Home > The Best of Winter Renshaw - An 8 Book Collection(218)

The Best of Winter Renshaw - An 8 Book Collection(218)
Author: Winter Renshaw

“Mary.” I glance up from my workstation to see Hudson strolling into work in his signature navy suit and skinny black tie. He’s early today.

“It’s Mari,” I correct him for the millionth time, inhaling his cedar and moss cologne. It’s the only thing I’ve come to like about this man. “Rhymes with sorry—remember?”

His eyes narrow in my direction, and as he angles toward me, I see his right hand lifted to his ear. He’s on the phone.

Hudson says nothing, only gathers the mail from the corner of my desk and strides down the hall toward the enormous glass-walled office that tends to make my stomach twist every time I have to walk in that direction.

This entire office space was his design. Glass walls. Zero privacy. Everything is clean-lined and modern. Chestnut-colored leather seating, white walls, reclaimed wood, and custom mid-century modern lighting installations are working in tandem here to create a space buzzing with creative inspiration, and all decorative accessories have to be approved by the head honcho himself. I tried to bring in a gray ceramic planter last month for my dendrobium orchids, and Hudson said it was too drab and industrialist. He claimed it would fuck with his energy—and he uses words like “fuck” and “energy” because he thinks he’s some kind of renaissance boss.

My heart’s pounding crazy fast, and I’m stuck trying to determine if I should bolt now or wait. Hudson usually checks his mail first thing in the morning, but for all I know, he’s still on his phone call.

Drumming my fingers against my glass desktop, my feet remain firmly planted on the wood floor, though they may as well be frozen solid. The second my phone rings, it sends my heart leaping into my throat. I’m not afraid of him—I just hate drama. And I have a feeling Hudson’s going to try to make this into a big thing.

“Yes?” I answer, my eyes scanning the caller ID. Hudson’s extension flashes across the screen.

He exhales.

Oh, god.

He read it.

And now, the moment of truth.

“Mary, what is this?” he asks.

“What is … what, sir?” I ask. And that’s another thing—what kind of twenty-nine-year-old architect demands to be called “sir?”

“This invitation to the Brown-Hauer Gala? How long have you been holding onto this? RSVPs were due two weeks ago. Call and find out if it’s not too late,” he says, his voice monotone. The tear of paper fills the background. He’s quiet.

“I thought you said you didn’t want to go?” I ask. I’m not sure why I’m phrasing this as a question because he did say he didn’t want to go. As a matter of fact, I know I have it in an email …

“I said that?” he asks, a sardonic chuckle in his question.


“I don’t remember saying that.” He exhales. “I never would’ve said that. Not to the Brown-Hauer. That gala hosts the who’s who in the architectural world, are you fucking kidding me?”

His voice raises slightly, and my breath seizes. I should just hang up and get the hell out of here.

“Mary,” he says.

“Mari,” I correct. “Rhymes with sorry.”

In case he didn’t hear me two minutes ago …

“Can you come back here for a second?” he asks, his voice as stiff as his winning personality. “There’s something we need to discuss. Immediately.”

Anxiety forces my jaw into a tensed state. I shouldn’t let this asshole get to me, and I know that, but he’s literally the boss from hell. People like him are the reason happy hour was created.

At least he won’t be my boss for much longer.

I’m almost positive he’s read my note and he’s calling me back to try and talk me out of it, but I refuse.

My stomach churns, and I think I’m going to be sick—but not because I’m nervous.

Not because he scares me.

But because I’m pregnant.

And morning sickness is one hell of a bitch.

“I need a minute,” I say, reaching for the bottle of room temperature water in front of me, though the sight of it intensifies my nausea. I meant to stop for saltines and ginger ale on the way here this morning, but I spaced off because I was too preoccupied with second-guessing my decision to quit my job so abruptly with single motherhood on the horizon.

“You may have a minute to spare, but I don’t,” he says. “Whatever it is, I’m sure it can wait. My office. Now.”

Hudson hangs up before I have a chance to protest, and before I can stop myself, I’m marching back to his office like Darth Vader on a mission, heavy breathing and all.

I’m doing this.

I’m standing my ground.

I’m quitting.

And I’m walking out of here with my head held high.

Normally I’d knock three times on his door and wait for him to tell me to enter, but seeing how all the walls here are made out of crystal-clear glass, he’s looking directly at me. And I’m seconds from quitting, so I don’t see the need.

Rushing into his office, I place my hands on my hips and plant myself in the doorway. Hudson reclines in his chair, his hands resting behind his neck as his full lips hold an amused little smirk that perfectly contradicts the snarky tone he took with me a few moments ago.

Everything about this man is a walking contradiction, and it drives me crazy.

“What’s with the attitude, Mary?” he asks, eyes scanning me from head to toe and back. “It’s Friday. Lighten up.”

I glance at his desk where my letter rests on top of the mail pile.

He hasn’t opened it yet …

“What did you need?” I ask, but only because I’m curious. I don’t actually intend to do a damn thing for this smug asshole from this moment on.

“Did you get my email this morning?” he asks.

Ah, yes. The infamous pre-work emails he sends from his treadmill at five in the morning. Not going to miss those.

My brows meet. “I haven’t had a chance to check it yet.”

“I’m going to need you to pick up my dry cleaning at ten. Drop everything off at my place afterwards, then stop by Palmetto’s Deli to grab me a number four with no mustard. And make sure you check it before you leave. Last time you didn’t, and you know how much I despise soggy bread. Oh. And after lunch, I need you to call the Brown-Hauer foundation and get me on the list for their gala. Email me as soon as you’re finished so I know you didn’t forget …”

He’s rambling on, but I tune him out. My fists clench at my sides, and my vision darkens. He doesn’t need to qualify his requests with insults.

This …

This is why I hate this man.

This is why I have to quit. Immediately.

He’s a micromanaging control freak.

I don’t care what he says, I refuse to let him talk me out of this.

I came to Manhattan with a gleam in my eye, my little Nebraskan heart filled with optimism and hope. I wanted to be successful. I wanted to be someone.

Little did I know, nobody in New York cares if you graduated at the top of your class at some private college north of the Bible belt that no one’s ever heard of. All that matters out here is who you know. And if you don’t know anyone? Then you have one of two options: screw your way to the top, or work your ass off and hope that someone throws you a bone.

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