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t talk about him like that.”

I wave my hand. “He did live like an animal. I spent all morning doing his dishes, and I almost threw up twice because they were so disgusting.”

Bostyn slides off the bar stool and moves to the window. “I mean look at this view. Do you know what kind of view I have? Do you? My view is of a parking garage and a karaoke lounge. I would kill for this view.”

She turns back to the living room, eyeing the cluster of throw pillows on the ground and the half-empty beer bottles littering the coffee table. Without saying a word, she begins tidying up, fluffing pillows and carrying trash away in her arms. Five minutes later, the living room looks amazing.

“How’s the bedroom situation? You want me to handle his bedroom?” she asks.

I shrug. “Sure.”

Bostyn disappears down the hall, her coffee in one hand. A second later, she screams, and I bolt across the apartment to get to her.

“Dirty condoms!” she shrieks, covering her mouth with her hand. “They’re literally everywhere.”

“I thought you found something bad!” I’m slightly winded, and my palm is splayed across my chest, and I want to hit her for scaring me.

“This is bad.”

“It’s not bad, it’s just ... gross.” I retch at the sight of my brother’s dried semen just chilling in its final latex resting place. Couldn’t he have tossed them in a garbage can like a normal human being?

Thank God Bostyn’s here.

“No offense, but your brother was a slob,” she says. Her nose is wrinkled as she fashions a makeshift glove from a clean t-shirt in his top drawer, and she proceeds to collect the used specimens with the caution of a Law and Order detective gathering evidence from a crime scene. “Didn’t his mom teach him better than this?”

I give an ambiguous shrug and opt not to tell her that his mom died when he was younger, and that his dad, our dad, raised him after that. I’m sure I told her once, many years ago, but we were probably drunk and I was probably in a mood and I’m sure I was vomiting my life’s story in a way that was impossible for her to keep up with.

“You good now?” I ask, lingering in the doorway. She sticks her tongue out at me, and I turn on my heel. “Have I told you lately that I love you?”

“Yeah, yeah,” she yells.

I get back to the kitchen and find my phone, docking it on some fancy Bose speaker on the island and pulling up the Rolling Stones’ Greatest Hits, which has always reminded me of Bryce over the years. Maybe it’s because there was a photo of him that I’d seen once and he was wearing a Stones t-shirt, and since I didn’t know much about him, I just assumed he was a fan.

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