Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(57)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(57)
Author: Emily Bex

Shade emptied his glass of Midnight as Mateo nodded, scanning the documents in his folder. "There is one problem we will have to address, and that is your appearance. There is no delicate way to put this. You need to lop off that head of hair, as well as get rid of your facial hair. I could give a damn about it, but this assignment calls for brawn without beast. Your face could appear in papers, on news channels, so appearance is everything. You go everywhere they go. You are his personal warrior. I expect you to show him the respect he deserves. We clear?"

Mateo sat listening as his master gave him the details of the assignment. He wasn’t surprised by anything he had to say. Cutting his hair and shaving his beard was no problem for him, it was part of the assignment. Mateo knew Canton was nothing to sneeze at, he knew his reputation. He had no opinion one way or another about Canton's life or his campaign, but he did know how to protect a great master. "Everything’s clear, master. When do we report for our assignment?"

Shade nodded at Mateo's acceptance. He didn’t think he’d give him any grief. "Just a few basic details. You both will be given a large clothing allowance. No leathers on this trip. So you need to be kitted out with proper clothing before you leave. Alec will expect his security detail to be in suits. You will take whatever weapons you feel necessary from Bel Rosso. You report in one week to Canton. Time, date and place are in your folder. You will be on the road for much of the time, with short trips back to D.C. Report back to Bel Rosso whenever you return. You will need to feed here. No hunting while on the road. You have to appear mortal, never forget that. Even if something goes down, remember he will be surrounded by the press. Never expose your skills to the mortals. Can’t stress that shit enough. Unless you have any questions, I think that is it."

Hyde answered for them both. “We’ve got this.” As they stood both warriors fist bumped him. "Medici per sempre."

Hyde and Mateo left the office together. As they got outside the door, they looked at each other. Hyde laughed and slapped Mateo on the back. "Don’t worry, brother. I have the hard part of this one."




Madison stood in front of her closet, trying to decide what to wear. She’d been asking Cory for some time now about his family and where he lived. Cory always came to her place, but she’d never seen where he lived. Cory referred to his family frequently but didn’t really reveal much. She knew he was living with his biological dad and his stepmom, but other than that, she didn’t know anything about them.

She pulled things from her closet and tossed them on her bed. She felt pressure to make a good impression and she bit at a nail. Looking back at her closet, she sighed. She didn’t have anything very traditional in her wardrobe. Putting her hands on her hips, she shrugged. “Oh well, this is who I am. They might as well get used to me from the start.”

She selected an old ivory lace dress she’d bought in a thrift shop and paired it with a western belt and an old pair of cowboy boots. She layered on some silver jewelry and checked her hair in the mirror. Her dark blond locks hung in loose tendrils past her shoulders, and no matter how much she brushed it, her hair always looked a little wind-blown. She grabbed the leather bag Cory made for her and slung it over her shoulder just as she heard his truck pull into the driveway.

Cory made his way to Madison's apartment, the gravel making a crunching sound under his feet, his nerves on edge. This was a big step for both of them. He knew his dad wouldn’t meet her during this visit as he’d be in his death slumber, and Cory was never more thankful. He still had the rest of the household to deal with, though. Both his dad and Kate had assured him, they were used to dealing with mortals, and they’d support him in every way possible.

As he approached her door, he took a deep breath before knocking lightly and heard her yell the door was open. Walking in, he looked around for her and saw her coming from her bedroom, dressed in a feminine ivory lace dress with cowboy boots. He loved her style and the unique way she put things together. "You look awesome."

Looking down at his own garb, he wondered what the hell she saw in him, and hoped whatever it was, she still liked it after today.

Madison flashed him a smile. "I'm ready if you are. I can't wait to meet your family. Do I look okay?"

Cory kissed her softly and looked into her eyes. "You look great, relax, it’s just my family, nothing special. Come on, let’s get on the road, it’s a beautiful day outside."

He grabbed her hand to walk out to the truck, wishing he believed what he’d just said. This family was far from nothing special.

He helped her into the truck as she tossed her bag on the floor. She felt his hands on her backside, as he gave her a boost into the seat and she laughed. Cory climbed into the driver's seat and started up the truck, backing out of the driveway. She could sense his nerves as well. "Do they know about me, Cory? Have you told them anything about me?"

Cory headed through town going west toward White Hall. "Of course, I’ve told them. They know a lot about you, about your school and your pottery. I talk about you all the time. We have a close family."

Reaching over, taking her hand as he drove, he squeezed it gently. "Are you nervous?"

She nodded. "Yes, I am. I'm not usually nervous around people. I don't always fit it, but that never bothers me. I just hope, you know, they like me. I can tell you're close, especially to your dad. I guess I worry if they’re not impressed with me, well, maybe it will come between us."

She looked out the window as they left the city limits and drove down Garth Road out to the countryside. "Neither of us speaks much about our feelings, but I like you a lot, Cory, maybe more than I even want to acknowledge sometimes."

"Madison, please don’t worry. My family will accept you because..."

Cory stumbled on his words but Madison was being honest about her feelings and he knew they were moving toward a serious relationship. "Well because, I like you a lot, more than a lot. I’ve never brought another girl to the house before. To be honest, I’m nervous too. But my stepmom, Kate, she’ll make you feel welcome."

Cory wove his way through the winding country roads, as they were soon approaching Bel Rosso and the long private drive.

Madison whipped her head around to look at him as he drove. "You've never brought another girl home to meet your family? I'm the first?"

Cory could feel his face turning red in embarrassment. With a grin, he looked at her. "Yep, first one. So, if they fall over their feet trying to impress you, that’s why."

As they both laughed, his face became serious. "Madison, I really want to be with you, not just as friends. I never really had a girlfriend if that’s what you want to call it. I’ve had friends, but never one I wanted my family to meet. You’re very special to me."

As Cory pulled the truck into the long lane, he took a deep breath and slowed down to a crawl, allowing her time to see the surrounding property. "Well, here it is, home."

Madison looked about as he pulled into a private drive along an estate bordered by miles of white rail fence. She could see the sign just inside the entrance that read "Bel Rosso Vineyards." She looked at him with surprise. "Your family owns a vineyard? You never mentioned that."

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