Home > Captured (Shadow Guild - Hades & Persephone #3)(13)

Captured (Shadow Guild - Hades & Persephone #3)(13)
Author: Linsey Hall

“Yes.” She went to the counter and began to unpack the picnic basket. “It was fated that Hades would find you, but he couldn’t be allowed to find you too soon, because Chronos would also find you when that happened. You needed to be old enough. Strong enough.”

“Hades was fated to find me, so I never had a chance.”

“A chance to what?” she asked. “To avoid your destiny?”

“I suppose when you put it that way, it sounds bad.”

“You are capable of great things,” Aurelia said. “With any luck, you will have a chance to do them.”

Fates, I hoped I lived up to her expectations.

“Come,” Aurelia said. “Help me prepare dinner.”

I smiled, glad for the distraction. Glad for the opportunity to spend time with my family after we’d been separated for so long.








Later that night, long after we’d finished dinner and retired for the evening, I heard the storm finally fade. I lay in the small bed in one of the guest rooms, the window cracked slightly to let in the sound of the rain.

Hades was out there, somewhere. Likely in the workshop. I’d tried to bring him dinner, but he was nowhere to be found. The fact that I cared was annoying, but at the end of the day, expected.

No matter the complications, I had feelings for him. Really freaking complicated feelings, and I couldn’t help but worry about him.

I climbed from bed and went to the window, pushing it open to reveal a bright night. The clouds had moved on and revealed a brilliant moon hanging heavy in the sky, scattering the sea with diamonds of light.

I heaved a sigh. The moon pulled at me, a feeling so fierce that I couldn’t resist it.

Silently, I left the room, climbing down the stairs and escaping out into the night while my family slept. Whether it was Hades who called to me or just the beautiful scenery, I couldn’t be sure. But I knew I wanted to feel the moonlight on my face. To stand at the cliffs and look out at that sea that glittered so fiercely.

I gave the workshop where Hades slept a wide berth, though I couldn’t help but wonder if he was in there. Was he sleeping on the ground? Even though he was essentially royalty, he seemed to find such hardships easy to endure.

Finally, I reached the edge of the sea cliffs. Far below, waves crashed. I stared down at them, entranced.

As I watched, they broke open, shifting away from something that gleamed golden and bright. In the blink of any eye, a figure rose from the waves. Golden armor clad his muscular form, and he bore a three-pronged trident. His brilliant eyes met mine, and his magic nearly sent me to my knees. The sound of crashing waves and the feeling of surging water was nearly overpowering.

I gasped and stepped back.


Last time I’d seen him, he’d nearly killed us.

Heart pounding, I called upon my magic. Gathering as much as I could, I reached for the weeds deep in the sea, determined to use them to drag Poseidon back to his realm.

When he had risen to my height on the cliff, he held out a hand in a placating gesture. “Be calm. I am not here to attack.”

“Really?” I kept calling upon the weeds down below, forcing them to grow and rise to the surface. Poseidon stood upon a pillar of water. The weeds could grow up and through it, grabbing him by the ankles and dragging him back down.

“Really.” His jaw was set firm. “I was opposed to Hades achieving his goals—I still am. But at present, I am more opposed to Chronos achieving his. You are attempting to stop that, are you not?”

“I’m attempting to stop both of them.” I raised a hand before he could speak. “Though I am not planning to hurt Hades. So don’t think you can convince me to aid you there.”

“You still think he can be saved.”

After the light I’d seen in him and the sacrifices he’d made for me, I did. “Yes.”

“I hope that you are correct.”

“So do I. Why are you really here?”

“I offer aid in defeating Chronos.”

“Then why not offer it to Hades?”

“I did.”

“And he said no.” Of course he’d said no. “But you’re brothers.”

“Technically, by blood or relation, we are not. The myths say it is so, but they do not account for Hades’ true nature.”

“Which is?”

“He is not the same type of being as you or I. While I was born of Chronos and Rhea, along with Zeus and the other main gods, Hades was created from magic itself.”

“But he seems so real. So…human. Or godly, at least.”

“And he is. Time and determination have made him like us, but we are not related in the true sense. He is not related to anyone.”

So lonely. Hades had to be so lonely. I hadn’t had family for a long time, but at least I’d had memories of them. At least I’d known I’d come from somewhere. From someone.

“Hades is aware of our differences,” he said. “He won’t accept our help.”

“Because he’s never had it before. Never had even the promise or thought of it.” I hated this for Hades. Hated learning why I should feel for him, even as I clung to these bits of proof that he wasn’t terrible. That he could be saved.

“Perhaps.” Poseidon shrugged. “Perhaps he’s just a stubborn bastard. But whatever the case, Zeus and I would like to offer our assistance, should you need it to defeat Chronos.” He paused, adding, “Or Hades.”

Defeat Hades.

It was what I planned to do. Kind of. I meant to stop him from taking over the Earth, that was for sure. But defeat Hades sounded so formal and final. Like I was going to kill him or bind him in Tartarus or something. And I totally wasn’t going to do that.

“I don’t think I have the same goals you do,” I said.

“They are close enough.” He reached into a pocket at his hip and withdrew a golden coin. He held it out to me. “Take this. If you need me, throw it to the ground and say my name.”

I reached out and nodded, my heart in my throat. As my fingertips closed over the charm, they flickered, disappearing briefly.

Poseidon’s gaze sharpened as he watched. “You have been cursed as well.”

My mouth flattened. “I fell into the crevasse that led to Tartarus. But Hades saved me.”

“Only partially.” Poseidon’s eyes were shadowed with worry. “Though I am not sure that is what cursed you. You are in trouble.”

“I know. That’s the least of it.” I frowned. “I don’t think I like you.”

“The feeling is not mutual, for I think I like you very much.”

I frowned, unsure of what to say next. Fortunately, the column of water that held him retracted, and he lowered back into the sea.

A shuddery breath escaped me as I put the coin in my pocket. Part of me wanted to chuck it into the ocean after Poseidon, but that would be stupid.

Wind whispered over my face as I stared out to sea, watching the moonlight glitter on the waves. The salty scent of the water contrasted with the smell of the vegetation, and I felt a pang of homesickness. I was standing on the land of my childhood. I rubbed my arms.

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