Home > Making the Cut (Sons of Templar MC #1)(18)

Making the Cut (Sons of Templar MC #1)(18)
Author: Anne Malcom

“Don’t get fucking smart with me, Gwen, answer the goddamned question,” he growled.

“I wasn’t aware there was a question, Cade. I’m afraid I am not fluent in cave man,” I said sweetly, continuing to bait him. Surprisingly, he didn’t find me funny. He pounded his fist against the brick beside my head. I flinched, that had to hurt.

“I came in to see you, to carry on our conversation from the other night, to fucking apologize for coming on so strong when I obviously have to handle you with care, baby, and trust me, I will from now on.”

His stare made my insides flutter.

“I see you in that fucking dress, looking so good it should be illegal and laughing with that prick, his hands all over you. Gwen, it took everything I had not to pound my fist into his face. You are mine. I know you don’t understand nor like it at the moment, but you will, because what is between us is real and I know you feel it and you’re scared,” Cade accused.

I let out a breath, floored, a bit because I had never heard the rough biker talk so much but mostly because of what he said. I didn’t like some of it, like, really didn’t like the “you are mine” part, reminding me too much of what Jimmy thought of me. But unlike Jimmy, I don’t think he meant like a possession, I think he meant something else. But the other stuff he said was kind of sweet, and I didn’t know what to do with the caring side of the rough round the edges man.

“Cade, this is too much to process at the moment.” I attempted to sound calm. “I don’t understand what’s going on, why you felt the need to make a scene at my store opening and drag me onto the street, then lay that on me.” My voice rose, but I couldn’t help it, I was pissed off. “I need to get back inside, but we obviously need to talk.”

Yeah right, we needed to talk, talk about how for some reason he thought we were some kind of item after only a couple of encounters and one mind blowing orgasm.

“You’re overthinking, baby.” Cade stroked my face. “But you’re right, we’ll get back in, you have your night and at the end of it you’re on the back of my bike. No escaping this time,” he told me firmly.

“Okay,” I huffed, surprising myself. “But have fun trying to get me on a bike in this dress.”

Cade raised his eyebrows, obviously expecting a fight, then his eyes darkened, “Don’t worry, Gwen, you’ll get on my bike.” He glanced at my legs. “That fucking dress.” He plastered my body to his and kissed me fiercely once more. The kiss was intense, I felt like something had seriously changed.

Shit’s just got real.

Cade stopped, resting his forehead against mine. “Go back now, baby, or I won’t be able to stop myself,” he grunted.

“Okay,” I breathed as he stepped back, sporting a serious hard on. I tried to ignore that and got to straightening my dress, which had ridden up, like, a lot. I finished righting myself to find Cade watching me through hooded eyes.

“You better hope this thing finishes early, babe, I’ve got plans for you,” he declared roughly, adjusting himself.

I shivered and before I could reply, Cade snatched my hand, walking us back towards the store. During the short walk, I panicked. What had got into me? Why did I suddenly give in? I told myself I was never going to be with a bad boy again, but this was different, this attraction was crazy. Maybe I just needed to get it out of my system.

Who was I kidding? He just wanted a high class fuck and would throw me aside once he got it. I needed to get laid and I could do much, much worse, so I’d just enjoy the ride. Excuse the pun.

We emerged back in my store, the bell unfortunately alerting everyone of our presence. I was so taking that thing down. I felt almost every set of eyes in the place on us, particularly a hard glare from Luke, who watched intently from the bar. Amy had a shit-eating grin on her face, as did Rosie and the girls.

Cade, still holding my hand, leaned in. “Seems like we’re popular, babe.”

I turned and glared at him, he smiled back. Man, what a smile. I didn’t think he could be any hotter.

“I’ll just chill with the boys.” He glanced to a small group of bikers from last night, most of whom I recognized, including the scary Bull, and Lucky.

“Gwen!” Lucky yelled. “Fuck, I thought this thing would be boring as shit, but you got booze and your brownies and a first-class amount of tail. This is fucking aces.” He took a pull of his beer, looking pretty happy.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” I couldn’t help but smile back at him, his mood infectious.

“Yo, Gwen,” Bull grunted. My heart rate went up a bit, the big man looking far too scary for my liking. Cade somehow noticed my slight panic and squeezed my hand.

“Bull.” I nodded and did an awkward little wave at the other attractive men. “Boys.” I got a few chin lifts back. “Well, I better get back to mingling and whatnot,” I stuttered.

Shit, did I seriously just say the word “whatnot” in front of some serious bad asses? Mortification commence. I started to turn away in embarrassment, but Cade still had hold of my hand. He jerked me back to him, kissing me quickly but fiercely.

“Later,” he whispered.

I could do nothing but nod, knowing that everyone was well and truly watching. I was feeling thoroughly humiliated. I walked away on unsteady feet, smiling tightly at people I passed. Luckily, Luke had moved away from the bar, to… I didn’t know where, but I was secretly hoping he didn’t see that little PDA.

I made it to the bar where unfortunately, Rosie, Lucy, Ashley and Amy were all standing, wearing looks of astonishment and amusement, and Amy smiling at me with flat out pride.

“Girl,” Lucy began when I reached them. “That was hot. I mean, first Luke comes in looking like he wants to eat you up, then Cade arrives, looking like he’s going to straight up murder the deputy and then basically drags you out. I don’t have to guess as to what you two were up to, thanks to that intense lip lock just then.”

The girls all laughed, I blushed.

“Amy, cosmo. Now,” I ordered.

“All right, all right, keep your panties on, oh wait, did Cade already take them off?” she teased.

I picked up a peanut off the bar and threw it at her. She gracefully dodged it, handing me a drink. “Now, now, no need to throw party snacks, Gwennie.”

I ignored her, taking a long needed sip of my drink.

“Told you my brother would drag you off,” Rosie told me knowingly. “Shit, half the male population would drag you off if they had the chance.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Oh and by the way, since Amy was busy with the bar, and you were, well…otherwise engaged,” she snorted, “I just dealt with a few people wanting to buy stuff, don’t worry I know how to work a cash register,” she reassured me.

I welcomed the change of subject then had an idea. “Rosie, you don’t happen to need any work at the moment?” I ventured cautiously, not knowing the protocol in asking Cade’s sister to work for me.

I needn’t have worried, she squealed clapping her hands. “Yes! I’m just doing some hours at the coffee shop, but I’m about to die of boredom.”

“I can’t guarantee a lot of hours yet, I’m not sure how busy we’ll be, but we definitely need a third person,” I replied.

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