Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(103)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(103)
Author: Emily Bex




Shade was working in his office, going over assignments for their upcoming absence, as the family would need to go to Castello soon. Sophia would arrive before they knew it. He pushed the papers around his desk, unable to focus his attention, and he knew why. He picked up the faint scent of roses and his beast rumbled. Standing quickly, he knocked over the tumbler of Midnight, as papers floated to the floor. He took a few deep breaths, getting his beast under control. He’d waited much too long to feed, and the time to go to Luca was now.

Walking quickly to Luca's suite, he was ready to barge in when he remembered Shannon was with him. He impatiently tapped at the door, waiting, his body aching in need.

Shannon was with Luca in his suite. She spent more time at Bel Rosso now than she did at her condo. She’d been curled up with a book on the sofa, while Luca was standing at his easel painting. She looked up from time to time to watch him, standing in his low slung jeans, torn at the knees. His feet were bare on the painter's tarp stretched on the floor beneath the easel. He was shirtless, and she watched the play of muscles in his back, as he stood facing the easel, backing up from time to time to look at his painting from a different perspective. They heard the tap at the door and Luca looked up, his concentration broken. He told her he’d get it as he lay down his brush and pallet and made his way to the door.

He could already pick up his master's scent and felt his desire. Luca had been wondering when Shade would seek him out. As with the last pregnancies, he delayed coming to Luca as long as possible. Luca opened the door and the two men exchanged a knowing look, no words spoken. Luca held the door open for Shade to enter.

Shade entered the room, his presence seeming to dominate the space. Luca stood at the door and spoke to Shannon. "Mia belleza, we need some privacy. Perhaps you could visit with Kate for a while."

Shannon looked caught off guard. She knew from the last pregnancy Shade fed from him, and they had sex, but she’d never been present when it happened. Seeing the two of them together, feeling the sexual energy build between them, brought a lump in her throat, making it hard to swallow. "Of course."

She laid her book on the table and stood up, rushing past Shade, not making eye contact with him, as she moved toward the door. Luca grabbed her arm as she exited and pulled her close, his lips close to her ear, his breath hot against her neck. "It’s you I love, mia belleza."

Shannon looked at him and nodded, giving him a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. He kissed her lips lightly, as she pulled away and he closed the door behind her.

Shade observed the interplay between them, and he knew he put Luca in an awkward position. But Shannon must learn to accept that this was their lifestyle. Shade felt her anxiety, her feeling of betrayal, as she brushed past him, and he kept his eyes straight ahead. As she left, he heard the door shut softly behind her, and felt Luca's hands slide up his back and massage his neck and shoulders.

His moan was one of both a strangled need of hunger and sex. "Luca, my timing is horrible, I apologize, but I need you. She will be okay with Kate."

Luca stepped in front of him and softly kissed his cheek, his lips trailing down Shade’s neck, across the pulsing vein, and Shade pulled him in closer. From now until after Sophia’s birth, he’d feed only from Luca.


Shannon rushed up the stairs, looking for Kate. Heading into Lorenzo's bedroom, she found Theresa chatting with Emma, as they stripped his bed. Both women looked up as she entered with a questioning look on her face. She scanned the room.

Theresa answered her unasked question, "Kate’s in the new baby's bedroom and Lorenzo is with her."

Shannon nodded and backed out of the room, walking further down the hall past the bedroom Kate had set up for Lorenzo's home schooling in search of the nursery. The door was open, and she could hear Lorenzo’s chatter, as she neared the door. Stepping into the doorway, she saw the soft pink and ivory colors, and the antique crib that adorned the room. Kate looked up at her as she worked in the room, seeing the stricken look on her friend’s face.

Kate paused, cleared her head, and tuned out the endless chatter from Lorenzo, letting herself feel the sexual energy from her mate. She knew Shade was with Luca now, and Shannon was struggling with the visions that must be playing out in her head. Kate went to her friend and took her hand but spoke to her son, "Lorenzo, I need you to go find Theresa. Play with Theresa now, okay?"

Lorenzo gathered up an arm full of dinosaurs and marched out of the room. "Okay, Mommy."

Kate led her friend back down the long hallway to the master bedroom, closing the door behind them. Even from here on the second floor, behind closed doors, Kate knew the sounds of their pleasure would reach them both. She remembered all too well the nights she lay in this bed alone, listening to him find his release in Luca's arms, not hers. She understood Shannon's pain.

Kate climbed onto their bed and slid across, patting the bed for Shannon. "Come on, sit next to me."

Shannon crawled across the bed, sitting next to Kate as the sounds reached them both. Shannon fought back her tears and Kate could hear the straggled cry caught in her throat. She placed her arms around her friend, as Shannon laid her head on Kate's shoulder.

"Shh. It’s you he loves, Shannon. This is just biology. They’d both avoid it if they could. He’ll never betray you, you know that."

Shannon answered in a whisper, "I know. I keep telling myself that. But this is the first time I’ve been present. I didn't know it would hurt so much."

Kate stroked her hair, soothing her in the same way she soothed Lorenzo after a bad dream. "He loves you, Shannon. If he could take your pain away, he would. Shade waits too long as it is, to spare us both. They can't change what they are. It’s been easier for me since I was turned, but I remember it all too well. Does it make you regret your choice?"

Shannon lifted her head; her cheeks stained with tears and looked into Kate's eyes. “No. I’ll never regret choosing Luca, no matter what the future holds for us."

Kate smiled at her, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "When will you take the next step? The blood covenant? Have you decided?"

Shannon sat up, happy for the distraction. "Luca said he wants it to be special. He wants us to be in his home in Empoli, so he was thinking when we all go to Florence for Sophia to be born. He could take me back to his home then.”

Kate beamed at her. "Then we’ll have much to celebrate in Florence! I’m so happy for you, Shannon, and selfishly, happy for me. I love knowing you’ll be with me on this journey."

The two women hugged as the sounds of pleasure echoed through the house.




Braden woke up early, as usual. They’d had a really good day on the campaign trail without Rissa. Alec had explained her absence to the press and the supporters, as being related to her being a little under the weather. He’d said she was so sorry she couldn't be with him today and sent her regrets. They made good time, and Braden didn't have to worry about her sulking, or ignoring the mass of people trying to shake her hand or get a photo with her.

Braden missed the last campaign he ran for Alec when he was still single. He wasn't prepared for the level of complications Rissa had brought to the table. He’d spent some time with a feeder the night before, and after a hot shower, felt ready to tackle another day. He was hoping Rissa's day in exile might improve her demeanor, at least for a few days.

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