Home > Wings of the Walker :The Complete Walker Series(8)

Wings of the Walker :The Complete Walker Series(8)
Author: CoraLee June

“Now, this won't do,” Cyler’s booming voice echoed throughout the courtyard. He bent over and picked up the deflating ball and examined it like a scientist observes a problematic equation. None of the children moved, and the eerie courtyard was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

“I’ve got an idea,” he said while snapping his thick fingers. He reached into the front pocket of his black jeans, and after a moment of searching, pulled out a bright blue piece of what appeared to be rubber. I squinted at it but was unable to make it out. Slowly, he put the rubber against his plush lips and with big, exaggerated puffs, started to inflate the blue plastic. Although I mostly was intrigued by the toy, I couldn’t help but watch his strong chest rise and fall while the blue piece transformed into a shape resembling a ball.

After a few more, loud exhales, he plucked the ball from his mouth and tied the end of it into a tight knot. “Now, listen closely,” he ordered. “This isn’t an ordinary ball. This is what we call a balloon. It is extremely fragile, but you should be able to toss it amongst yourselves.”

Cyler then bounced the balloon off his fingertips and towards the closest child. The kid was wearing overalls that were too big for his body, and the thick, denim straps slipped down his shoulder when he caught it. A rudimentary flatulence sound erupted, causing all of the children to chuckle.

Within moments, all the children were passing the balloon amongst one another while wearing wide grins. Some imitated the sound the balloon made with snorts and giggles. The earlier unease seemed to dissolve as other Walkers began approaching the courtyard to see what all the commotion was.

The growing crowd made me nervous, but Cyler seemed cool, calm, and collected. His carefree eyes made me wonder if he was scared of anything. He made his way back to my side and addressed me.

“If they are to be my people, I’ll need to build their trust. Loyalty isn’t something they will reward me with freely,” he explained while observing the growing crowd of Walkers. It amazed me that something as simple as a balloon could bring such joy to these people. “I wanted to apologize for being so forward to you, Ashleigh. I wanted to come clean about my intentions and ask for your help.”

Creeping insecurities about being a Walker crawled to the forefront of my thoughts as he continued.

“I’ve noticed the way my sister’s future husband looks at you. I doubt even he realizes how much you capture his full attention.”

My mouth dropped slightly in shock, but I quickly recovered by feigning indifference. This trade deal was crucial for Josiah, and I didn’t want anything corrupting his chances at procuring a contract with the Dormas province.

“I need to ensure that he is fully committed to this deal. Which is why I’m using you to push his buttons a bit.” His flirtatious and abrupt behavior suddenly made more sense. I was a Walker; a high-ranking province leader would never want to associate himself with me. I felt a little disappointed by this revelation, which was a somewhat surprising emotion.

“Don’t look so sad.” He chuckled. The corner of his mouth lifted as he observed me. “I can tell that you love that Galla boy just about as much as he loves you.” With that, he poked me in the ribs with a smirk. I squinted my eyes at him in annoyance.

“I felt like you deserved a warning. Tonight, I’m going to ask Josiah if I can include you in on the trade. I’d like to bring you back to my province. But mostly, I’d like to see his reaction to my offer. How he handles this will determine whether or not I want to form an alliance with him.” Cyler’s words hit me like a ton of bricks, and I gasped. I was about to beg him to do no such thing, but he interrupted any attempt.

“I know you’d rather kiss the ass of that loony Mistress Stonewell than leave your precious Josiah behind, but I truly hope you’ll consider my offer. You will enjoy living in my home, Ashleigh," he clarified.

“That is most kind . . .but . . . I-I couldn’t,” I stuttered.

“Look,” he began again as the children's cheering grew louder as more Walkers joined in on the fun. “The way I see it, if Josiah wants you around, he won’t accept my offer. And if he does, could you honestly still stay here?”

Cyler’s question nearly knocked the breath out of me with how incredibly accurate it was. It would merely be torturous to stay and watch the man I love, love someone else.

“I’ll give you the final say; I don’t believe in taking people against their will. All Walkers will have a choice. But I could use you as an ally while transitioning Walkers into our province. Plus, you make a damn good chocolate cake,” he said with a wink. “Think about it.” Cyler left me standing there speechless while he went to play with the Walker children again.

I stood in the dirty courtyard wearing a shocked expression. I picked up a piece of my hair and observed its frizzy ends while I considered everything. Cyler was right. Would Josiah agree to his offer and let me go? Despite a childhood full of memories and the unspoken tension between us, I couldn’t help but consider that his duty to his family and province would ultimately take priority.

A rough hand shook my shoulder, and I turned to see a man with yellowed teeth and brown hair sprinkled with dandruff. He smelled of urine and smoke. I looked around, seeking support, but Cyler was still busy playing with the Walker children and currently had his back towards me.

“What a pretty, little princess Walker we have here.” With shaky hands he put his fingers on my shoulders and pushed back my thick hair, revealing the pronged tag on my ear that marked me as a procured Walker.

“Come to visit and look down upon your subjects?” He spat. Immune Walkers were typically looked down upon by other Walkers. It mostly stemmed from an unreasonable jealousy. We survived when so many didn’t.

My breathing quickened as he stepped closer, invading more of my personal space. His jaundiced skin looked sickly, and I was close enough to see the white of the many pimples that decorated his cheeks.

“I bet you think you’re better than us, right, princess? Living up in that city. Kissing your master’s ass.” He then pulled a forbidden knife out from the waistband of his tattered pants and held it against my stomach. I knew in that moment that I was one deep breath away from it piercing my skin, so I didn’t dare scream.

“I’ll let you in on a little secret. You may think you have it better up in that pretty city of yours. But I'd prefer filth and freedom to the life you lead. You’re a prisoner, princess.” His voice cracked with mad laughter, and I nearly fainted from fear. Walkers nearby looked curiously at the situation unfolding in front of them, but none of them made any move to stop him.

Suddenly, a low, blood-curdling scream erupted from the man as large hands wrapped around his neck and threw him to the ground. Cyler gave me a quick glance to ensure I was well, then stalked his prey. The dirty man scrambled away but couldn't get his bearings. His feet kept slipping, kicking up dust, sand, and dirt all around him, causing a cloud of debris to surround us. Cyler’s large boots stomped towards him, his eyes locked onto his intended target. He looked deadly.

"What makes you think you can threaten my Walker?" The way he took ownership of me sent shivers down my spine.

“I was . . . just poking fun. I was simply scaring the little princess a bit. That's . . . tha-that’s all!” the man exclaimed.

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