Home > Stumbling Into the Holidays(25)

Stumbling Into the Holidays(25)
Author: Molly O'Hare

A deep growl escaped Holly as she glared at everyone in the room. “I’m making these damn potatoes, and you all are gonna sit down at the table and eat them or I will shove them down your throat.”

“Holly,” Ben warned.

“Don’t Holly me.” She pointed the knife back at him.

Yep, this was a horrible mistake.

“What’s all the ruckus going on in here?” Henry walked into the kitchen and seeing what Holly was doing, he froze. “Who the hell gave her a knife?” Henry turned to Ben who let out a sigh.

“Say it ain’t so?” Henry pleaded with his daughter. “Pumpkin, you aren’t supposed to be in the kitchen. When Ben and I said you could help, the food was not what we were talkin’ about.”

“I’m making the freaking potatoes,” Holly spat, narrowing her eyes at her father.

As Henry completely ignored his daughter, he shifted his attention back to Ben. “How’d she convince you to agree to something so stupid?”

Fuck if I know. He held in his smile. “Well, it probably had something to do with her pussy but still. Ben shrugged, shaking his head.

“Emma and I were just discussing going out to eat,” John announced, walking over to Henry. “Wanna join us?”

“So help me God if you all don’t shut up, I will shut you up myself.” Holly dropped the knife on the counter, throwing her hands to her hips.

“Hurry grab the knife!” John tried reaching for it, but Holly snatched it back.

Damn. Ben sighed. He almost had it too.

“This is Christmas dinner. We are all gonna have a great meal, and you won’t die from my cooking.” Holly pursed her lips together, making Ben hold in his laugh at her attitude. She might be seconds from stabbing herself or someone else, but she was at least adorable as she did it.

“Says who?” John countered.

“Says me.” Holly angrily pointed the knife toward the back door. “Now, go outside and play with Jimmy and the dogs. I’m sure they’d love to chase after the cars. Before I decide to make something else, and I’ll force you to eat that too.”

“Bruce might be afraid of them,” Emma commented, trying to change the subject. “I don’t think he’s ever seen a remote-controlled car before.”

Holly jutted her head toward the back door. “Ripley’s out there with him and he loves her. She’ll keep him safe.”

“He is the biggest scaredy-cat I’ve ever seen.” Henry laughed as a lopsided grin appeared on his face.

“Hey, he is a scaredy-dog, thank you very much.” Emma crossed her arms over her chest. “And there is nothing wrong with him.”

“Never said there was. I like him.”

Emma instantly softened at Henry’s words. “Good. He likes you too. Which is surprising since he hates men.”

“He doesn’t hate me.” John puffed out his chest as he pushed his hair out of his face.

“Depends on the day.”

“It’s Christmas, so he can’t hate me today.”

When John winked at her, Emma smiled sweetly back at him. “We’ll see.”

Henry snapped his fingers getting John’s attention. “That big old oaf never hates me.”

At his words, John growled. “He likes me better than you.”

“No, he doesn’t.”

“John, does everything really have to be a competition with you?” Emma asked, rolling her eyes.

“You remember the baby shower? He and Ben still argue about it,” Holly replied, waving the knife in the air again.

“Can you stop doing that?” Emma pleaded. “You’re freaking me out.”

“She’s freaking all of us out.” Ben walked over to Holly grabbing the knife from her hand.

“Hey, give that back!”

“You’re not even ready for it.” Ben stared down at her, as Holly popped her hip out, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Thank God. I was getting worried there he was actually gonna let her cook.” Henry held up his race car. “Now, let’s stop this squawking and get to the good stuff.” He jutted his head to John. “Bet I can beat your ass around the backyard before you can even get your car moving, punk.”

“Who you calling a punk, old man?” John growled at Henry.


“Oh, yeah?”


Ben grinned as the two men stared each other down. “I don’t know why either of you even bother. We all know Jimmy will kick both of your asses. He’s my son after all.”

“And my grandson.”

“I’m his favorite uncle!”

Ben smirked. “And if I were out there, I’d beat all of you.”

“But, you’re not.” John shifted his attention back over to Henry. “I’ve figured it out. Benny here is too afraid he’ll lose. Once again he’s all talk and no game.”

“Nope. You’re wrong.” Ben quirked his brow at his best friend. “I know for a fact I’d win. But would you rather want me out there kicking your ass or in here cooking?”

John’s eyes widened as they shot to the angry Holly who was still pouting. “Uhhh. Shit. Okay, fine. You win this round but right after dinner we’re going head-to-head.”

“You’re on.” Ben narrowed his sights on him daring John to say anything else.

However, before John could, the back door slammed open. “Uncle John, Grandpa Henry, come play with me! You’re taking too long,” Jimmy shouted, as Waffles ran inside as fast as he could before skidding out and then running out of the back door. “Waffles’ got the zoomies. Come on!”

“Coming!” Henry hollered, trailing after a runaway Jimmy who raced after Waffles.

John hastily spun back to Emma. “Keep an eye on her.” He pointed at Holly. “You’re the only one I trust here.”

“Isn’t that sweet of you,” Emma replied.

John’s brow cocked as he gazed down at her. “If you want sweet, all you gotta do is ask, Em.” As he leaned in, Emma expertly ducked under his advance before turning to Ben. “What can I help with?” she asked, nervously avoiding John’s gaze.

Ben couldn’t help but send an apologetic look toward John who quickly shrugged it off. He still didn’t know Emma’s full story, but his heart went out to her and John. Hopefully, soon enough they could work it out. As Ben decided it was best to break the tension, he sweetly smiled at Emma before nodding his head to Holly. “You can keep an eye on her.” He handed Emma the knife.

“Hey…” Holly’s brows pulled together. “I don’t need supervision. I watched a few tutorials on how to make them already. You were sitting right there when I was doing it this morning.”

“Yeah, and you watched tutorials on the ribbon and look how that turned out.”

“What ribbon?”

Holly darted her head to John who had his head cocked to the side. “Never you mind.”

“How about I cook them with you?” Emma asked, cheerfully trying to help the situation. When Holly didn’t budge, she continued, “How about I help only if you need it? That way Ben can be focused on the main dish.”

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