Home > The Best of Winter Renshaw - An 8 Book Collection(83)

The Best of Winter Renshaw - An 8 Book Collection(83)
Author: Winter Renshaw

“Giving is giving.”

“Unless you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. Some people give for others. Some people give for themselves.”

“It’s not really our place to judge other people’s reasons for giving,” he says, words terse.

“Yeah, well, you haven’t met some of the elitist assholes who hang out with my parents and brag about how much money they donated to their kids’ schools. One jerkoff donated a hundred grand so he could have his kid’s name painted on some mural on the playground.”

“It’s their money,” he says. “They can spend it how they want.”

“Stop making me sound like an asshole,” I say. “I’m just being honest. This is a judgement-free zone. You can’t judge me for judging other people.”

“Seems a little hypocritical.”

I wrinkle my nose. “Okay. I take back everything I said. Everyone who ever donates a single dollar to a single cause is a selfless saint.”

Isaiah laughs. At me. “Why are you getting so worked up? This is such a dumb conversation to have. Who the hell cares who donates to what and why?”

Drawing in a deep breath, I let it go, crossing my arms over my chest. “I don’t know. You’re right. It’s dumb.”

He slips his arm over my shoulder—again—and gives me a side hug. “You ever heard of the phrase ‘stay in your own lane’?”


“It means mind your own. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing,” he says. “Trust me, it’s the only way to live. Worry about yourself. Forget the rest.”

Turning to face him, I glance up into his warm gaze, studying his perfectly chiseled features and longing to brush the strand of dark hair off his bronzed forehead.

“What made you enlist, Isaiah?” I ask. “It takes a lot to sacrifice money for a good cause, but it takes even more to be willing to sacrifice your life. That couldn’t have been an easy decision for you.”

He releases my gaze, his expression hardening. I can practically feel him closing up.

“It’s a long story. Some other time, all right?” he asks.

I bury my disappointment in a small smile. “Of course.”

I know from talking to my cousin, that a lot of guys enlist for very personal reasons and it wouldn’t be right to push and prod. Maybe with time, he’ll open up?

Making our way around the tar pit, we stop next to a mastodon. Isaiah reads the plaque beside it, but I try to read him.

And fail.


There’s no denying something’s there, something that makes my heart trot when he looks at me, something that makes me slick on an extra coat of lip balm or an extra spritz of perfume before dashing out the door to meet him.

And while I’m the one who made the rules—no romance and only honesty at all times—I’m the one who can’t stop thinking about what would happen if we broke one of them.

Only problem is, I have zero idea if he’s thinking what I’m thinking. He’s so even-keeled and emotionally guarded, but they say actions speak louder than words and the fact that he’s here, spending time with me doing stupid shit has to count for something … right?

“Why are you staring like that?” Isaiah asks when he turns around.

My cheeks warm. I’d been spacing off. “No reason.”

“Bullshit. You can’t lie, remember? Tell me what you were thinking about.” His lips draw into a playful smirk, and I can’t decide if I like his mysterious side or his spirited side best. It’s like trying to choose between white chocolate and milk chocolate, which are both delicious in their own ways.

“You don’t want to know.”

And I’m serious. He doesn’t want to know that I’m thinking about him in a way that I was determined not to. Besides, he’s leaving in a few days. There’s no point in ruining the rest of our time together by making this situation unnecessarily complicated.

“Try me,” he says, his stare boring into me. Something tells me he’s not going to let this go.

Giving myself a moment, I gather my thoughts and nibble on my lower lip. “I was just thinking about connections.”

“Connections?” His hands rest on his hips, his shoulders parallel with mine. I have his full, undivided attention.

“I was just thinking about how I hardly know you, but I feel connected to you,” I say, cringing on the inside but fully embracing the discomfiture of this conversation.

He says nothing, which doesn’t make this moment any less awkward for the both of us.

“You asked!” I remind him, throwing my hands up.

Another moment passes, the two of us lingering next to some hairy elephant-looking creature with a long-as-hell scientific name as a group of children runs past us.

“Now I want to know what you’re thinking about.” I nudge his arm. “It’s only fair.”

He smirks, then it fades, and he gazes into the distance. It’s like there’s something on the tip of his tongue, but if I push or prod too much, he’ll never share it.

“Nothing, Maritza. I was thinking about nothing.”

I don’t buy it, but I don’t press any further. I want to burn this awkward moment into a pile of ash and move on.

“Are you going to remember me after this week?” I ask after a bout of silence.

His golden irises glint as his eyes narrow in my direction. “What kind of question is that?”

“A legit one,” I say. “Will you remember me? Or am I always just going to be that waitress girl that you hung out with for a week?”

“Don’t think I could forget you if I tried.” He speaks in such a way that I’m not sure if what he’s saying is a good thing or a bad thing. “Can I be honest right now?”

“You must. It’s a requirement.”

Isaiah’s tongue grazes his full lips for a quick second and he holds my gaze for what feels like forever. “I don’t want to make this any more confusing for either of us, but I feel like kissing you right now.”

I fight a smile. I don’t want to smile. I want to scoff at him and tell him to stop being such a hypocrite.

But that’s only half of me.

The other half of me wants him to kiss me, wants his hands in my hair and his taste on my tongue just one more time because we’ll never have this moment again and once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.

“I’ll allow it,” I say, half-teasing. “But only because we’re standing in front of a fiberglass mastodon and it doesn’t get any less romantic than that.”

Isaiah glances around to ensure we’re not in the presence of impressionable minds, and then he sinks his mouth onto mine, taking his time like he’d been waiting patiently all day and doesn’t want to ruin it by rushing.

I’m light as air and grounded at the same time. Nothing else exists outside his warm, soft mouth and his steady hands. I can’t even comprehend my own thoughts because my heart is pounding so hard in my chest it’s the only thing I hear.

When it’s over, reality is back in the driver’s seat. Rubbing my lips together, savoring the sweet burn of what lingers, I tell myself it’s just a kiss.

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