Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(136)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(136)
Author: Emily Bex

"He has to grow up a bit, I think.” Climbing inside the stall, Shade took a closer look at Zeus, checking his legs and his hoofs. “He made the boat journey well. Perhaps, we should take him for a ride around the pasture. What do you think? The sooner the two of you get used to one another, the better. I will lead him out for you. You will train together to learn to ride and jump. Angelo can help you with that in the daylight. You must come to understand his movements, his temper, how he reacts in every situation. He will grow to trust you, in time."

Lorenzo copied his father's actions, checking the pony's legs and hooves, even though he had no idea what he was looking for. “Okay, Daddy. But he already likes me, I can tell. Can we put his saddle on now?"

"Go with Angelo, he will put the saddle on for you, and teach you how it is done. I expect you to help take care of this pony. They require much work and grooming. The pony needs to learn you are his master. Go, now, I am going to check on Pavi while you do that."

Lorenzo followed Angelo out of the stall as he led the pony over to be saddled and bridled. The boy carefully observed Angelo, and followed his instructions, tightening the straps that secured the saddle. He wanted to make a good impression, and he was a fast learner.

Shade opened the gate to Impavido's stall, as the horse bobbed his head up and down, his long mane shaking. Shade stroked the horse’s massive neck, calming him with his voice. "Settle down, Pavi, you are still my boy. But you better get used to the pony because you will be riding alongside that one before you know it."

He heard Lorenzo squeal with laughter and looked up to see him astride his pony, ready to do some riding. "Come on, Daddy. Zeus is ready. Let's ride now!"

"You are one impatient warrior tonight." Shade strolled over to Zeus and grabbed hold of his bridle, leading him outside. "You have ridden Pavi with me enough you should know how to hold the reins and control them. Give him a verbal command, as well as the directional command from the reins. He will eventually respond to both. And remember, when he responds to your command, he needs to be rewarded. Pat his neck firmly and tell him he has done a good job. Once he gets used to that, he will do anything you ask, Lorenzo. He will want to please you."

Shade led him further out into the pasture, watching closely how Lorenzo sat in the saddle. "Don’t hold the reins so tightly, Lorenzo. Let them loose in your hands until you want him to do something. Now, I want you to make Zeus turn right, so remember to pull back gently on the right rein."

Lorenzo paid close attention to his father's instruction, and he loosened the reins and tugged lightly on the right. Zeus responded immediately, turning to the right. "He did it, Daddy!"

"Good job, now how do we reward Zeus?”

Lorenzo patted the pony's neck and told him, “Good job, Zeus. Now what do you want me to do, Daddy?"

Shade continued to walk faster and faster, leading Zeus by the bridle. "I am going to let go of him, Lorenzo. I want Zeus to make a complete circle to the left, then stop, si?”

Lorenzo nodded, and led the pony in a circle before bringing him to a complete stop. Lorenzo beamed at his father as he patted the pony again.

"Did you see that, Daddy? He listened to me. He’ll be like Pavi."

"You are an awesome team already." Hugging his son, he adjusted his riding helmet, tightening the strap under his chin. "Never go riding without your helmet. If you do, you will have your riding privileges taken away, si? Now, I want you to ride the fence line by yourself, remember to use your thighs and the reins. Zeus will follow the fence. Keep your pace slow at first and then you can speed him up into a gallop after you do a few slow laps."

Lorenzo led Zeus toward the fence line, having complete control of the pony. Zeus made one loop around the pasture before Lorenzo dug in his heels and snapped the reins for Zeus to pick up speed. The pony seemed eager to let off some steam after being cooped up so long, and easily shifted into a gallop. Lorenzo squealed with excitement.

Shade and Angelo stood together at the entrance of the stables, watching as Lorenzo mastered his riding skills. After a few hours, Shade had decided it was enough for one night and signaled Lorenzo to come to him.

"It is time we go inside now, Lorenzo, it is close to your bedtime and we don’t want to tire out Zeus his first night at Bel Rosso. I am proud of you. Now, I want you to dismount and walk him into his stall. Get him watered."

Lorenzo felt like he could ride all night, but he followed his father's instruction and dismounted, leading the pony back to the stables. "Thank you, Daddy. This is my best present ever!"

Angelo followed him as they led the pony back into the stall and Angelo removed the saddle. "Go ahead, little warrior. I'll brush him down tonight and get him watered. But next time, I'll teach you how to do that on your own."

Lorenzo nodded and watched as Angelo took control. Rejoining his father, his took his hand and pulled himself up so he was riding piggy-back. "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you more, little warrior. Now, a few rules. Every day, you need to find time to come out here, clean that stall, brush down Zeus, ride and work with Angelo. You need to figure out a schedule, because you have to practice your fire-throwing skills with Skelk, as well as practice with your sword. You have your studies with Enzo, and now this. Zeus is your responsibility. He belongs to you. He relies on you to keep him happy."

As they got to the patio on the back of the house, Shade slid the boy from his back and sat down with him on the chaise lounge. He pulled Lorenzo into his lap and pulled the letter from his pocket. "Lorenzo, this letter came with Zeus. So, before we go inside, I think you should read it aloud to me, si?"

Lorenzo took the sealed envelope from his father's hand. "I'm a good reader, Daddy. Enzo says I’m at a twelfth-grade level." Opening the envelope, Lorenzo read the hand written script.

Dear Lorenzo,

I sincerely hope you will enjoy many years with your new pony. I understand you have named him Zeus. What a proud and noble name for a pony that will be ridden by such a strong, young warrior. You are such a treasure, Lorenzo, and will be so important to your coven. You must work hard and study hard, as you will carry so much responsibility on your young shoulders.

Please do not have any fear of leaving your family and moving to Castello when the time comes. I know you will miss your family, but know I will be here for you, and you can call on me anytime. The Medici and the Alizzi share a long alliance, going back many centuries, and together, we must continue to be aligned against the forces of evil that would seek to break up our territory. Please write to me often and let me know of your progress.


Yours for eternity,



"Wow, that's a nice letter, isn't it, Daddy?"

Shade listened to Lorenzo read the letter flawlessly; pronouncing each word without trouble, but his heart was stricken. Dona was sly, and she was already working her magic on his son.

"Donatella has a very small coven, Lorenzo, not many warriors. It was a great coven centuries ago, but she never mated, and I fear she has spent much of the wealth her padre left for her. The vampires in her coven have drifted off throughout the years, seeking better for themselves. She relies on the Medici and its warriors to protect her. It is true our two families have had an alliance. Because she never mated, she is more vulnerable to attacks. So, yes, she is someone who I imagine will always be around. Do you wish to write to her, because you do not have to?"

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