Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(141)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(141)
Author: Emily Bex

In a flash of insight, Madison realized his life here. He sold himself to the vampires to survive, to be used by them for feeding and sex, and she knew now why he didn't want to come. Madison took his hand and looked the vampire in the eye. She presented a face of bravery she didn’t feel on the inside. "He's with me. Come on, Cory."

Madison pulled at his hand and made her way to the bar. The woman behind the bar looked up in surprise at Madison and wondered what the hell this girl was doing here.

"You lost, sugar? This doesn't look like your crowd." Then Tatiana saw Cory and her face lit up with a smile. "Cory! Where have you been? We haven't seen you in years. You doing okay? What can I get for you?"

"Hey Tat, I live on the other side of the States, now. I’m great, and you?"

He gave her a big smile. Tatiana had always been nice to him, she’d give him tips on where to score, and she gave him drinks for free. Turning back to Madison, he inquired, "Whatever you want, what will it be?"

Madison shrugged. "Just wine, if you've got it. White please, not the Midnight stuff."

Tatiana laughed. "You don't need to tell me, sugar. We can spot a mortal a mile away."

She poured a white wine for Madison and a Midnight for Cory. As Cory pulled out his wallet, Tatiana held up her hand. “It's on the house. So, Mr. Medici, who knew? I guess you're living the high life now?"

Cory laughed a bit. "Trust me when I tell you, it was a surprise all the way around. But listen to me; you’ll take my money, because I owe you. You always looked after me."

He slid the $100 bill across the bar and gave her a look that said he wasn’t taking no for an answer. Tatiana leaned over the bar and kissed him on the lips.

"You always were a sweetheart, Cory, true Medici, like Shade."

Cory shook his head and laughed. "I don’t think I’m in the same league as my dad, but yes, my life is very different. This is my girl, Madison. We’re just visiting my mom for a few weeks."

Tatiana took in the young girl at his side. She looked sweet and kind. She looked nothing like the mortal girls who frequented this club. She didn’t think she was Cory's type, but then she realized, she’d never seen Cory outside this club. Tatiana served up several more drinks to other customers, never missing a step behind the bar as she continued her conversation.

"So, how's Shade? Still playing the role of devoted husband and father?"

"You wouldn’t know him now, Tat. He and Kate are really happy, and they have a new baby. He put away his reputation for good, but then, so have I."

He glanced over at Maddie, as she looked uncertainly at the activity in the booths, before looking back at her wine. He took her hand and pulled her close, kissing her sweetly.

Tatiana shook her head. "Well, I have to say, I never thought I'd see the day any female would tame Shade Medici. But I'm happy for you, Cory. I really am."


Sitting at the far end of the bar, Max had been scoping out the merchandise. He’d been plying the young, blonde, mortal female with alcohol for the past half hour. He immediately recognized Cory when he approached the bar and he tuned in to their conversation, suddenly more interested in revenge than sex. He looked around the club and it didn’t take long to figure out Cory was here alone with the mortal. How convenient.

Max pushed the young girl he’d so eagerly been seducing back into the crowd, telling her he’d changed his mind. Slipping a few seats closer, he kept his back turned, as he listened to their conversation and followed them out when they left the bar. Shadowing himself, he followed them through the San Francisco night, and teleported above the subway, following them into Walnut Creek. Cory helped Madison out of the SUV, and Max trailed them to the cozy little house. He landed in a tree that sat on the property and contemplated his next move.

"Well, well, well. Good things come to those who wait. You took everything from me, Shade. I think it's about time I even up the score."




Max sat in the rented palatial house in Sea Cliff, with views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco bay to his right, and the Pacific Ocean to his left. He sipped at the Midnight, as he stared out the floor to ceiling windows at the breathtaking views. He’d come here to escape the tension in the royal palace and perhaps even to save his own life. He knew Fan Chen had no use for him now. Setting the wheels in motion to get rid of Rissa and watching Alec struggle to regain his footing in the presidential campaign had been entertaining and had helped to soothe the anger that constantly boiled up inside him. Seeing Shade's half-breed bastard last night, roaming the city with a mortal, had only served to stir up all the hatred and anger again.

After the Battle of Bel Rosso, and the slaughter that came with the onslaught of the animals that attacked his army of warriors, he knew he could never directly go after Shade again. But the half-breed, that was a different story. The half-breed had no worth. He could never rule Shade's coven, but for whatever reason, Shade had accepted this bastard offspring into his coven. He couldn’t get to Shade, and he could probably never get close enough to Lorenzo, but the half-breed was an easy target. In the long run, he knew the elimination of Cory wouldn’t have any impact on the Medici dynasty, but he could at least inflict emotional pain on his old nemesis by taking something from him he loved. He emptied his glass as he teleported out. He didn’t have a plan. He’d have to follow the half-breed and the mortal and wait for his opportunity.


Madison and Cory slept late, and it was almost noon before they woke. Climbing out of bed and shuffling into the kitchen, the smell of coffee brewing drew them both in. Rachael laughed as she saw the two of them with their tangled hair and puffy eyes.

"You two look like you had a long night. Here, have some coffee. You'll feel better."

They filled two mugs to the brim with the rich, black coffee. Madison added sugar and milk, and Cory sipped at his black. His mother looked at them both. "So, what are your plans today?"

Cory yawned and stretched, "Nothing specific. I think Madison wants to check out some of the clothing shops in the Haight, and there’s a great dim sum restaurant over in the financial district we wanted to try. Do you want to come along, Mom?”

Rachael shook her head. "I've got a new sweater I'm knitting I want to finish. Really, Cory, don't worry about me. I like to stay at home."

He polished off the last of the coffee and kissed her on the cheek. "Okay, then. We're going to get dressed and head out. We won't be as late tonight. Should be back by nine, at the latest."

They scrambled to get dressed and out of the house, making their way to the subway.

Madison looked over at Cory as he drove. "Do you think she's lonely?"

Cory scrunched up his brow. "I'm not sure. I think she feels safe there, you know? I mean, it's not like her life was in danger or anything, but before Shade found me, she worked two jobs and could barely make ends meet. After she was pregnant with me, she never went back to college. She had low paying jobs and had to pay for a sitter. We never had any money and we were always getting evicted when she couldn't pay the rent. And then, when I got older, I was always running away. I think this is just the first time in her life she hasn't had to struggle and worry, you know? She has the house, and it's paid for. Dad makes sure her bills are paid and she has an income. She likes to read and garden. She knits and has a few other hobbies, but I think she pretty much keeps to herself. She seems happy to me, now. Or maybe not happy, maybe content is a better word."

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