Home > T.A.G. Family Christmas(3)

T.A.G. Family Christmas(3)
Author: A.G. Carothers

“Good.” Francois looked at the screen with a nod. “Say Cheese.”

I smiled wide with a laugh as I shouted, “Fromage.”

Yoshi nudged me with his shoulder as he laughed. “You’re such a dork.”

Francois handed me my phone, and we headed toward the stairs to the underground walkway that ran under the roundabout.

“Fuck. It’s cold.” Yoshi blew into his hands.

“Well, I offered you earmuffs, but you scoffed at me. Dmitry told you to at least take a scarf and you scoffed at him. I think you just like suffering and complaining about it.” I took the opportunity to pull my scarf over my nose to try to warm it. The wind by the Arc was a bit too much for my comfort.

Yoshi laughed heartily. “Of course, I like suffering.”

“That’s not what you said this morning. You were begging for Dmitry to stop torturing and fuck you,” I quipped.

“Damn thin walls in that place.” Yoshi blushed a little then shrugged it off. “I’m not the only one who’s loud. How tight is your Daddy’s hole? I don’t think I quite heard.”

I grinned wide and licked my lips. “Mmmmm, so tight. He hugs my cock—”

Yoshi shoulder checked me, nearly making me stumble into someone walking in the opposite direction. “And he’s so hot and the way he flexes—” I dodged Yoshi and caught up to Bob, who had taken point. He arched an eyebrow at me as I used him as a shield.


“You’re just jealous.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“I do not want to know what Oz’s ass even looks like, much less feels.”

I fell back in step with Yoshi. “Eww, no, of course not, but I meant that you never get to fuck Dmitry.”

Yoshi shrugged. “Eh, it’s not something I need. Sometimes it’d be nice but I’m good.”

We were finally topside again. So many people were out shopping or having dinner. There were many tourists as well, but it was the Champs Elysée, so that was expected. The next day they were going shopping in the fashion district. I wasn’t a clothes whore by any means, but if you’re going to come to Paris, you must at least do some clothes shopping.

“Do you want to stop for a coffee?”

“No, let’s go to Tiffany’s like you want first.”

A nervous excitement bubbled in my gut as we got closer to the store. “Are you sure you don’t want something too?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. We do a lot of things together, but I think we can skip this one.”

“Don’t you want to marry Dmitry?”

“Sure, someday, but it’s not something I really think about. He’s not going anywhere. He promised and he has my key.”

I nodded as I walked through the door that Bob held open to the multilevel shop. “Maybe you can get him like a diamond-encrusted cock ring?”

“Nah, do you know what a pain that would be to clean?”

I laughed. “Yeah, you’d have to clean spunk out of it. Maybe just a solid platinum one then or better yet, tungsten.”

“Wouldn’t it be more apropos for me to get one in carbonized steel?”

“Either way, it could work.” We took a few steps down into one of the showrooms, and while I knew what I wanted, it didn’t hurt to look around. Something shiny caught my eye, and I went to one of the counter cases.

“Oh, Yosh, look at these. Dmitry would look hot with one of these.” He moved closer with a hum. There were several rows of wrists cuffs, some small and some large. The small ones were what caught my eye. They looked ergonomically designed so that they flowed with the body, one side considering the wrist bone. Some had large stones embedded, and some were plain in different metals. They were elegant, yet not dainty.

“Those are neat. Look, there’s a charcoal colored one that’s not as shiny as the silver.” Yoshi pointed to one in the case.

“Yeah, and I really like this pink one.”

“You look horrible in pink.”

“It’s not for me. Daddy loves pink.”

“You’re already getting him a ring,” Yoshi dissuaded.

“Yep, and this will match it perfectly.” I looked around and spotted a woman dusting a perfume shelf. “Pardon me,” I called out in French as I walked toward her.

She must not have heard me because I had to get closer. I didn’t want to touch her and startle her, so I stood a few steps back. “Madame?”

She turned finally and looked down at me with a small crinkle of her nose. “Yes?”

I pointed to the case behind me. “There are a few things we’d like to look at, please.”

She followed my finger with her eyes. Yoshi had his back to us, his head down looking more closely at the case. “I’m sorry we don’t open the cases for children.”

“Excuse me?” Bob moved out of the room in my periphery vision, undoubtedly finding the manager I had spoken to that morning. I had wanted to ensure that whatever ring I chose would be ready in a few days.

“We only open the cases for buyers and not teenagers just wanting to look at something pretty. It’s for security.” She pronounced each syllable in the words like I wasn’t fluent in French.

Yoshi straightened and moved toward us. “Is everyone okay, brother?” he asked in Japanese. He was several inches taller than the woman, especially in his boots. While his skinny ass wasn’t typically intimidating, he had the blank Japanese stare down pat that never failed to make anyone feel like an insect.

The woman looked up at Yoshi and still somehow seemed to look down her nose at him. She took a step back. “I think perhaps you should find your parents.”

“Madame,” I started as I moved to take off my gloves, plucking each finger out deliberately. “I don’t know what makes—”

“Mr. Rājaputra,” a baritone voice that naturally had the bourgeoisie tone that the clerk in front of me only played at, called from behind me. I turned to a man hurrying toward me in a nice grey suit with Bob behind him. He got closer and put out his hand. “Mr. Rājaputra, I’m so happy to see you and please, excuse my associate. She was just going home.”

I finished removing my gloves and took what I assumed was Mr. Dubost’s hand and shook it firmly. The woman paled, still looking like she had stepped in shit and hurriedly left the room. “Mr. Dubost, it’s my pleasure.”

“Please, come into our private viewing room. Would you like an aperitif or a glass of wine?” Mr. Dubost led us up a flight of stairs into a room that looked out over the Champs Elysée. It was a pretty view with the trees' blue and white lights and the various storefronts that were decorated.

I put my gloves in my pocket and unzipped my coat. “A coffee would be fine, please. Yoshi?”

A younger man came over. “I can take your coats, sir.”

I handed him my scarf and coat, then remembered I had the earmuffs on. Maybe that had made the woman think I was a kid. Some people had no sense of fun. Yoshi handed over his leather jacket.

“Francois, you want a coffee?” I looked around Yoshi to the stocky guard, who nodded.

“Please, gentleman, come sit.” Mr. Dubost gestured to a rectangular table with a light at the end, an arm on it, and a magnifying glass attached. Two chairs sat on one side with one on the other. I sat eagerly and waved Yoshi over.

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