Home > Stumbling Into the Holidays(30)

Stumbling Into the Holidays(30)
Author: Molly O'Hare

“That’s what made it a perfect holiday.”

Holly cocked her brow at Ben. “Twitch trying to kill me?”

“No.” The corner of Ben’s mouth quirked up as he reached over to scratch Twitch between the ears. “The memories. We’ll never forget this holiday as long as we live.”

“You’re right.” Holly glanced down at the cat purring away on her lap before turning her attention back to her husband. “Merry Christmas, Ben.”

“Merry Christmas, Grace.” Ben hauled Holly into his lap, making Twitch jump down as he kissed Holly on the lips.

When Waffles let out a whine Holly darted her eyes to him. “Geez, okay. Merry Christmas to you too, Lord Waffles.” Holly rolled her eyes as his highness sent her a side-eye before plopping his head back down onto the floor.

“It’s not like I hadn’t wished you a Merry Christmas earlier?”

Waffles grunted.

“Can’t you be more like your sister? She’s in Peanut’s room fast asleep not annoying the crap out of me.”

Waffles picked his head up to scowl at her.

“One of these days, Waffles, I’m gonna—"

He stared her down as a deep noise came from his throat daring Holly to finish her sentence. She gave up shaking her head as she sighed. “Love you, Waffles.”

At her words, his tongue fell out of the side of his mouth while he smiled at her.

“Oh, for the love of all things.” Holly flicked her eyes to the ceiling before shifting back to Ben. “Why wasn’t he on Santa’s naughty list?”

“He’d find a way to murder us once he takes over the world,” Ben answered, snuggling Holly into his lap deeper.

Waffles let out a small bark in agreement, causing Holly to shake her head as she growled at him in return.

“You might as well give up, Grace. He’s never gonna change.”

After a few moments, she gave up with a sigh. “You’re right.”

“I’m always right.” Ben kissed her once more. “Merry Christmas, Holly.”

“Merry Christmas, Ben.”

“And, now it’s time for you to unwrap me.” A wicked smile appeared on Ben’s face as he picked Holly up in his arms and carried her off to their bedroom only tripping over a runaway Waffles twice in the process.






New Year’s Eve



Holy crapolie!

It’d been a full week since Christmas, and somewhere along the way, Holly came up with the bright idea to invite everyone back over to ring in the New Year together.

Maybe she was a glutton for punishment? She still didn’t know.

It only took her agreeing to not walk into the kitchen even once for everyone to be on board. She had to admit she was still a little pissed about it, though. She’d found a New Year’s Eve party dip she wanted to make, but she decided to forgo it, wanting to spend the night with her family instead.

Plus, this made it so Emma brought most of the food. And Emma made fantastic food.

That bitch, Holly laughed to herself.

It didn’t matter, though. Since Holly wasn’t making the food it was really a win-win in her eyes.

Holly laughed again. Emma loving to cook was a good thing for John. Well, that was if Emma ever decided to pull her head out of her ass.

All in good time, though.

Holly knew sooner or later they would get together. They were meant to be. Just like her and Ben were.

“I’m extremely disappointed you don’t have a life-size cake for someone to jump out of when the clock strikes midnight.” Mildred eyed Holly crossing her arms over her sweater. The same sweater that had so many sparkles on it, every time Holly looked at her, she thought she’d go blind. “I was expecting some man chest today.”

“Isn’t it past your bedtime?” Holly placed her hand on her hip.

“Might be past yours, but it sure as hell ain’t past mine. Isn’t that right, Snookums?” Mildred glanced at her husband who nodded. “Sure thing, dear. Whatever you say.”

Holly eyed him as she deadpanned, “You do know, you don’t always have to agree with her, right?”

Mildred gave her husband a quick kiss on the cheek. “He learned a long time ago it was better this way.”

“Don’t we all,” Ben agreed, as he slowly walked up to Holly.

“Watch it,” Holly warned, before she gave him a quick kiss. “Did Jimmy go to sleep?”

“Yeah, he couldn’t stay up no matter how hard he tried.”

“Poor kid. There is always next year.”

“Yeah.” Ben smiled at her, kissing her once more.

“It’s not midnight yet. Stop doing that.” John gagged from the other side of the living room. “I wanna keep down my food.”

“Not my problem,” Holly remarked, as she yanked Ben into her arms to give him another big smacking kiss on the lips.

“Watch your hands there, son, that is my daughter you’re manhandling,” Henry chimed in seeing Ben’s hand go to Holly’s ass.

“She grabbed me, Henry. I have no control where my hands go after that.”

“That’s what I’m talking about.” Mildred spun around to her husband. “This might be better than someone popping out of a cake after all.”

“Do you ever stop talking?” Holly flicked her eyes up.

“No.” Mildred shook her head.

“Figures.” Just as Holly was about to say something else, Waffles waddled his butt into the room and plopped down in front of her. The moment he leaned over to lick Holly’s right foot she snatched it back. “Stop doing that.”

Ben chuckled as Waffles tried to do it again. “It’s your fault you spilled the cheese dip on your foot to begin with, Grace.”

“I cleaned it off.” She narrowed her eyes at her dog.

Ben snickered. “Waffles doesn’t think so.”

“You’re killing me here, Waffles.” Holly pointed to John who was across the room. “Can’t you go bug someone else?”

Waffles looked around the room before turning back to Holly. He then licked her foot one more time.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake.”

“Language, Pumpkin.”

Holly growled snapping her attention to her dad. “Language my ass.”

Henry cocked his brow at her as Ben burst out laughing.

“This is why I love coming over here,” Mildred announced as she sat down with a bowl of popcorn in her lap and watched them.

“Me too.” John grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl as he sat next to Mildred.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Mildred forcefully tugged the food away from John. “You’ve got your own work to deal with.” She jutted her head toward Emma who was on her knees petting Bruce on the other side of the room.

“I’m working on it.”

“Not fast enough,” she replied. An evil smile emerged on Mildred’s face. “Want me to help?”

John’s whole face paled. “God no.”

“You sure? I know people.”

“And that’s what scares me.” John jumped up, the popcorn completely forgotten as he raced over to Emma’s side shielding her from the old woman. When he glanced back toward Mildred, he sent her a glare. “You’re not allowed to talk to her anymore.”

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