Home > Mountain Man Seeking Curvy Girl(9)

Mountain Man Seeking Curvy Girl(9)
Author: Autumn Summers

“It’s okay,” I said, placing my hand on top of his. “I want this.”

He kissed me with enough passion to take my breath away. It tender and sweet and everything I ever wanted from a lover. The kiss continued, rising in intensity as he pressed himself against my entrance. After having him in my mouth, I knew firsthand exactly what he was packing and it definitely going to be a tight squeeze. I tried my best to relax but Cole still had to force himself inside, to stretch my insides until I thought I might rip in two. The initial discomfort subsided when he started to rock his hips, driving pleasure into my every inch. Oh, I would say that it was amazing, but that would be something of an insult to what he was doing to me.

His every touch and caress made me that much wilder. If I had been on cloud nine before now I was on the very of leaving the stratosphere. He wasn’t just getting himself off – he was making love to me. He was rocking my entire world and leaving behind one that was beautiful beyond compare.

After my third orgasm, I could barely contain myself. He had wound me up,doing everything right, reading the roadmap to my body. I simply melted into his embrace, dreaming of endless nights just like this one.

I shook harder than the trees outside the windows being ravaged by the storm. Pleasure like this was something I hadn’t even bothered to imagine but with Cole… Fuck, with Cole…

He groaned, his thrusts suddenly becoming more manic. I could tell that he was getting close. And I was right because, after a few more minutes of rocking the bed, he pulled out, shooting his load all over my stomach and panting as if he had ran a marathon. He leaned down and kissed my cheek before heading to the bathroom.

Watching him walk away, I couldn’t believe my luck. What were the odds that I’d find a drop-dead gorgeous guy, who happened to be great in bed while also being incredibly loving.Someone who abided by a set of high moral standings? Honestly, he didn’t seem real, and yet, the pleasure coursing through my body told me that it had been much more than a dream. By some miracle, I had managed to land the perfect guy.


Once we had gotten things cleaned up, Cole moved the bed closer to the fire and took me into his arms. I snuggled close, loving the feeling of being the little spoon. In his embrace, it was easy to feel loved and safe. For a while, I stared into the fire, watching the flames dance. But then I turned around because I thought looking into Cole’s soulful eyes might prove a better sight and it was.

I placed my hand on his chest and felt the steadiness of his heart underneath my palm. Could such a heart beat just for me?

Stalling, I ran my finger across his skin, drawing invisible patterns. The cabin was filled with the sounds of a crackling fire and the rain’s pitter-patter against the window panes. It felt like I was living out a scene from a movie. I didn’t want to ruin the magic that surrounded us.

He held me a little closer, running his fingers through my hair until I felt a shiver running down my spine. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. In every regard, he just seemed too good to be true.

“I hope,” I started, finding that my lips felt incredibly dry, “that you don’t suddenly change on me now that we’ve slept together because I really like the Cole I’ve come to know.”

He cupped my face in his hands and pressed his forehead against mine, holding my gaze as he spoke. “You don’t have to worry about that,” he said. “I only have the one personality – there’s no flip switch. So, if you decide to stay, you’re stuck with me exactly as I am right now.”

Her eyes widened when she realized what he was saying. “Wait… does that mean you want me to stay?”

“I wouldn’t have slept with you if I didn’t.” He caressed my cheek before turning to look up at the ceiling, positioning me so I had my head resting on his chest. As he spoke, he returned to absentmindedly playing with my hair. Did he know how good that felt?

“I meant it when I told you I was looking for a meaningful relationship. When I spend time with someone, I cherish those moments. With you, I found myself clinging to every second because I never wanted it to end. So, yes, maybe it's selfish of me, but I was hoping you would stay.”

I looked up at the ceiling, too. Sure, I could return to the corporate world and go back to being a CEO. That’s what most people would end up doing. They would even call it the sane decision. But why should I have to go back to a job that only succeeded in making me miserable? No. I was happy here and for once, I was going to put my happiness first because what was the point of going through life with dark storm clouds constantly hanging overhead?

“If that’s a legitimate offer and you wouldn’t mind me staying here with you –”

“You’re welcome to stay here, with me, for as long as you want and need. I won’t charge you any rent and you can rest assured that you’d always be living with the same old Cole.”

I laughed at his little sales pitch. “Just promise me that you won’t quit your day job.”

He chuckled. “You’re probably right about that.”

“And I think the right decision for me to make right now is to stay a little longer and see how things go. As long as you’re willing to deal with the same old Skylar.”




The End.



Epilogue (Skylar)

One year later.


It was a beautiful day. Summer had finally made its appearance after a rather soggy spring. And before that, it had been a brutal winter with snowdrifts almost as high as the cabin. Not that getting snowed in was such a bad thing when Cole was around. We certainly found our fair share of ways of keeping each other warm. Some were to be expected like laying by the fire. Others… Let’s just say that we found a few creative solutions, some better than others.

But today, the sun was shining and I was finally able to just sit outside and enjoy the warmth on my skin. Cole had recently finished carving a bench from a rather large piece of oak. He had done it all with a chainsaw which both amazed and terrified me. I kept thinking he would lose his grip and there would be some kind of terrible accident, but Cole had spared us a trip to the hospital and for all my worrying, we did get a very nice bench that was now situated in the garden – and by garden, I mean a patch of wildflowers the local birds had so very kindly planted for me because I had come to learn that I had the very opposite of a green thumb. All of the vegetables Cole had left me in charge of had died shortly after I began messing with them. Cole now does all of the cultivating.

Still, despite a few hiccups on the learning curve, I was loving my time on the mountain and I was loving my time with Cole even more. Every minute with him was one that I cherished. He made me smile more than I had ever smiled before. He just made me happy.

I sighed and laid back, trying to read, but my mind was elsewhere. Up on the mountain, it was easy to daydream because my life was so full of wonderful memories. The last year alone had made up for all the terrible ones before it.

And there was something else on my mind, too.

I threw aside my book, knowing it would only be a waste of time with the way my head was buzzing. What would Cole think? When would be a good time to tell him? Should I keep it to myself for a while and see if he can’t figure it out or do I just come clean and tell him right away? Unable to keep myself still, I got up and decided a walk might help with some of the excited energy running through my body.

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