Home > Undercover Bachelor(34)

Undercover Bachelor(34)
Author: Maria Geraci

Wait. I’m confused. Does this mean Gas Station Sam isn’t going to be the next Single Guy? I’m boycotting the show! #GasStationSamforpresident

Does anyone else think that this wasn’t planned? #livetvisthebest #IwanttohaveSam’sbaby

Millie passed her phone to Mom, who then passed it to Charlotte so they could look at the Tweets. “Look!” said Millie, pointing to the TV. “The show is back on.”

“We’re back live in our studio audience with Sam DeLuca, the man who’s taken America by storm,” said Don, who’d managed to regain his signature composure while on break. He paused, then looked into the camera to address the viewing audience. “What you’re about to see and hear is, without a doubt, the most dramatic moment in reality television dating history.”

The camera panned around the riveted audience. Two women in the front row nervously held hands as they awaited the big news. Another woman was chewing on her fingernails.

“While we were on commercial break,” Don continued, “we took a minute to speak to Sam. What we found out will shock you.”

Millie grabbed another handful of popcorn. “Oh no. What do you think it is?”

“Quiet,” Mom ordered. “Sam’s about to talk.”

“Well, it’s pretty simple, Don,” said Sam. “I can’t possibility be your next Single Guy because I’m already in a relationship with someone. It was wrong of me to lead the network on and let them think I’d do the show, but it was the only way I could ensure that you’d bring me down to talk on camera. Because what I have to say isn’t just for Annie. It’s for everyone else in her hometown of Old Explorer’s Bay too.”

Annie nearly fell out of the recliner.

Charlotte’s wineglass froze halfway to her lips.

Millie dropped popcorn all over the floor.

And if Mom’s eyes got any bigger, they’d pop out of their sockets.

“By the way,” Sam said, now addressing the studio audience, “you all know Annie because one of the show’s producers leaked some footage of the two of us when I was down in Florida last month and it aired on Good Morning, USA.”

The audience began shouting. “It’s the woman who wrote him the letter!”

“It’s Annie from Florida!”

“Sam! Are you in love with Annie?”

Don motioned to the audience to calm down. “Now, now, let the man talk. Sam, can you tell us more about this Annie?”

“Her name is Annie Esposito, and she lives in Old Explorer’s Bay, Florida. She saw me on Single Gal and wrote me a letter that changed my life.”

“No!” Don looked as if he’d never heard the story.

“What a big faker.” Millie began scooping up the fallen popcorn. “As if he and his show weren’t responsible for that producer that hounded Sam and took that footage at the bar.”

Pop and Frank Jr. wandered in from the kitchen. “What’s all the ruckus?’ asked Pop.

Frank Jr. nodded toward the television screen. “Hey, that’s Sam on the TV.” His gaze flew to Annie’s. “What’s going on? He’s not talking about that letter again, is he?”

“Hush,” said Mom. “Sam is turning down his own dating show because he’s in love with your sister.”

Charlotte sighed. “This is just about the most romantic thing ever.”

Annie’s heart felt like it was drilling its way out of her chest. “Calm down, everyone. No one said the word love.”

“So all this started with a letter? Let me ask,” said Don, “was it love at first write?” He chuckled at his own pun.

Sam paused. “Let’s say I was more intrigued than anything else.” He went on to tell the story about how Becks and his mother had picked Annie’s letter out of the hundreds he’d received and how he’d made a deal with his sister that had resulted with him going halfway across the country to meet Annie.

Millie waved her phone in the air. “The Twitter is going crazy again!”

“Bring Annie on!” yelled someone in the audience.

They began chanting. Annie-Annie-Annie!

“Looks like we’re going to have to bring on this Annie or face a riot. What do you say to that, Sam?”

Sam got quiet. “I say it’s up to Annie. I’m hoping she’s watching right now.”

“Do you have your cell phone on you, Sam?” Don asked.

Sam reached into his jacket and pulled out his phone. The same producer who’d come out earlier to whisper in Don’s ear slipped Sam a piece of paper.

“Text that number to Annie. It’s a direct line to our studio. We can FaceTime her right here and now. What do you say?” Don asked the audience. “Do you want to hear from Annie?”

The audience nearly lost it, clapping and screaming in approval.

Don turned to the camera. “Annie Esposito, if you’re watching the show, then please call in. America wants to hear from you!”

Annie’s phone buzzed. With a shaking hand, she swiped to find the number to the studio, along with the rest of Sam’s text. I’ll understand if you don’t call.

“Well?” Mom urged. “Are you going to call?”

“Oh God … Do I look okay?” But she was already punching in the number.

“Look!” Millie cried. “There’s Annie! On the TV.”

Annie looked up to see an image of herself on a large overhead screen visible to everyone sitting in the studio. The audience caught sight of her and began cheering.

“There you are!” said Don Carmichael. “Glad to have you join us, Annie.”

She waved to the audience. “Hi,” she squeaked.

Sam smiled at her. She gave him a wobbly smile back.

Don turned in his chair to face the screen. “So, Annie, Sam tells us that the two of you are in a relationship. Care to expound on that?”

“We’ve become pretty good friends over the last month,” she said.

“Friends?” Don said slyly. “That’s it?”

Annie felt her throat thicken. She opened her mouth to speak, but Sam spoke first. “The truth is,” said Sam, “I’m crazy about her.”

“I’m crazy about you too,” she blurted. “And I have some news. I’m moving to Dallas.”

Their gazes locked on the screen. Right now she and Sam might be three thousand miles apart, but Annie had never felt so close to anyone before in her life. “That’s what you were going to tell me tomorrow?” he asked.

Annie nodded.

Sam grinned and shook his head like he couldn’t quite believe his luck. He stood and unclipped his mic, then handed it to Don, who stared at it a moment like he wasn’t sure what was going on. “Where you are going?”

Sam leaned forward to talk into the mic piece, “Where do you think? I’m catching a plane to Florida to get my girl.”

The audience leapt to their feet to give Sam a standing ovation. A producer came running back on stage to whisper in Don’s ear again. He nodded, then turned to the cameras, grinning. “And they say reality TV dating doesn’t work. It might have started out a bit unconventionally, but it looks like we can chalk up another successful love story here at Single Gal! Make sure to tune in tomorrow bright and early to Good Morning, USA for an announcement on our next Single Guy!”

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